Prologue - Chapter 1 synopsis

General Summary

Sabishi Uchiha of the hidden leaf village, Saiyuri Shima of the hidden rain and Kiyoko Akemi of the hidden sound village were each selected as representatives in The Shinobi Alliance, a project being started to take in shinobi from any village to make a united force that looks after the best interest of the world. They were to be led by a representative from the hidden sand village, a volunteer named Aki Hiro. When these students arrived at the alliance headquarters they were greeted by Aki who instructed them of their responsibilities. When they accepted he immediately tested their abilities by summoning three cloth puppets armed with swords.
  Kiyoko rushed the puppet in front of her and struck it down with her bo staff as Sabishi used his water style to strike down his own puppet. Saiyuri was dodging the slashes of her foe when Kiyoko appeared at her side and, performing a magnificent spinning strike, took out the last target mid-strike. At this Aki congratulated and formally accepted the students. Though he claimed that he would have to return to his village to finish some paperwork before he could continue, he had an ally that would be supervising the party who brought his own student, Kenshi, to be a part of the team.
  When the group walked outside to meet their allies Sabishi was immediately challenged by Kenshi, and though the Uchiha reigned supreme Kenshi displayed considerable power and an interesting Ice kekkei genkai. Macho informed the party he would be giving them a survival exercise where they must hunt and gather their own food for 1 week. Hearing no objections Macho led the group to the forest where he instructed them to go hunt while he set up camp. The group split up and went their separate ways.
  Kiyoko stumbled across a white stag and while the two locked eyes Kiyoko used her wood style to form a ring of spikes around its neck that quickly decapitated the creature and though she struggled to get the body back to camp she was successful in her adventure and was the first one back at camp. Sabishi on the other hand found himself locked in battle with an owlbear cub and as the two fought each other to the death Sabishi was able to secure the victory, though the beast weighed nearly as much as the young boy himself Sabishi hauled it back to the camp. Saiyuri also found herself meeting a white doe that after a brief moment allowed the young girl to ride on its back. This went well until the two came upon a steep drop near a river. Saiyuri instructed the deer to jump and, following her word, got injured. The deer, in response flung her from its back sending her heading straight for a cluster of rocks on the riverbed. Saiyuri landed safely and was able to spot a nude Kenshi who had, apparently, gone skinny dipping in the river.
  Averting her gaze Saiyuri went back into the forest and, much to her dismay was the now thankfully clothed Kenshi. The two then began searching for the deer and upon finding their prey hunted it for sport. Kenshi carried it back to camp where they found Kiyoko in the middle of cooking as Macho assisted Sabishi with properly skinning the owlbear. The rest of the exercise was filled with Macho teaching the group how to survive and putting them through rigorous training.
  During this week long period of time Kenshi, Sabishi, and Saiyuri went to investigate some odd noises they had been hearing in the forest. There they found a giant weasel that with a single breath was able to push Kenshi back 10ft against a tree. This turned out to be the pet of a young genin from the sound village named Itachi. For his part Itachi was apologetic and agreed to keep the noise down. The party found it agreeable to let Itachi and his pet stay in the nearby cave so long as there were no major disruptions. The party then returned to the rest of the group to finish their survival exercise.
by Vivi

  Once the week was over the team retuned to Alliance Headquarters under the leadership of Aki of the hidden sand village as the first team officially recognized by the Shinobi Alliance. Their first mission was to go to the hidden sound village, Kiyoko Akemi's homeland to investigate some poachers who had caused minor damage to one of the walls to the animal sanctuary. Though Aki is hesitant to help Ryochi due to personal reasons he leads the party to the village with no argument. On the way there few threats are encountered and the party keeps themselves entertained with casual conversation, smoke breaks with Saiyuri's gigglebush and minor competitions.
by Vivi

