Tiamat- Goddess of Vengeance Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Tiamat- Goddess of Vengeance

Mother of Dragons

"Your world is flawed and full of corruption. I have arrived, to cleanse the land and reshape it in my own image!" -Tiamat, Goddess of Vengeance
Tiamat, also known as the "Rebel Dragon", the "Unbound", "Five-Headed Dragon", the "Indignant" and "Divine Dragon Mother" is the Celestial God of vengeance, rebellion, destruction, Dragons, protection of kin, fury and elements.

Tiamat, the Guardian of Dragon Kin, stands as both the origin and sovereign of all dragons. Crafted by Holactie - The Creator of Light , she encapsulates both the perfection and imperfection inherent in these majestic creatures, serving as their progenitor and the wellspring from which all dragons emerge. Holding the esteemed title of the Mother of Dragons, Tiamat commands unparalleled authority and reverence within dragonkind.

  In her role as the dragon ruler, Tiamat wields immense power and sagacity. Her form is nothing short of awe-inspiring, with expansive wings that stretch majestically and scales adorned with a myriad of hues, reflecting the rich diversity of dragonkind. Tiamat's very presence demands respect and instills fear, for she embodies the primal forces that dragons represent.

  Throughout The Celestial War, Tiamat initially fought alongside the forces of light, aligning herself with the principles of righteousness and order. Her strength and wisdom played pivotal roles in numerous battles, and her multi-elemental breath and formidable claws struck terror into the hearts of adversaries. However, as millennia passed, Tiamat became disillusioned with what she perceived as incompetence and ineffective leadership within the forces of light.

  The tipping point for Tiamat arrived when she witnessed her cherished offspring, the dragons, sent into futile and senseless conflicts. The loss of thousands of her kin fueled an overwhelming sense of anguish and fury within Tiamat. Driven to madness by what she perceived as betrayal and callousness from the forces of light, she ultimately rebelled against them.

  In her rebellion, Tiamat led a faction of fiercely devoted dragons against the forces of light, aiming to reclaim agency and safeguard her kin. This initiated a brutal and cataclysmic confrontation with the Archons. Despite the formidable power of the Archons, they refrained from outright destroying Tiamat, recognizing the dire consequences of her obliteration.

  Instead, the Archons chose to seal Tiamat away, confining her to a place where her power could be contained. Though bound, Tiamat's imprisonment left an enduring impact on the celestial realms.

  Several millenia later, Tiamat's ancient seal would break and with it, her swift escape back into the world. As Tiamat, the resurfaced Mother of Dragons, unleashed her wrath upon the world, chaos and devastation cascaded in her wake. Transformed into the Goddess of Vengeance, her power had ascended to unimaginable heights, causing continents to tremble beneath the weight of her retribution for past injustices.

Tiamat unleashed her pent up fury upon this new and weakened world. Rallying thousands of dragons to her side as their mother and sworn protecter, the world quaked beneath her boot. No god or nation strong enough to face the ancient Tiamat and her hordes of dragons. Except the Mortal God Yang Kai- The Great Yang. Yang Kai ruler of the Yang Empire, savior of the dragons and mortal turned god. At his command were the most powerful and loyal army in the world, as well as all of the Celestial Dragons, Azure Dragons, Star Dragons and Gold Dragons. The most powerful dragons alongside with strongest army, all of which were led by a god.

Yang Kai would meet the extreme power of Tiamat head on. In a war of dragons, gods and heroes, the clash between Tiamat and Yang Kai reverberated through the very foundations of the plant. The skies were set ablaze with fire, and the earth quivered beneath the impact of their mighty clash. The celestial dragons, emanating awe-inspiring power, valiantly contested Tiamat's horde of vengeful dragons, steadfast in their determination to halt her destructive advance.

