Articles by Publishing Date

Welcome to Solaris, traveller! This is a slower-than-light science fantasy set in our own solar system.
About Solaris | Guide to Solaris | Prologue
All Solaris articles organized by month of publishing, sorted in order of length. Stub articles are in italic.  





A Day in the Caloris Basin
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 17, 2024

A full Solar Cycle as observed from the Caloris Basin. This article describes the rotation and orbit of Mercury, with some helpful visual aids.

Blue NM-2
Character | Jul 17, 2024

Blue NM-2 is a Sentinel; a living weapon. It has been provided for Project Ikarus from Neptune. Even in the low humidity atmosphere of Mercury it poses a notable threat, but has been deemed acceptable considering the consequences of failure.

Borealis Ice Mining
Organization | Jul 17, 2024

Borealis Ice Mining is the leading provider of ice and water on Mercury. Some of their mining lasers have recently been retrofitted to sentries to protect the cargo.

Caelus Eyrie
Settlement | Jul 17, 2024

The Caelus Eyrie is one of the great floating cities carried by the biting winds of Uranus.

Character | Aug 18, 2024

Squadron Leader Eun is an ex-mercenary fighter pilot employed in Penumbra under the aegis of Project Ikarus. Eun has an irregular history, like many of the pilots of Penumbra, but has shown competency and good fit to a military structure.

Building / Landmark | Sep 2, 2024

As Penumbra settles her people gather around Oasis for liquour and company. The gentle melodies of the hydraulophone spill out from the fountain and, for a while, it feels like the world isn't on fire.

Character | Jul 17, 2024

Roseah is a study in contradictions. They move mountains to help Mercurians flee, but disdain them for abandoning their home. A misanthrope who has built the most welcoming Oasis there is on Mercury.

Planet | Aug 13, 2024

Tellus is a verdant blend of forests and oceans. To protect its delicate ecosystems and fragile beings Tellus is placed under protective sequestration.







Comic | Sep 2, 2024
Comic | Jul 17, 2024
Antonee Benoit
Character | Sep 2, 2024

Antonee Benoit is a famous travellogue. He documents his travels throughout the Sol System, with a focus on cuisine and the human condition.

Dragonfly Carrier
Spacecraft | Jul 17, 2024

A titanic spacecraft laden with thousands of brightly painted containers filled with the works of millions accelerates out of the station, joining dozens of other craft like itself in years-long journeys between the planets.

Dumplings in Space
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 17, 2024

The whole world was in that very mouthful. It was immediately addicting. The thin padi film burst and my mouth was all sensations, numbingly it rolled in sweet, then sour, then a sharp floral sang all the way up my sinuses.

Gateway Portals
Technology / Science | Jul 17, 2024

Gateway Portals or Transporters can comfortably beam up to twenty people and their luggage along a tether between connected Gateways. They are often used to circumvent the cost of exiting or entering the atmosphere.

Oort Cloud
Geographic Location | Sep 2, 2024

Far beyond our borders it lies; the offcuts of our creation. A vast array containing everything that once made us, stretching thousands of times wider than our own system. In the dead silence of space, it whispers.

Operation War Dove
Military Conflict | Sep 2, 2024

Ganymedes was the loveliest born of the moons, and therefore when it rebelled, Jupiter caught its heart away, to be their wine-pourer for the sake of admonishing those, who might consider themselves equal. This was their retaliation.

Remote Personality Cache/Display
Vehicle | Jul 17, 2024

Remote Personality Cache/Displays ( abbreviated RPC/D ) are artificial bodies used to temporarily host a person so they may communicate in real time across vast distances.

Species | Sep 2, 2024

Fear the spawn of the Chained Sun: those angelic abominations. Once, they guided and protected us, today they seek the radiant annihilation of us all.

Sunderer SF-1
Spacecraft | Jul 17, 2024

The Sunderer SF-1 is a multi-role superiority craft built by Kallisti Aerospace. It can carry out air-to-air, close support, recon, and suppression roles in both atmospheric and near-space environments, and excels at operating in low gravity.









Airship of Theseus
Settlement | Sep 2, 2024

The oldest and most grand of Uranus' floating cities, Theseus Eyrie, is the only airship that still drifts through the Aer. She has been in flight for millennia, although scholars argue that her extensive repairs mean she is no longer truly ancient.

Deep Space Leviathan
Species | Sep 2, 2024

In the massive deep space above and below the planetary disc, gentle giants drift through the void. Leviathans, also known as astracetaceans and space whales, are gargantuan filter feeders.