  Upon arriving at the sound village and meeting with the Otokage it was clear that Kiyoko wasn't entirely comfortable. Ryochi, for his part, was apologetic about having to ask the alliance to investigate such a trivial problem, but when prodded by his assistant, told the party that he believes a mist ninja may be involved. The Mizukage is an unpleasant person who can let her anger get the best of her. He suspects that one of the group was injured by an white stag, and that this species is being hunted for its pelts which can be sold at high value and antlers that can be used for medicine. He also tells an old story of how the stag is said to be able to sense evil in mankind and will try to stop it at all costs.
  The party is then led by the head of security to where the attack on the facility was. It appears the targets went out of their way to remove one of the barrier tags, then used some form of explosives to break through the wall. Inside a ways there's a scratched mist headband near a small trail of blood. The head of security claims that the guards heard nothing and regularly patrol the area. Whoever done it is talented and smart. They avoided patrol and intentionally attacked the weakest part of the establishment. Aki continues asking questions as the younger members continue investigating the area. The genin ask Aki to investigate a clue they found that leads deeper into the forest while they follow the enemies blood trail to an exit point. Upon doing so they find the path that the enemy group used to retreat into the woods near the sanctuary walls, and set up an ambush for them if they were to travel back through it.
  This turned out to be an excellent plan as just a few hours later a patrol of what looked to be bandits led by a member of hidden mist village. This ninja is Hanzo Rigeki, the youngest member of the 7 swordsmen of the mist and owner of Nuibari, the sewing needle. As Sabishi, Kenshi, Saiyuri and Kiyoko hid in the trees over the ambush site they prepared a plan to strike down the followers before working together to fight the mist ninja. This plan primarily succeeded, Sabishi and Kenshi were the first to strike with Sabishi stunning three of the bandits with his sharingan as Kenshi struck two down with his taijutsu leaving Hanzo between the two shinobi.
  No words were needed as Hanzo flung his blade at Kenshi, who thankfully dodged the attack but was struck with a backhanded strike that knocked him down. Hanzo prepared to deliver another strike with his blade when wood sprouted from under the ground, wrapping around Hanzo as Kiyoko dived down, crashing into him as her wood style wrapped around his form temporarily stopping him from attacking. This gave the party a chance to speak to the hidden mist shinobi who claims to have left his village because he didn't like their ways, he was then able to provoke Sabishi into a battle.
by Vivi

  The two faced each other in equal combat and Hanzo was able to prevail, though not without being dealt significant damage. Seeing Sabishi fall, Kenshi stepped in to challenge the mist ninja himself. Hanzo, knowing the extent of his injuries accepted the battle and dealt with his foe in quick order, wrapping the boy in steel string before piercing Kenshi's chest with his blade. As his blood dripped down his body, something overtook Kenshi. An icy cold chakra that wrapped around his body with a frosty blue hue. Kenshi was a Jinchurikki and had acquired the tailed beast cloak. At this time Aki had returned to the group and erected a large barrier around Kenshi using 4 puppets at once.
  Aki informed the group that they would have to contain Kenshi, to burn off as much of the beasts chakra as possible so they could suppress it and strengthen the seal holding it back. Sabishi and Hanzo entered the barrier and began to fight against Kenshi while attempting to one up the other. Saiyuri and Kiyoko provided assistance and support at Aki's instruction. As this battle continued more tailed beast energy consumed Kenshi and grew in strength until he grew 3 tails and struck down Sabishi with a brutal strike. Aki used one of his puppets to catch Sabishi as Kiyoko used her wood style to restrain Kenshi momentarily. Saiyuri flooded the barrier with her smoke style and mere moments after she did, the 9 tailed wolf appeared. Shattering the barrier entirely. Aki in great haste gathered all the shinobi in his various puppets before reverse summoning them back to alliance headquarters.
  As Aki stayed and fought the beast Sabishi and the rest of the genin were made to rest and met with a new teammate. Yoro Hatake and the chosen leader for team 2, Inozuna Yamanaka. Inozuna, seeing the students restless as they waited or their teacher to return or send word of his survival, led the group on a mission to take down a local bandit leader with a small bounty on his head. Hanzo Rigeki chose to join them as it meant getting out of headquarters. The party decided to check out the nearby casino the gang was said to frequent. The team gathered their intel through stealth before one of the patrons insulted Hanzo which led to a large brawl.
  Upon leaving the casino the team made it to the bandits warehouse. Inozuna was to dispatch the main forces as the genin made their way to the target. A large battle broke out and in the end the team was successful in striking down the foe with Sabishi dealing the killing blow with a chidori through the target's chest. Upon returning back to headquarters the party is informed of Aki's return, that he with the aid of several sound shinobi and Macho Savage who was near the area, were able to capture the nine tails and that he will be placed in a puppet sealed underneath HQ until the Kage Council is over where it will be decided what is to happen with it.
by vivi

