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Concise history of Nyrogecia

Every single important even since year 0 till 4215. Be sure to click 'read full story'

Ancient Era

... 0 AE

  • 959 AE

    The fexis discover the Harbringer fruit
    Discovery, Scientific

    The origin of Anux magic has been discovered.

    More reading
    Guide to Anux magic
  • 999 AE

    Dragons banish the other creatures
    Era beginning/end

    The dragons used enchantion magic to banish all the fexies and dracogryths to the Worldbelow, an uninhabited, hostile world below the world where Nyrogecia was.

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Modern Era

1 ME and beyond

  • 23 ME

    Duskclaws are extinct

  • 284 ME

    Dracomancer schools are formed

    After many generations, schools for training powers are built.

    More reading
    Guide to Anux magic
  • 1200 ME

    1931 ME

    Toxiclaw and voltclaw allyship
    Diplomatic action

    Toxiclaws and voltclaws were very close allies, even sharing their territory between themselves, this allieship was formed due to both queens becoming close friends. This allyship would soon horribly fail due to a series of lesser understood events. This soon lead to voltclaws and toxiclaws becoming deadly enemies. Toxiclaw royals formed the famous Cantelona Empire in 1930 much to voltclaw's anger. And in 1931, voltclaws officially started hating toxiclaws.

    Cantelona Empire
  • 1930 ME

    Cantelona Empire formed

    Toxiclaw royals formed the Cantelona Empire

    Cantelona Empire
  • 2086 ME

    The amulet is created
    Artistic creation
    Electric palace
    More reading
    Tempest's amulet
  • 2598 ME

    Void dragon trades
    Political event

    Void dragons are denied trade due to dragon death connected to their exports.

  • 2638 ME

    Scoria's war and Shadetrail's creation
    Military action

    Rogue deserter thieves unaffiliated with Queen Aubade raided and looted a small wealthy city on the outskirts of Queen Scoria's territory, killing some nobles and stealing artefacts in the process. Scoria, enraged, instantly declared war on the light dragons even though they rightfully denied the attack.

    Lava palace
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  • 2639 ME

    2640 ME

    Shadetrail's reign and Scoria's death

    Shadetrail massacres many light dragons until Scoria loses her horn bands in the middle of fighting. He frees himself and kills Scoria, crowning himself king. Shadetrail then continues his war against the deserters until he is imprisoned. He forces everyone to forget about powers.

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  • 2765 ME

    Fall of the Cantelona Empire
    Political event

    Voltians invade Cantelona, destroying the city and killing and enslaving thousands. Due to this, the empire collapses.

    Cantelona Empire
    More reading
    Cantelona Empire
  • 2790 ME

    The Hydradome is built
    Construction beginning/end

    The hydras, after the horror of Shadetrail's reign, move into an underwater dome.

  • 2883 ME

    Echo hatches
    Life, Birth
    Ruby Mountains
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  • 2910 ME

    Snake Sceptre is created
    Artistic creation

    The snake sceptre, historically known as the Cobratail, was created by an unknown light dragon queen.

    Bone-dry Desert
    More reading
    Original Snake Sceptre
  • 3515 ME

    Iceclaws immigrate to Nyrogecia
    Population Migration / Travel

    The iceclaws move to Nyrogecia after finding out of its tundra's existance.

    Glacial Plains
  • 3724 ME

    A portal erupts through Nyrogcia
    Geological / environmental event

    A portal conecting the Worldbelow and Nyrogecia emerges in the abandoned void's kingdom.

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  • 4083 ME

    4085 ME

    War for Cantelon Island
    Military action
  • 4169 ME

    Scorchie hatches
    Life, Birth

    The current ice queen, Queen Sleet meets up with a platinum ranking electric dragon noble during a diplomatic meeting to discuss borders. They meet up later several times and then fall in love and mate. Sleet lays 2 eggs secretly in a crevice outside the palace grounds. Hybrids, especially from royals are forbidden and punishable by death. Sleet wants to keep the kids though. They hatch one night and Sleet notices, horrified, that one of them killed and ate the other. She thinks it’s an accident and takes the other one (Scorchie) to the palace.

    Ice palace
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  • 4169 ME

    4173 ME

    Scorchie is brought up
    Life, Relocation

    Queen Sleet raises Scorchie secretly in her walk-in closet because Scorchie would easily escape the crevice and freeze to death and tells her she will be queen after her.

    Ice palace
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  • 4173 ME

    Sleet dies and Scorchie escapes
    Life, Death

    Ash gets enraged and takes Scorchie out, brings her and Sleet to the main hall where her subjects were gathering and calls Sleet a traitor. She throws Scorchie to the ground and tears Sleet’s throat out. Then she turns her attention to Scorchie but she disappeared. Through shock, Tundra helped Scorchie escape out of the kingdom for Sleet’s sake. Ash holds a huge search for Scorchie but doesn’t find her. Ash leaves and appoints Tundra as the new queen.

