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Order of the Black Cat

An adventuring group that is currently seeking information about the origin of the Lifeforged and their creator Soshu Lifeforger.  



In S308, inspired by the success of the Order of the Lioness, Ryu Shiroma decided to hire a mercenary named Mahkah the Blade and try the adventuring life for himself. In the first two years they traveled together they were fairly successful, and became equal partners.   In S310 they added Yoi Kashiwa to their team, after Mahkah caught her trying to steal from Ryu.   In S313, after the founding of The Cord, the trio returned to Ahonato in search of at least one more experienced adventurer to help form an official order and join up. Instead they ended up recruiting Black Moon, someone who had never traveled but was eager to do so.   In S315 they officially joined and named themselves the Order of the Black Cat, after Ryu's familiar, a small black cat named Jet. Many incorrectly assume the name is because of Black Moon who quickly became the most well known face of the group. The group is based out of Koba's Point, just south of Ahonato, where they were allowed to stay for free in exchange for maintaining the lighthouse.   During the Golden Moon of S316 Aiyalae Nightbloom arrived seeking help after the Order of the Iron Boar had been wiped out Kozue Southwind, Yumia Southwind, and their allies. The same people followed Aiyalae to Koba's point and attacked the Black Cat next.   Mahkah and Yoi were killed, and Ryu was placed under an undead curse by Kozue. Black Moon was chained up with Aiyalae and held as prisoners. Luckily the Order of the Seeking Fox arrived in time to free Black Moon and Aiyalae, and capture Kozue.   Shortly after, Elmara Truestride and Aiko Amaya arrived with a job for the Black Cat. Since they were unable to accept it, the Seeking Fox took on the task in their place. Black Moon, Aiyalae, Elmara, and Aiko took Ryu to the druids of Mythea's Glade to see if they could help him.  


While druids began the process of healing Ryu, Aiyalae, Elmara, and Aiko left Black Moon at the glade and departed for Iron Home. After they reached it, Elmara loaded up the petrified Arashizo into a horse drawn cart and delivered him to the glade, before departing again. Ryu, Black Moon, and Arashizo spent the next several weeks in the glade recovering and bonding. At the start of the Moon of Nights the trio said their goodbyes to the druids and returned to Koba's Point. Here they continued to recover and train a little.   A few weeks later they were visited by The Adamant, searching for the Lifeforged Number 29 and Number 30. Although 29 and 30 had been studying here when Black Moon and Ryu left, the Lifeforged had since left with the Order of the Seeking Fox without leaving any indication of their destination or when they might return. Disappointed and with no further leads on his targets, The Adamant left in peace.   On the 26th night of the Moon of Nights the Order of the Seeking Fox returned to Koba's Point along with the pair of Lifeforged who now referred to themselves as Hush and Reach. Some of them promptly left for a quick visit to Ganeshuku to collect more information on the Lifeforged, and then returned again to Koba's Point. They brought with them news that the Regent of Ganeshuku, Hatsume Atsutane, had been attempting to track down the Soshu Lifeforger ever since he fled during the Lifeforged Riot in Ganeshuku. Unfortunately her notes and research had been stolen by a kobold named Scratch and inadvertently pawned off to some travelers heading northwest to Yokoni.   The Seeking Fox were preoccupied and unable to pursue the information further, but paid 250 gold to Ryu, Arashizo, and Black Moon to escort the pair of Lifeforged to Yokoni to see what they could find. With the new group of five working towards a common goal, the Order of the Black Cat was seemingly restored.
Founding Date
Adventuring Party
Black Moon
Former Members
Mahkah the Blade
Yoi Kashiwa
Home Base
Koba's Point
Parent Organization
The Cord


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