Dutrius Atlas
Character | Jul 17, 2024

Duty runs deep in the veins of the Atlas family, even among its black sheep. Dutrius has dedicated his life and vast amounts of the family coffers to his cause: discovering why the Scourge turned on the planets they once swore to protect.

Species | Sep 2, 2024

The Fei are the plantlike people of Venus. Their striking appearance demands attention, with coloration in all shades of the rainbow. Their breath is toxic to other humanoids, so travelling Fei wear masks to avoid poisoning others.

Guide to Solaris
Generic article | Sep 2, 2024

Your Guide to Solaris, the Solar Invasion, and more!

Species | Jul 17, 2024

Humanoids are a catch-all term for sapient bipedal beings that vaguely resemble humans. Humanoids are not necessarily related species, but instead an example of covergent evolution.

Planet | Aug 13, 2024

Countless moons orbit Jupiter, the self-proclaimed cradle of civilization. Internal trouble has kept the Jovians focused inwards, handling a succession of wars for lunar independence known as Catamite Wars. Now that these wars have been decisively ended,

Rank/Title | Sep 2, 2024

Each age the planets choose a mortal to embody them. A young girl is granted immense power, the potential of the planet itself, and from that point on she is known as a Keystone.

Planet | Sep 2, 2024

Mars is a planet of great contrast, from the colourful padi fields to the monochrome cities that stretch up towards the skies. Its inhabitants believe they have forged today's technologically advanced Mars through the power of rationalism and meritocracy.

Species | Sep 2, 2024

Oceanids are one of the nymphs native to Neptune. Oceanids have a natural aptitude for hydrokinesis, which allows them to propulse themselves through the seas despite their lack of hydrodynamic anatomy. Oceanids seem more attuned to mysticism than most.

Planet | Aug 13, 2024

The brilliant skies of Saturn are ringed with advertisements. Merchant Princes carve out their domains on the planet and her moons. Saturn is known as the Grey Market, anything can be acquired for the right price and any law broken with the right bribe.

Profession | Sep 2, 2024

and there in the distance is the sentinel, named after the asteroid that shall one day serve as its grave

Sol System
Geographic Location | Aug 13, 2024

Between a resentful sun and a hostile galaxy, life persists. Orbiting around the nuclear heart known as Sol are eight planets, each rich in history and culture.

Condition | Jul 17, 2024

Symbiosis is a mutualistic and natural form of body modification. People can get live corals, plants, crystals and more embedded into their skin. It has been practiced in Neptune since ancient times, and spread across Sol with spacefarers.

Planet | Aug 13, 2024

Constant storms whip across the skies of Uranus. On those wild winds fly the Eyries; floating vehicle-cities. No one lives on Uranus without knowing how to fly, be it with craft or their own wings.

Planet | Sep 2, 2024

Brilliant toxic smogs protect and obscure Venus from outsiders. The planet is a lush and hostile paradise, and it's inhabitants are the strange and alien Fei.
















Albino Palace
Settlement | Sep 2, 2024

The Albino Palace is the home of the Empress of Neptune, a city for the Imperial Court, and an extravagant display of the wealth and connections of the Empire. The palace is a Fall, carved from the corpse of a rare albino kraken-whale.

Alliance for Peace
Organization | Jul 17, 2024

The Alliance for Peace was a gentlefolks society, and a precursor to the Alliance of Nations.

Alliance of Nations
Organization | Sep 2, 2024

Founded at the turn of the decillium, the Alliance of Nations has strengthened the bonds between the planets and moons of Sol. Made up of over two thousand nations across the Sol System, the Alliance strives for a world of peace and prosperity.

Asteroid Belt
Geographic Location | Sep 2, 2024

The Asteroid Belt is a hotly contested territory and a unique ecosystem. It is home to the majority of the known cosmic wildlife.

Fritz Fram
Character | Jul 17, 2024

Fritz Fram is famous as an explorer, altruist, and xenobiologist. He was instrumental in getting Neptune and Uranus to join the Alliance of Nations. His status is unknown since his last expedition to Deep Space.

Hun Kal
Geographic Location | Aug 13, 2024

Hun Kal was a city on Mercury famous for its solar observatory. It was the first to fall during the Scorching of Mercury.

Keystone of Mercury
Rank/Title | Sep 2, 2024

The last Keystone of Mercury sacrificed herself to chain the Sun and contain the Invasion. With the majority of the population seeking asylum all across the solar system finding her successor may prove to be quite the challenge.

