Psionic Agent

Masters of the Mind

Psionic agents are highly trained individuals who possess exceptional psychic abilities and serve as key operatives within the covert projects of Project MindSight and Project PsiForce . These agents are selected for their innate psychic potential, undergo rigorous training, and play a pivotal role in intelligence gathering, reconnaissance, and covert operations.
Prerequisites: Empathy 2+

First Term:

Empathy +2
Willpower 2
MindSight Clairaudience 1
MindSight Clairvoyance 1
MindSight ESP 1
MindSight Psionic Scan 1
MindSight Stealth 2
  PsiForce Mental Attack 2
PsiForce Telepathy 2
PsiForce Telekinesis 2
Pulling Strings: Experimental PSI Drugs

Subsequent Terms:

Empathy +1
Slug Weapons (Pistol)
MindSight Clairaudience
MindSight Clairvoyance
MindSight ESP
MindSight Psionic Scan
MindSight Telepathy
MindSight Telekinesis
MindSight Intrusion
MindSight Stalking
MindSight Stealth
  PsiForce Cryokinesis
PsiForce Mental Attack
PsiForce Mind Shield
PsiForce Pyrokinesis
PsiForce Telekinesis
PsiForce Telepathy
PsiForce Willpower Drain
Pulling Strings: One of the Following: CIA Traning Facility, NGA Support, Mind Control Drugs, Military Training Facility, No Questions Asked, No Trace, PSI Labs, Quantico Training Facility or Safe House

All Terms:

Contacts: One per term: Military, Intelligence Community or Paranormal. On a 1D10 roll of 8+, the contact is foreign.
Promotion: 7+, +1 if INT 5+
Resource Points: 1 per Term +1 if Promotion Rolled
Influence Type: Intelligence
Other Effects: If more than one term is served, +1 to Initiative.

Special Adventure:

--Agency Support Role--
On a 1D10 roll of 5+

Impact and Importance:

  Psionic agents, hailing from both Project MindSight and Project PsiForce, have a profound impact on covert operations, intelligence gathering, and strategic initiatives. Their exceptional psychic abilities and specialized training contribute to the success and effectiveness of their missions.
  Psionic agents provide invaluable psychic insights and perspectives that conventional intelligence gathering methods cannot match. Their abilities to access hidden information, penetrate enemy defenses, and tap into the collective consciousness give them a unique edge in deciphering complex scenarios and unraveling enigmatic threats.
  With their psychic capabilities, psionic agents enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of covert operations. They can perform tasks that would otherwise be impossible or highly risky, such as telepathic communication for secure and covert exchanges, remote viewing for reconnaissance without physical presence, and telekinesis for covert manipulation of objects or disabling enemy systems.
  Psionic agents provide a strategic advantage to their respective projects and organizations. Their abilities to infiltrate enemy lines undetected, gather critical intelligence, and influence key decision-makers discreetly contribute to a significant shift in the balance of power. By exploiting psychic phenomena, they can exploit vulnerabilities, disrupt enemy operations, and shape the outcome of critical situations.
  The existence and utilization of psionic agents within covert operations have the potential to challenge conventional notions of warfare, intelligence gathering, and human capabilities. Their success and impact could pave the way for new strategies, tactics, and policies that account for the influence of psychic phenomena on national security, potentially leading to paradigm shifts in defense strategies and military doctrines.

Key Characteristics:

  • Psionic Prowess: Psionic agents are masters of the mind, possessing extraordinary psychic abilities such as telepathy, telekinesis, and other specialized powers. Their mental prowess enables them to access hidden information, manipulate objects with thought, influence minds, and perceive remote locations.
  • Covert Operations: Psionic agents are skilled operatives adept at working discreetly in intelligence-gathering and covert missions. They operate in various environments, conducting surveillance, infiltrating enemy lines, extracting sensitive information, and employing their psychic abilities to gain a strategic advantage.
  • Advanced Training: Psionic agents undergo rigorous training programs that focus on honing their psychic skills, combat tactics, espionage techniques, and psychological resilience. They are trained to maintain control over their psychic abilities and operate effectively under high-stress situations.
  • Intelligence Integration: Psionic agents seamlessly integrate into intelligence organizations and covert operations, collaborating with government agencies, military units, and specialized teams. They work alongside analysts, field operatives, and technical experts, providing unique psychic insights and leveraging their abilities to enhance mission success.
  • Code Name Designation: Each psionic agent is assigned a code name designation, which serves as their covert identity during operations. These code names often reflect their unique abilities, attributes, or distinct characteristics, ensuring their anonymity and adding an air of mystery to their persona.
  • Mission Flexibility: Psionic agents demonstrate adaptability and versatility in their roles. They can be deployed for intelligence gathering, reconnaissance, psychological operations, asset extraction, and even as combat support. Their psychic abilities provide an extra dimension to their skill set, making them valuable assets in various scenarios.
Profession: MindSight 
Agent Designation: Echo
Profession: PsiForce 
Agent Designation: Catalyst


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