Post Invasion

A Crystal Changed the course of history.

  • 2023

    22 /10

    8 /2

    1st Invasion
    Military action

    An army from Outer Plane 1 invades Earth through a Crystal  that appears in the Indian ocean causing a volcanic ash cloud. In exploring the ash cloud forces found the crystal and the army and were met with immediate aggression. Earth's forces rallied together and eventually fought back the invaders who returned through the Crystal. Total Losses - 318 Million People
    First Invasion

  • 2024


    Volcanic Aftermath
    Geological / environmental event

    The ash cloud formed from the eruption of the Flume Crystal blocked out much of the sky and spread across the earth dissipating slowly over the next 2 years. This environmental impact caused more deaths and led to resource fighting in Southern Asia and Australia.

  • 2025


    Flume Crystal Initial Research
    Discovery, Scientific

    The United Nations took on initial research into the Flume Crystal. Over this first period, some details about the Flume Crystal were discovered. The Crystal was noted to break off small pieces every so often, deemed Flume Gems, and an energy signature was found later called Ether. Not a lot was learned about the ability to use this energy as the results of testing varied without notable reason.
    One particular research team, led by Istaki Waddiche, focused on the possibility of the Flume Crystal connecting to alternate realities.
    Another research team was able to discover that the flume gems could be shaped or built into Flume Constructs which would allow for some unique results. Some of these objects and structures were found to manipulate weather or natural growth, others seemed to change shape temporarily to fit unique needs. Some were even discovered to temporarily form barriers or weapons. In all cases, the devices required either unique users or masses of people to shape the Ether energy through the gems.

  • 2027

    18 /9

    Establishment of Terra Dvaar

    The island formed by the crystal is deemed Terra Dvaar. The base camp of the invaders from Outer Plane 1, is converted and expanded upon to be a small city. The city and island are governed by the United Nations though the land and ocean space were owned by the Rikdome Family. Its resources and trade have reshaped much of Earth's economic structure.

  • 2032

    28 /4

    Catastrophe of Kamchatka
    Disaster / Destruction

    Russian research teams in an effort to create their own Flume Crystal, drill into the volcanic rock of Kamchatka with their collection of Flume Gems. This causes a new volcanic eruption that results in the decimation of the peninsula and the loss of 400,000 Russian lives. In the aftermath, many countries ban the use of Flume Gems.

  • 2037

    2 /5

    Call from Limbo
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A young researcher working with the Waddiche Family discovers a calling message from within the Flume Crystal. They believe the message is from outside of our plane. Decoding the message reveals an entity, calling themselves Freit, has instructions for how to reach them. There is the promise of greater understanding and the United Nations puts its full effort into preparing for this journey, including assembling an elite team of 6 and constructing a detailed platform out of Flume Gems.

  • 2038

    25 /11

    First Journey to Limbo

    A team of 6 scientists and diplomats take the first step into Limbo. Following the instructions given in the message almost 2 years ago, they enter the platform and are transported away. 1 full day later some of the team returns. They met with an entity named Freit who explained much more about the potential for Ether, Flume Crystal, and Flume Gems. They also gave the knowledge of a Hero-type entity that could come from Earth's peoples called Avatars and of the ability to travel between planes through the space called Limbo.
    3 of the travelers did not make it back including the 2 primary Waddriche scientists. They had apparently tried to journey beyond the platform created by Freit and were torn into nothing by the vapors of the in-between world. Upon return, the platform shattered blocking Earth's ability to return by those means. They also came with the fearful knowledge that more planes or invaders could come.

  • 2039

    Expanding on Research
    Discovery, Scientific

    After the contact with Freit, research across the world and on Terra Dvaar ramped up. Driven by the possible threat of new invasions, the potential abilities of Avatars, and the capabilities to explore beyond our plane, focused research expanded, specifically in these areas.

    Find and train Avatars at the new Waddiche Academy 

    Explore Limbo using Avatar Units and search for new planes

    Find how Freit was able to directly transport people

  • 2039

    18 /1

    1st Avatar Sparring Game
    Cultural event

    The first Sparring Games between the first real Avatar Units is had and broadcast globally and becomes the largest televised event in history. Subsequent Sparring games have continued to break this record.

  • 2040

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    Discovery Outer Plane 2
    Discovery, Exploration

    After a year of very cursory exploration a group of Avatars journey to Earth's first neighbor, Outer Plane 2, After spending a day here they determine the plane has no intelligent life but appears to have a history of civilization and even some monsters.

  • 2040

    27 /12

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    Discovery Outer Plane 3 Primmar
    Discovery, Exploration

    A group of Avatars discovers Outer Plane 3, known as Primmar. This plane is inhabited by a civilization that originally thought Earth to be invaders. Captured, the Avatars were able to prove their innocence and set up a treaty by assisting in clearing the name of one of their merchant lords.

  • 2041

    9 /3

    22 /4

    2nd Invasion
    Military: War

    Earth's preparations and the Avatars of Waddiche Academy are tested. Forces recognized from Outer Plane 1 come in an assault through a Slip Gate to Earth. This time they have forces with them later determined to be from another plane, Outer Plane 4. The forces initially attempt to siege Terra Dvaar and gain control of the area around the Flume Crystal. They meet resistance and are forced to regroup but take control of the Island of Sri Lanka. Here they set defenses and launch attacks across the world using powerful magics that teleport monsters into far-off cities.
    Avatars from Earth are able to answer the aggressors and fend off the monsters and eventually, the invading forces fled but not without Earth suffering casualties. Some of the Avatars and scientists are even taken as prisoners.
    Civilian Losses - 74 Million
    Second Invasion

  • 2041

    2 /7

    Arrival of the Clarivoyant
    Political event

    Manon De’Salves - Scarlet Canary, a new Avatar with very high Ether conduction levels, begins to develop Avatar abilities related to Divination and becomes a person Earth begins to look to for both protection from future threats and guidance as to our future.

  • 2041

    26 /10

    Ether Spikes
    Geological / environmental event

    A new technology created to read energy signatures of Flume Gems brought into Limbo and other planes picks up a massive spike in energy by a group of Avatar Units at the Limbo Guard post.

  • 2043

    Unnaturally High Ether Conduction
    Life, Milestone

    Waddiche Academy researchers, using tech to search out and find Avatars, discover 4 individuals with record high levels of Ether Conduction. These individuals are sought out and the people of Earth begin to get excited that as this group grows they may have the skills needed to rescue the missing people from the last invasion .

  • 2044

    14 /5

    Two New Planes
    Discovery, Exploration

    Two separate Avatar Units are sent on an exploration into Limbo in an attempt to find a missing team from earlier in the year. Each team returns with new discoveries.

    One finds the fate of the missing team on a new plane, Outer Plane 5, where the missing team seems to have fallen to a land swarming with spirits A single Avatar was rescued from this mission. They did note a city in the distance that may be explored later if we ever continue to explore. It was also noted that some of the spirits slipped through to Limbo into the space surrounding the Slip Gate.

    The second team found another plane, Outer Plane 6 called Godsbreath, there seems to be a population of people here that seem unaware of the Flume Crystal on their plane and appear to be friendly though there is a clear language barrier.