Settlement | Sep 2, 2024

Labyrinthe is the capital of the Comiterranean. It is one of the oldest cities in the world, and has been inhabited for millennium. The city has continually built on top of itself.

Ethnicity | Sep 2, 2024

The Migrari were nomadic mixed-species spacefarers known for their effort to improve living standards across space. They were at their height during the Early Spacefaring Age.

Species | Sep 2, 2024

Orbitross are extraplanetary avians who glide on solar winds with their mouth wide open, consuming whatever happens to fall in.

Scorching of Mercury
Military Conflict | Aug 18, 2024

The Scorching of Mercury, also known as the First Solar Invasion, was an invasion by the angelic armies known today as the Scourge. The invasion destroyed most of Mercurian civilization and radically changed the planet's biosphere across four years.

Sofi Casabella
Character | Aug 24, 2024

Casabella is an artist, socialite, and activist. She is a former courtesan of the Venusian court. Her network and diplomatic skills were used to help build the Alliance of Nations. She runs several foundations for trans youth, and young artists.

Super Wide Access Network
Technology / Science | Jul 17, 2024

The Super Wide Access Network, or SWAN, is a lacework that aims to be reliable and highly available throughout the entire system. As a downside of these goals, however, it cannot handle large amounts of data.

The Collision Course
Building / Landmark | Sep 2, 2024

The Collision Course is a diner built in the century-old wreck of a passenger spacecraft. It's an iconic and beloved landmark of the Asteroid Belt, seen as the point where the Inner and Outer Worlds meet.

Generic article | Jul 16, 2024

The Sol Standard calendar is based on the solar orbit of the planet Tellus. The current year of Solaris is 220022.


Material | Jul 25, 2024

In cyntherocentric orbit, the crystal seed farms shimmer like fine gossamer mesh. These veils above Venus have long been the primary source of astral crystal, but as Jovian and Martian mining operations expand through the Belt the status quo shifts.

Building / Landmark | Jul 17, 2024

A bright false star in the skies of Mercury, Caduceus is attended by a small host of lesser satellites, weapon platforms, sensor arrays and all sorts of lethal tools of war directed at the enemy.

Chained Sun
Geographic Location | Jul 17, 2024

The chained sun Sol strains against its shackles, releasing vicious bursts of radioactive energy. Scores of Scourge barrage Mercury to finish what it started

Crystal Technology
Technology / Science | Sep 2, 2024

It started with a bang and continued as a chime. Millenia later, it rejoiced to be unearthed, and to us it sang; let us carry you further than you could ever dream. Let us be the bedrock for your wonder. Let us, let us.

Gatt Divus-Piceni
Character | Jul 17, 2024

Merchant Prince Gatt Divus-Piceni was himself a result of the peace pact between the Princes of Piceni and Divus. It is fitting he would go on to make his name as a founding figure of the Alliance of Nations.

Interplanetary Solar Defence Council
Organization | Jul 17, 2024

As wartorn Mercury burned, the Interplanetary Solar Defence Council held luxurious fundraisers and debated the most appropriate colour story for their new armies. A promise towards peace was broken, and a pretty penny traded hands.

Labyrinthe Travelogue
Prose | Sep 2, 2024

The lords and ladies of Labyrinthe like to think that light is best used to highlight and accentuate. It is something to be let in through carefully designed crystal or denied in a way that makes the act of denial itself art.

Merchant Prince
Rank/Title | Jul 17, 2024

The life of a Merchant Prince is a lonely one. Where a suit might die in a hostile takeover, a Prince are most likely to find themselves at the wrong side of their right-hand-man's gun.

Signs of Ascension
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 17, 2024

The first sign of an emerging Keystone is an unnatural aptitude. The second is disaster. Natural and unatural disasters occur around her, and soon, because of her.

Strobed Men
Generic article | Sep 2, 2024

Rumours from the Mercurian enclaves of strange creatures in the guise of man. Who are they, and why are they seeking the Keystone?

Sunbleached Wastelands
Geographic Location | Aug 31, 2024

As wildfires burn the forests to ash, as water boils out of the oceans, lakes, and land, and as the sun sears rock and sand, Mercury devolves into homogenous skeletal grey; a sunbleached wasteland.

Sword of Clouds
Item | Jul 17, 2024

When it is fully powered, the Sword of Clouds lights up sun-gold white. It cuts through bone and flesh as easily as clouds. The Sword can slash through reality and translocate its wielder to where their hearts desire.