    Ice palace
  • 4173 ME

    4177 ME

    Scorchie travels to the varanid's and grows up
    Criminal Activity

    Scorchie travels a looooong way to the venom territory because the thick rainforest, Distant Paradise, would protect her from Ash and her army. No dragon dares enter that place due to its volatile environment and because the varanids have a bad reputation. Growing up, Scorchie trains in the rainforest and kills many venom dragons. She becomes known as the Silent Killer between the venom kingdom. Queen Nightshade is concerned over this but can never catch her.

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  • 4177 ME

    Pyre becomes queen
    Life, Identity

    Tundra’s friend Pyre becomes queen of the fire dragons and Queen Sear dies

    Fire palace
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  • 4179 ME

    Pitch born
    Life, Birth

    Pitch, the daughter of Queen Ebony (dark) is born.

    Dark palace
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  • 4179 ME

    Scorchie meets Carl

    Scorchie is now 10 and one day attacks a random hybrid of dark and water. He (Carl) begs for mercy and promises to do anything she wants. Scorchie thinks for a bit and knows she can use him to help gain support to kill Ash. Scorchie always wanted to get revenge kicking her out of the kingdom. She manipulated him to be friends with her and they soon mate when Carl gets feelings for her.

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  • 4180 ME

    Quark is born
    Life, Birth

    Scorchie lays 4 eggs in a cave. When they hatch, Scorchie decides to torture her kids and rips the wings off of her first born Quark.

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  • 4180 ME

    Queen Tempest notices Ash is dead
    Gathering / Conference

    Queen Tempest the voltian queen notices that Ash has suspiciously disappeared in the venom kingdom and further spreads rumours about the varanids. The two kingdoms always hated eachother historically.

    Electric palace
  • 4180 ME

    Scorchie kills Ash
    Life, Crime

    Nightshade contacts Ash to exterminate Scorchie. They fight and Scorchie kills Ash.

  • 4186 ME


    Quark kills Scorchie
    Life, Crime

    Scorchie neglected their needs and forced them to constantly battle each other. When the dragons were 6 years old, Scorchie forced them to battle to death and Quark won. Quark saw this as an opportunity to challenge Scorchie and somehow ‘killed’ her and escaped. Scorchie obviously survived and vowed to kill Quark some day. Scorchie remained livid and bitter over Quark and remained in Nightshade’s territory. At the time, Scorchie’s plan on being queen was shoved into the back of her mind.

  • 4186 ME


    Quark becomes a scientist
    Life, Career

    Quark remained living as a rogue but travelled south into Shadowleaf Forest. She met up with a junior scientist in training (Eldok) looking for dragon skull samples. She acted hostile to him but he convinced her to come with him to the science institute for shelter. Quark goes with him and starts training to become a scientist. She finally finds peace there.

  • 4186 ME


    Nightshade bribes Scorchie
    Diplomatic action

    Nightshade bribes Scorchie to finally leave them alone and become queen of the skifters instead.

    Venom palace
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  • 4186 ME


    Scorchie is queen and starts war with Tundra
    Political event

    Scorchie becomes queen by forcing Tundra out of her own kingdom and starts a small war.

    Ice palace
  • 4186 ME


    Viper is born
    Life, Birth

    At around this time, a light ice and fire tribrid (Viper) is born in the HQ of the dragon power harvesters. They secretly find abandoned dragon eggs all around the continent that are lighter than normal and raise them in the hopes that they have powers in the Silentland. Viper is discovered to have mind control powers.

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  • 4187 ME

    Tempest kills Splinter
    Life, Death

    Queen Tempest the electric dragon queen hears of Scorchie becoming queen. She becomes suspicious of her group of platinum rank dragons as one of them must have mated with Sleet during a meeting. She tricks Splinter into revealing that he is her dad by telling the dragons that she will reward them if they tell her who did it. She kills Splinter.

    Electric palace
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  • 4188 ME

    Pitch is queen
    Life, Identity

    Pitch becomes queen of the dark dragons. She is desperate to become a good queen and struggles to control her subjects. A spy from the DPH group that lived in the dark palace takes note of this and plans to try ruin her reputation. Xanax the dark dragon spy goes back to HQ and tells them he needs to make Pitch ‘discover’ an ancient book about powers in her library and get convinced to buy mind control powers from the HQ. He is so hellbent on ruining her reputation because he wants to be king and take revenge on earth dragons for a conflict that happened in his past.

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  • 4189 ME

    Algid is born
    Life, Birth

    3 years later Scorchie finally agrees to let her biggest fan mate with her (Cryogenic). So now she has to raise Princess Algid, but she ate the other 4 eggs to reduce the amount she has to raise. Cryogenic is so fucking happy cause of this.