After the greatest extent of valor and sacrifice, Yang Kai would successfully thwart Tiamat and defeat her dragon horde. He would banish her back to her dormat state, sealing her once more. However the seal made by Archlord Kristya and the Archons could not be replicated, as it was of divine craftsmenship. Although Tiamat was sealed, with the seal already broken once, Tiamat's return is inevitable.


  "I am, and have always been, a creator." -Tiamat, Mother of Dragons

In the celestial theater woven by Holactie - The Creator of Light, amidst the creation of powerful beings to embody her divine supremacy, Tiamat emerged as the initial draft of a truly formidable race. Holactie envisioned a race that would not only display immense might but also stand as a testament to her sovereign authority. Tiamat, in essence, was the first prototype of this divine design.

From the loom of creation, Holactie conceived Tiamat with five distinctive heads, each representing an aspect of her grand design. Tiamat was the quintessence of draconic power, a living embodiment of the raw forces of nature and the celestial. As the prototype, Tiamat would serve as the progenitor, the wellspring from which the entire Dragon race would flow.   From each of Tiamat's five heads, a dragon was born, unique in its essence yet tethered to the primeval power of their forebear. Each head bore the essence of an elemental force, be it fire, ice, lightning, poison, or acid. These diverse elements, woven into the fabric of Tiamat's being, would be inherited by the dragons that sprung forth from her. Thus, every dragon, while not an exact replica of Tiamat, carried within them a fragment of her extraordinary power and elemental affinity.   The dragons, descending from the five heads of Tiamat, became a myriad of diverse beings, each with its own strengths, abilities, and elemental affinities. Tiamat, in her role as the leader and progenitor, not only granted her essence to these dragons but also instilled in them the fierce determination and indomitable will that defined her own nature.   Holactie, observing the success of her divine creation, saw in Tiamat the blueprint for the dragon race. Tiamat, the mother of all dragons, stood as a living testament to the might and grandeur that dragons could achieve. Her purpose as the leader of the dragonkind was established, and from her manifestation, the dragons flourished, each echoing the elemental symphony of their progenitor, Tiamat.

Divine Domains

As the Goddess of Vengeance, Rebellion, Destruction, Dragons, Protection of Kin, Fury and Elements, Tiamat is empowered by many things.

Although Tiamat is empowered by the occurence of her divine domains, when a dragon does so, it is even more empowering. 

Since Tiamat is a dragon with mastery in several elements, she is seen as the goddess of elements, which all dragons inherit.

Protecting your kin is not only a great source of power for Tiamat, but it also earns much respect from Tiamat.

Rebeling and destroying are things that Tiamat as actively done and she is seen as the goddess of it.

There is no vengeance without fury.

Tenets of Faith

Tiamat has very few worshippers and followers, even among her Dragon offspring, due to her dormant state and her rebellious nature. 
Most of the dragons that follow her are chaotic, violent, rebellious, free-spirited dragons that are share her qualms.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To bring in an age of Dragon Supremacy upon the world

Personality Characteristics


As the mother of dragons, Tiamat cares deeply for her children. And during The Celestial War her offspring died endlessly, and due to poor leadership, Dragon lives were thrown like rocks. Tiamat enraged at the loss of so many dragons, rebelled against the forces of light in order to save her offspring from anymore suffering and to avenge those that were lost.

After Tiamat was freed from her seal, she saw the immense amount of change in the world, but the state of the dragons was not to her liking, many dragons had to reside deep in mountains and caves in order to protect themselves from being hunted, hiding like rats. Tiamat would bring about a new order in the world, a world where dragons ruled over all others.
Divine Classification
Celestial God
Lawful Neutral(Before Rebellion) Neutral Evil(After Rebellion)
Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Mother of Dragons
Goddess of Vengeance
Rebel Dragon
Five-Headed Dragon
Wrathful Matron
Vindicator of Scaled Offspring
Divine Dragon Mother
Goddess of Wyrmkind
Matron of Draconia

Celestial Avenger
Currently Held Titles
Circumstances of Birth
Created by Holactie
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Chromatic Dragon Scales

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