Aerie O-1
Spacecraft | Sep 2, 2024

The Aerie O-1 is the first dedicated Spaceborne Warning and Control System (SWACS) fielded by the Jovian Orbital Guard. Large, bulky, and packed full with sophisticated electronics and sensors, it is capable of precisely identifying and tracking objects.

Aessa Aemili
Character | Sep 2, 2024

Holy Daughter Aessa was first announced to the world as the seventh son of the Aemili family. When she ascended as Holy Daughter and Keystone of Jupiter, she was reintroduced to the world as Aessa, first daughter of the Aemili.

Technology / Science | Jul 17, 2024

An airdock is an air-filled structure constructed in space that is used for building and repairing spacecraft quicker and easier than in vacuum.

Species | Jul 17, 2024
Character | Sep 2, 2024

Arielle was Godqueen of Venus. Arielle is best known for their exploration of gender, frequently and publically presenting as masculine, feminine, both, and neither over their reign.

Species | Sep 2, 2024

The microscopic base of the interplanetary food web.

Cosmic Bloom
Condition | Sep 2, 2024

Cosmic Bloom is caused by an astroplankton infestation onboard a spacecraft. The blooming algae releases dangerous toxins into the air which can cause severe symptoms up to and including death.

Crystal Infestation
Condition | Jul 17, 2024

Crystal infestations are like a ship possessed. Survivors describe animated cables strike out at crew, lights turned up blindingly bright, and a constant disharmonious chime. Thankfully, infestations are very rare.

Cuisine of the Mercurian Nomads
Tradition / Ritual | Sep 2, 2024

The culinary practices of the Nomads of Mercury have a profound impact on the areas they travel through. Wherever they travel, they bring foods and seeds with them.

Cyklopes SSF-9
Spacecraft | Sep 2, 2024

The Cyklopes SSF-9 is a current-generation space superiority fighter exclusively fielded by the Orbital Guard. It is a high tech platform built to seize control of the battlespace.

Defenders of Mercury
Organization | Jul 17, 2024

Penumbra and Caduceus together defend Mercury from the solar incursion.

Fast Cutter
Vehicle | Jul 17, 2024

A fast cutter is a type of military craft that is small, fast, and lightly armed.

Geographic Location | Jul 17, 2024

The largest moon in the Solar System, Ganymede, is also one of the most populated. It is a cold moon, as much rock as it is ice. Permafrost makes agriculture hard on Ganymede, which to this day relies heavily on herds, fishing, and hunting.

Godqueen of Venus
Rank/Title | Jul 17, 2024

Godqueen of Venus is the title bestowed upon the current Keystone of Venus. Most Venusian nations honor her as symbolic head of state, although her powers are restricted and determined by their national laws.

Gravity Plates
Technology / Science | Jul 26, 2024

Gravity plates are large flat structures that are used to simulate planetoid gravity, particularly on space stations. They are considered a luxury.

Halobate Salt
Item | Jul 17, 2024

Halobate salt is a Mercurian table salt collected by the Halobates, a group of Mercurian nomads. It is a protected product under the regulations of the Inner Planet Trade Association.

Profession | Jul 17, 2024

Handmaidens are servants and close companions of the Godqueen of Venus. Since the time of Godqueen Arielle, Handmaidens have been expected to use their powers of metamorphis to transform into identical copies of the Godqueen.

Heller Cave Paintings
Building / Landmark | Sep 2, 2024

The Heller Cave system is the site of the oldest known figurative art in the Sol System. The most famous of the Heller Cave Paintings depicts what is believed to be an astracetean migration.

Heretic GA-7
Vehicle | Sep 2, 2024

The Heretic GA-7 is a close air support gunship designed and used by Venus. It is also the gunship of choice for Penumbra.

Holy Daughter of Jupiter
Rank/Title | Sep 2, 2024

Holy Daughter of Jupiter is a title and role bestowed upon the Jovian Keystone. The Holy Daughter is the spiritual leader of Jupiter, as the head of the Triune Temple and patroness of the Imperial Cult.

Species | Sep 7, 2024

As a lunar people, humans fall under the political domain of planet superpowers. They sit in an interesting niche as the "majority minority" and live on the margins of society, oribital or otherwise.

Jovian Orbital Guard
Organization | Jul 17, 2024
Jovian Senate
Organization | Jul 17, 2024

The Jovian Senate is the largest and oldest assembly that still exists. It claims domain over Jupiter and its moons.

Juno-class Carrier
Vehicle | Jul 17, 2024

The Juno-class carrier is a venerable series of fast carriers that served as the predecessor to the Pater-class.