  At this council all Kage and leaders from various lands appeared, including the representative from The Nordic Isles. An Island nation that had never had a stable presence in the shinobi world due to the great distance and many natural dangers. The leader King Ragna, declared that they had found a way to strengthen their ships and guide the waters safely, stating that they would be more present and as a sign of good faith wanted to host the chunin exams. Stating that the exams would be a good opportunity to see the upcoming military potential of each nation should war break out over the 9 tails sudden capture. Mist shinobi had already expressed desire to fight the snow, their mortal enemies who until now were though to have the beast.
  This was agreeable at the time and it was decided that the 9 tails should stay under alliance custody, as the utmost sign of good faith. If war is to break out, it is the duty of the allied teams to end it at any cost. The mist, as obvious aggressors are to be opposed. This was all expected and the Raikage even suggested the snow simply forfeit and give the mist their land to be of greater use. This was opposed heavily by the snow who refused to give up their nations' independence.
  In the weeks that followed team 1 was trained by Aki who led them through extensive training. They decided to take on a mission in the meantime, a cave was found by some villagers nearby, except nobody sent in ever returned. Upon finding and investigating the cave it was determined to be a hideout of some variety. The party was split and had to find their way back as a group, luckily Kiyoko had used her wood style to plant a tracking seed on every member of the team and as such was able to guide the team back together. Once all together the group found a door, when they opened it they found a large, open room with many pillars holding up the stone ceiling, a robed man kneeled before a statue. Suddenly corpses of villagers attacked the team from nowhere as the figure summoned a flesh golem. Aki revealed that the man was Daitan Kiruku, an extremely dangerous criminal.
by Vivi

  Daitan told the group that they wouldn't be leaving and launched in to attack. He struck Hanzo with a fierce blow before attacking the rest of the team. Aki tried to help the team to escape and block attacks from the criminal as Yoro, Saiyuri and Kiyoko dealt with the flesh golem. Hanzo, Sabishi and Aki battled Daitan in fierce combat until until the flesh golem was burned away, Kiyoko restrained Daitan's form and Sabishi tried to deliver another chidori to him. Daitan escaped and the group found themselves transported outside of the cave, that was now gone from where it had been. A note was in front of Kiyoko.
  The note instructed her to return when she was alone to learn more about her past. She did as she was told and returned under nightfall where she was told that there were mental blocks on her restricting her access to certain memories. Daitan has the ability to remove them, but she would need to given him access to the memories. She asked to think about it and left.
  There was little time to rest however and thus the groups had to take on another mission, a training exercise in which the majority of the party went to Nadeshiko village to help their young students see how outside ninja may deal with different situations, during this time Kiyoko waited at HQ incase Kenshi awoke, having remembered the boy from her past once the beast was released. While Kiyoko and Aki were at HQ Inozuna was leading the team of herself, Saiyuri, Sabishi, and new recruit Yoro Hatake.
  The mission was a simple one, once they arrived at Nadeshiko village they were to meet with the leader of the village Tamiko Mazashi, she would instruct them that they were to harvest the seeds from a specific poisonous plant that they grow in the area as some of the young academy students were to watch from a safe distance. This turned out to be quite difficult as the plants were not only able to exude a toxic gas when it felt threatened but would shoot cannonball sized seeds that are coated in a corrosive poison. Through use of Saiyuri's smoke style they were able to capture several different seeds for the village and were able to dispatch 3 of the plants so their poison could be harvested by the students. The team was thanked for their help and sent back to HQ with an open offer to Saiyuri to join the village if ever she desired.
  When the group returned they were informed of the coming chunin exams. They needed to prepare immediately to head to the land of hot springs. The journey was fairly peaceful as was the groups time there. Sabishi bought a cloak, Saiyuri went to a nice restaurant and the rest of the group spent most of their time visiting the area and enjoying their time in the pacifistic village. Aki bought a large bountiful breakfast for the group and they went their ways to differing hot springs.
  Saiyuri and Kiyoko had gone to one of the more private hot springs in this land while Aki, Sabishi, Yoro and Hanzo took time in a separate hot spring across the village. While the Aki relaxed, the boys had plans. Hanzo and Yoro would convince Sabishi to join them in peeping on the girls on the other end of the bathhouse. This would end in Sabishi and Yoro getting caught and leaving quickly, but not before Sabishi could rat out Hanzo's position causing him great pain when the women being spied on noticed.
by Vivi

  During this time Saiyuri and Kiyoko would have an encounter with a woman from the sand village who introduced herself while the two were under genjutsu. This would be the last day of relaxation before the chunin exams. The girl broke the genjutsu afterwards and seemed confident in her abilities, this would prove to Kiyoko and Saiyuri that it was time to leave the bathhouse and head back to their hotel for the evening. This would be the last day of relaxation for the group, as tomorrow would start their chunin exams.
by Vivi

Rewards Granted

5,000 ryo paid to the alliance.   Shinobi United HQ keeps possession of the 9 tails.   Sabishi gained a new cloak.   Hanzo Rigeki, Inozuna Yamanaka and Yoro Hatake join the alliance.

Missions/Quests Completed

#1: E-2, Kiyo Forest.   #2: D-2, Owlbear hunt.   #3: D-3, Kiko tunnel.   #4: D-4, Poachers in the hidden sound.   #5: D-2, Training with Nadeshiko.

Character(s) interacted with

Nadeshiko Leader Tamiko Mazashi.   Interntional criminal Daitan Kiruku
Report Date
30 Oct 2022
Secondary Location


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