
Explorers of the Supernatural and Unexplained

The paraphysicist is a professional who delves into the realm of paranormal phenomena, investigating and studying the supernatural, unexplained, and metaphysical aspects of reality. They combine scientific methodologies with an open-minded approach to explore phenomena beyond the boundaries of traditional scientific understanding.
Prerequisites: Prior term as Psychiatrist 

First Term:

Empathy +1
Foreboding 1
Human Empathy 1
Observation 4
Willpower 2
Pulling Strings: Occult Library

Subsequent Terms:

Human Empathy
Pulling Strings: One of the following: Counterculture Friends, Funding (1 Rank), Pool Data, Species Identification, Supernatural Lore or Translators

All Terms:

Contacts: One per term: Academic, Medical or Paranormal. On a 1D10 roll of 7+, the contact is foreign.
Resource Points: 1 per Term
Influence Type: Paranormal

Special Adventure:

--Collaborated with Mind's Eye on a Project--
On a 1D10 roll of 8+
Mind Shield
Psionic Scan
Pulling Strings: One of the following: Experimental PSI Drugs or Psychotons

Impact and Importance:

  Paraphysicists contribute to expanding our understanding of the mysterious and unexplained aspects of the world around us. By exploring paranormal phenomena and studying the boundaries of conventional science, they challenge existing paradigms and provide alternative perspectives on reality.
  Their work offers comfort and validation to those who have experienced supernatural occurrences, providing a platform for investigation, understanding, and support. Paraphysicists play a crucial role in bridging the gap between scientific exploration and the profound human experiences associated with the paranormal.
  Furthermore, their research and findings can have a broader impact on society. By shedding light on unexplained phenomena, they contribute to cultural, psychological, and philosophical discussions, encouraging dialogue and deepening our understanding of the mysteries of existence.
  While the field of paraphysics may be met with skepticism or controversy, paraphysicists strive to maintain scientific rigor and critical thinking in their investigations. They seek to bridge the gap between science and spirituality, fostering a more comprehensive and inclusive understanding of the world we inhabit.

Key Characteristics:

  • Curiosity and Open-Mindedness: Paraphysicists possess a deep curiosity and open-mindedness, recognizing that conventional scientific frameworks may not fully explain all aspects of reality. They approach their work with a willingness to explore alternative explanations and embrace the unknown.
  • Interdisciplinary Knowledge: Paraphysicists draw upon various fields of study, including physics, psychology, parapsychology, metaphysics, and other related disciplines. They integrate scientific principles with spiritual, philosophical, and cultural perspectives to gain a holistic understanding of paranormal phenomena.
  • Investigation and Research: Paraphysicists conduct systematic investigations and research into paranormal phenomena. They employ scientific methods, such as data collection, experimentation, and analysis, to explore and document supernatural occurrences, psychic abilities, hauntings, and other unexplained phenomena.
  • Technology and Equipment: Paraphysicists utilize specialized equipment and technology to aid in their investigations. This may include electromagnetic field detectors, thermal imaging cameras, EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) recorders, and other devices designed to capture and analyze paranormal activity.
  • Collaboration and Data Sharing: Paraphysicists often collaborate with fellow researchers, scientists, and experts in related fields. They share data, insights, and findings through conferences, publications, and online platforms, fostering a community dedicated to advancing the understanding of paranormal phenomena.
  • Ethics and Integrity: Paraphysicists maintain ethical standards in their work, respecting the privacy and well-being of individuals involved in paranormal experiences. They strive for objectivity, ensuring that their investigations and analyses are conducted with integrity and transparency.


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