Jupiter Stella
Organization | Jul 17, 2024
Species | Sep 2, 2024

Kara are less common than the Mori, their planetary cousins. They have natural armour in the form of thick ceratinous plates. The threats the ancient Kara evolved to survive no longer exist, but their existence is evident in Kara physiology.

Magnomight Systems
Organization | Jul 17, 2024

Magnomight Systems is a small Jovian electronics and sensors manufacturer. It specializes in spacebourne sensors, including collision detection, asteroid assessors, craft radar, and radio telescopes.

Martian Homefleet
Organization | Jul 17, 2024

The Martian Homefleet is the defender of Mars and her orbit.

Spell | Sep 2, 2024

Appearance is a matter of choice for the Fei, not one of inheritance. Through metamorphis the Fei can change any aspect of their appearance. The process is slow and deliberate, and a great pride of the Venusian people.

Species | Sep 2, 2024

Broad-shouldered and horned, the Minos strike an imposing frame. The Minos are nymphs native to Jupiter. Despite making up about the same amount of the population as the Daphnae, the Minos are barely represented in the Jovian Senate.

Species | Sep 2, 2024

The fragile Mori are moth-like people from Mercury. The former denizens of the Sunscrapers are very distinct with their massive white manes, and fluffy feather-like antennae.

Nomads of Mercury
Ethnicity | Aug 16, 2024

In the harsh extremes of Mercury, the nomadic peoples of the planet live on the edge. Their traditional migration patterns have made the terminator nomads uniquely suited to life after the Scorching of Mercury, but it is by no means an easy life.

Othello Shaft-hole Axe Head
Item | Jul 17, 2024

The Othello shaft-hole axe head is an ancient artifact most notable for providing rare information about the design of prehistoric axe handles.

Palace of Delights
Building / Landmark | Sep 2, 2024

The Venusian Palace may lack the grand ornamentation of other palace, but its true ornament are its guests. The splay of light against the wall comes alive when the halls and rooms fill with people, dancing across fine silks and catching on sequins.

Pallas Steradian
Character | Jul 17, 2024

Commodore Pallas Steradian is a Martian commodore and the officer in command of the defenders of Mercury.

Parachute Trees
Species | Sep 2, 2024

The Parachute Trees are native to the Aer of Uranus, and thrive in the summer pole. They grow on the islands of Uranus. They have a very quick life cycle, growing to maturity in just a few years.

Condition | Sep 2, 2024

Paradisius is a ship condition caused by the paradise vine, a highly invasive plant native to Venus, and a natural terraformer. They break down the ship, leaving nothing but a verdant wreck.

Parelion Orbital Defender
Spacecraft | Sep 2, 2024

Each one was like a star spilled from the waistpouch of a hunting goddess, divine and deadly. They whirled around Mercury, waiting for the word to kill.

Pater-class Carrier
Vehicle | Jul 17, 2024

The Pater-class is a fast carrier employed by the Jovian Orbital Guard. It serves a crucial part of the Orbital Guard's anti-piracy strategy, operating as a mobile spaceport that can launch and resupply Cyklopes incredibly close to areas of operation.

Rank/Title | Jul 17, 2024

Patricians are full citizens of Jupiter, the only people allowed to hold certain public offices such as Senator or Govenor, as well as the only people allowed to own land on the planet of Jupiter. Patricanship is usually a matter of birth, inherited throu

Species | Jul 17, 2024
Red Spot Shipyards
Organization | Jul 17, 2024

Red Spot Shipyards is one of the oldest and largest shipyards of Jupiter. It is currently producing the Pater-class carrier.

Geographic Location | Jul 17, 2024

Rhea is the second largest moon of Saturn, and one of the possible origins of humans. It is known for being the site of the Heller Cave Paintings, the oldest known figurative art on the Sol System.

Space Warfare
Generic article | Jul 17, 2024

Space warfare covers military operations conducted in or from space. It includes ship-to-ship combat, control of space, space-to-ground weaponry, and insertion from orbit to ground. Includes an overview of the state of space militarization in Sol.

Organization | Jul 17, 2024

Starwatch is the collective defense organization of Uranus that patrols its skies and orbital space.

Species | Jul 17, 2024
Svetluzca Morana
Character | Sep 2, 2024

Svetluzca Morana is the emerging Keystone of Saturn. The young girl has already survived one assassination attempt, albeit not without scars. She is the care of Merchant Prince Quo, who has invested greatly in her security.