    Ice palace
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    Ice kingdom
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  • 4189 ME

    4190 ME

    Tempest and Scorchie meet
    Diplomatic action

    Queen Tempest was closely observing Scorchie and her kingdom and then proposed an allyship because she knew how powerful Scorchie and her kingdom became. They then ruin the varanids reputation.

    Darkmist Island
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  • 4191 ME

    Pitch buys mind control
    Criminal Activity

    Pitch finds Xanax’s ancient book (Xanax puts it in her room) and begins reading it. She becomes fascinated by the concept of owning powers and being able to control her entire kingdom. She thinks she is doing the right thing. She leaves and goes to the portal (the location where it is is, in the book) to the HQ to buy mind control from Viper that she transferred to her claw necklace. Now she can wear the necklace and she will have mind control. Pitch return to the kingdom and uses her necklace to control all of her subjects. They aren't controlled 24/7 but are just prevented from doing unfavourable things. Pitch controls who likes who and who is friends with who. When Luster moves in she starts to love her and controlled her into loving her back.

  • 4192 ME

    4207 ME

    Wilbur is born and becomes a scientist
    Life, Birth

    In the science institute, Quark is now a chemist. She loves Eldok awww. She mates with him and Wilbur, Ravi and Octavia are born. Octavia and Ravi decided to stay with Eldok’s family in the air kingdom because they hated science. Wilbur started training to become a physicist and astronomer.

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  • 4194 ME

    4205 ME

    Luster hatching and early life
    Life, Birth

    Luster, Tungsten and Dawn are born to Queen Glaze. Luster the light dragon princess becomes queen in 4201 after having to kill her mom, she gets traumatised. She has trouble controlling her subjects and soon many want her assassinated along with traitorous group leader, Cyrus.

    Light palace
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  • 4206 ME

    Luster leaves the kingdom
    Life, Relocation

    Luster leaves the deserters and seeks refuge with Queen Pitch. Pitch is surprised at first but accepts her as a new citizen.

    Dark palace
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  • 4207 ME

    Scorchie burns down the NRSI
    Disaster / Destruction

    Scorchie’s fire dragon slaves burnt down the institute. Quark along with Wilbur survived but she had no idea whether Eldok did as she was quickly detained by the troops.

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  • 4207 ME


    Algid leaves Scorchie
    Life, Relocation

    Algid finds out about the carnage Scorchie commits and leaves Scorchie. Scorchie calls her a traitor and also starts a small war with her.

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  • 4207 ME

    4208 ME

    Viper and Wilbur's relationship
    Life, Relationship change

    Wilbur finds Viper, they become mates and Nova is born.

    Spear Lake
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  • 4209 ME

    Wilbur moves to the dark palace
    Life, Relocation

    After spending some time raising Nova in the wild he moves into the dark palace. Nova starts schooling and Wilbur becomes a scientist there. Pitch sets her sights on Wilbur without Luster's knowledge. Nova and Alabaster are in the same class and become friends.

  • 4213 ME

    Quark is freed
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Cryogenic frees Quark and she tries to find her son. She ends up reuniting with her family.

    Ice palace
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  • 4213 ME

    Daybreaker hatches and becomes queen
    Life, Birth

    Daybreaker, Cyrus' and Dawn's daughter becomes queen straight after hatching.

    Bone-dry Desert
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  • 4213 ME


    Scorchie kills Pyre and Inflame is queen
    Criminal Activity

    Pyre leads an attack on Scorchie's kingdom but they lose horribly and Scorchie tortures and murders Pyre.

    Ice palace
  • 4214 ME

    Nova finds the book of powers

    Nova one day finds Xanax's book about powers in the nocturne's main library.

    Dark palace
  • 4214 ME


    Viper comes back and Pitch is dethroned

    After gone missing for 5 years Viper returns to the dark kingdom and meets Wilbur again.

    Dark palace
  • 4214 ME


    Pyros move in with deserters
    Population Migration / Travel

    The pyros, after Queen Inflame considered it, move in with deserters due to their worsening famine.

    Bone-dry Desert
  • 4214 ME


    Luster returns to the light kingdom
    Life, Relocation

    Luster returns to the light kingdom after being tricked by Pitch. Dawn tells her to live in the outskirts.

    Bone-dry Desert
  • 4214 ME


    Viper explains powers
    Discovery, Scientific

    Viper and her family along with Alabaster move out and live in the wild in the plains in the air kingdom. She reveals that powers are indeed real and that she once had mind control powers that were bought by Pitch. She explains her up bringing as well. Nova is convinced that this is real because of the book she found about powers (she left it on one of the tables). Wilbur is skeptical but doesn't want to hurt Viper. They decided that they should try getting rid of Scorchie somehow, after the horror that Quark and Wilbur faced.

  • 4214 ME


    The Trinarion is formed

    Pitch goes to Scorchie for help, Scorchie finds out about powers and decides to use her and forms the Trinarion.

    Ice palace
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