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History of Sätheal

To be written by the Radiants...

Origins of Humanity


Where it all begins

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    1 14:00

    Meeting Sov
    Religious event

    Sov has been seen for the first time by human eyes, he is real!

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    1 18:00

    Encounter at the Peak
    Life, Death

    The party leaves Sov's cave to find rivals against them Abek reveals the true purpose of their quest

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    End of the Gathering
    Political event

    The party returns, and tensions rise between the Zunthr and the Derashi as the rivals do not return and accusations are made Later, the Zunthr and Hundri travel together to cross the river and go home

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    The Aurochs Hunt

    The party hunts some Aurochs and defends themselves against some very large spiders with blessings from the Hundri

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    Departure for the First Shard

    The Radiants arrive and then shortly depart from the Zunthr's tribal home for the first of the siblings and encounter some large spiders

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    The First God Shard is Found
    Discovery, Exploration

    A shard has been found believed to be housing one of the god siblings in a cave infested by the Mire. After many small skirmishes in the depths with the newly discovered Mire Shades, the shard was recovered and brought to the surface.

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    Reunion with the Zunthr

    The Radiants return successfully from the cave with one of the god sibling shards, only to find that the Zunthr are preparing to move... completely

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    Olen Critically Injured
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    After the Radiants prevent an attempt on his life, Olen is shot the following day while the Radiants were away attempting to track down the culprit. Thog tried his best, marching back to the Zunthr through the night, but could not arrive in time.

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    Hundri Aid Zunthr
    Diplomatic action

    The Hundri meet the Zunthr at the arrange meeting point between borders, but does not anticipate the injured Olen. They rush to his aid.

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    Departure for the Second Shard

    With hope that the second god sibling's shard might be able to aid in healing Olen, the Radiants set forth into the Hundri forest to find it

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    The Second God Shard is Found
    Discovery, Exploration

    The second shard has been found in an ancient, mysterious forest that appears to not be within the Basin. The shard was recovered and brought back to the Basin.

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    Olen is healed
    Religious event

    Olen is healed through the power of the shards... and Radiance. Radiants are revealed to be immortal in a way, though how exactly remains unclear.

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    Concentration of the Mire discovered
    Disaster / Destruction

    A sphere of darkness is found at the base of the Rim, within Derash territory. It is unknown why it is there, but the implications are dire.

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    Slaughter of the Derashi
    Military action

    The Radiants come upon the Derash who are harboring a one of the God Shards. When they stood in the way they were cut down where they stood. When they ran they were chased down and executed. In total 18 Derashi were slain.

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    34 16:00

    The Third God Shard is Found
    Discovery, Exploration

    The third shard was found in the hands of the Derashi. Their intent for it was unclear, but the shard is damaged and the god child inside unstable.

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    The Final God Shards are Found
    Discovery, Exploration

    It was not one shard but two. Now all of the known shards have been aquired. All that is left to do is reunite them with Sov.

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    Restoration of the Shards
    Religious event

    The five shards found by the Radiants have been restored to Sov, bringing the brothers and sisters of godhood back together for the first time in generations.

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    The Peak
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    Shard of the Father Destroyed
    Life, Death

    The Shard of the Father, supposed source of the Mire in the Basin, has been destroyed by the Radiants, turned to fine powder. The Mire has vanished, and the night sky is, for the first time, seen by human eyes.

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    The Battle of the Peak
    Military: Battle

    The Battle of the Peak takes place, leading to the destruction of the Derashi tribe and formal unification of the remaining tribes. The end of the journey for the First Radiants.

    The Peak
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    Battle of the Peak