Character | Sep 2, 2024

Titania became the Eternal Godqueen of Venus centuries ago. She appeared to be eternally young and nigh immortal, until the truth was exposed by teen magazine Beaux.

Triune Temple
Organization | Jul 17, 2024

The Triune Temple is the dominant state religion of Jupiter. It is an olympic religion based on the worship of the family unit as embodied by the gods of the Triune: Jove, Juno and Minerva.

Venusian Consilium
Organization | Jul 17, 2024
Voluntary Indication of Position
Technology / Science | Sep 7, 2024

Voluntary Indication of Position (VIP) systems are used by spacecraft to periodically broadcast their identity, position and velocity according to their internal systems, and receive positions and velocities of other nearby craft.














Geographic Location | Jul 26, 2024

Rapid winds whip up and around the Aer, the outermost of the three layers of Uranus. It is the home of most Uranians, who live and travel aboard Eyries, or temporarily settle onto the Floating Islands.

Belgica Complex
Building / Landmark | Aug 4, 2024

The Belgica Complex is a sprawling underground factory built and operated by Thermoset Chemistry, a subsidiary of Dadarejo Robotics. It has undergone numerous expansions and retrofits over the years to better deal with the situation after the Scorching.

Character | Jul 22, 2024

The shining pearl of the courts of Neptune, Duwana is reknowned for her beauty, tact, and her web of connections. She has long been the bookmakers favourite prospective heir of Neptune.

Settlement | Jul 29, 2024

The power invested into the protection of Enheduanna still drums in the air. The High Temple stands untouched among the rubble, an abandoned tent city sprawled out in the shade of her wings.

Vehicle | Aug 13, 2024

Eyries, the Uranian vehicle-cities, come in many shapes and sizes, from archaic airships, to cart-cities towed by skybeasts, to pollution-spewing motor-eyries, to modern flying fortresses powered by crystal engines.

Far Star Cult
Organization | Sep 2, 2024

The Far Star Cult, also known as the Far Star Temple, is dedicated to the care of advanced cases of oortic poisoning. By inviting and allowing the sufferers to worship the Oort Cloud, they are able to supervise and support them through a troubled life.

Kelpland Medusae
Species | Jul 29, 2024

The Kelpland Medusae, the living kelp forests, are simple invertebrates found on Neptune. They provide stability for nesting, protection for prey, and great hunt for predators.

Geographic Location | Aug 16, 2024

Toxic clouds pool in the Mares, the sea-like depths of Uranus. Boiling gas surges towards the Aer, as frigid waters drag the Floating Islands towards the natural furnaces of Terra.

Oortic Poisoning
Condition | Sep 2, 2024

Oortic poisoning was a dormant disease, a rare case brought on by dangerous antiques and especially unlucky meteor strikes, until the Oortite rush brought it back in full swing.

Material | Aug 13, 2024

Oortite is the dark mirror of Astrallite and Aurorite crystals. Some have great potential, capable of bending natural law and influencing minds, while others seem entirely inert save for their tendency to spread.

Power Armour
Technology / Science | Aug 4, 2024

Power armour typically refers to the full suits of powered armour worn by bodyguards and security, but the term technically covers any worn machine that augments the wearer's strength.

Settlement | Aug 4, 2024

Svulst is one of the largest cities of Saturn, and stretches from the pits of the planet to far above the clouds. Rather than a city of skyscrapers, Svulst is a city built on top of a city, built on top of another.

Item | Sep 2, 2024

When you need a quick bite to eat, experienced travellers know to look for the first hole in the wall with a queue. Take-out is a classic no matter where you are in the Sol System.











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Jul 16, 2024 12:35 by E. Christopher Clark

Wow, this is really neat. Did you do it by hand or use tags and similar functionality?

Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!
Jul 16, 2024 12:59 by Annie Stein

Thank you! I used tags and tagged lists, tagging each article with the year and month it was written. They're actually all articleblocks with most of the block hidden, so that I could sort them by length (using the length tags I'd already set up for another index). I think if you inspect the page, you can see the article-css I wrote to make it work.

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Jul 16, 2024 13:43 by E. Christopher Clark

Bravo! That's really great thinking. I will indeed do an inspect to check out your handiwork. Sorry I didn't think to do that in the first place.

Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!
Jul 17, 2024 11:27 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is a fun idea. :D It's cool to see when you were most active.

Jul 17, 2024 11:30 by Annie Stein

Thank you! I agree, it's very neat to see it wane and wax over the months!

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!