Green Fox Chapter 17

A freezing cloud enveloped the small party as they left the blue lake behind them. It was still mid-day, but exhaustion was setting in, and they desperately needed a rest. They’d crossed a swift-flowing river via a stone bridge, with water whipped up from the lake, stinging their faces and drenching their clothes. Ice coated their backs and cracked as they walked. A fierce wind greeted them, threatening to lift them off their feet and hurl them against the distant mountains. It tested their endurance and slowed their progress, but Cosi pressed on. Despite the cold, he’d shrugged out of his coat and left it to the mercy of the wind. Without Eva chasing it down, it would have vanished among the rocks.

“Don’t, Cosi, it’s too cold,” Eva cried, but no matter how hard she drove herself, it was impossible to keep up with him and eventually the wind pushed her back. She fell in beside Famor and the ponies, while Cosi strode into the streaming clouds alone.   “We have to turn back,” Turr’s voice barely carried over the roaring wind. He and the other Farans walked on the downwind side of the cart, sheltering as best they could, but they were shivering and close to giving up.   “It’s too dangerous,” Mildred shouted. She’d already chased after her middle son when he was knocked down and sent rolling along the ground.   “Going back will take longer.” Famor pointed to a nearby boulder and turned the ponies from the path they were on. “We can seek shelter there.”   “Are you mad? If we stop in the open, we’ll die. We need to go back to the mine,” Turr said, but Famor urged them on.   They trudged on with Famor navigating they’re way through the rough terrain towards an enormous boulder looming out of the thick cloud. Initially, the humans thought he meant to seek shelter on the leeward side, but as he guided them around, they noticed an opening carved into the rock. Famor gestured for them to enter and then led the ponies in, using the rear of the cart to plug the gap.      
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