Celestial God Rank/Title in Oros | World Anvil
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Celestial God

Celestial Gods are deities born after the birth of Oros and before the Cataclysm. Most of the celestial gods are creations of the Primordial Gods and wield great influence in the world.

The Celestial gods are Asophiel- Lord of Hell, Hestia - The Bringer of Light, Archlord Kristya, Bellerophon- Harbinger of Aaglafa, Ib- Fairy Goddess, Tiamat- Goddess of VengeanceKhaine- God of Murder and Zaphkiel.

Asophiel is a former Celestial that would ascend to god status by creating his own realm Infernia through a grand sacrifice. He would create the Demons and fight against Archlord Kristya and Bellerophon in The Celestial War.
Hestia is the first of the celestial gods and was created by Holactie - The Creator of Light to grant light to the world of Oros and Hestia is that light, for she is the sun.
Archlord Kristya is a creation of Holactie and leader of the celestials, he would lead the light forces in the legendary Celestial War
Bellerophon is a spawn of Grapha- God of Death & Darkness that was created to enact Aaglafa, he would fight against the forces of light and demons.
Ib is a creation of Holactie and made to be the leader of the Fairy race and the Fey and to be the queen of the Fairy Realm.
Tiamat is a creation of Holactie that is tasked with being the genesis and leader of all dragons.
Khaine is a Primordial Dark Elf that ascended to godhood through extreme worship. He is the king of the dark elves and their mighty god.
Zaphkiel is a former celestial that would ascend to godhood through unknown means.

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