T'bet dal Archives of T'bet Dal Timeline
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Archives of T'bet Dal

This is the timeline used by the Order of Chroniclers. Due to their comprehensive study and record keeping, it is the most accurate picture we have of the time before the First Arcane Revolution. As such, events may have a clear bias or lack of complete understanding.

The Veiled Centuries


Try as we might, no information from this time can be confirmed. It is a period of myth, one we may never understand.

  • The Beginning of the Veiled Centuries
    The Tearing
    Era beginning/end

    So little is known of the chaos and worldwide upheaval resulting from the advent of new and old magics, that historical records from this part of time and before are almost non-existent.

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    The Tearing
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Age of Discord

1 - 7121

Formerly named Modernity. Since the creation of the Amity Calendar, it has been deemed The Age of Discord.

  • The Beginning of the Age of Discord
    Severance of T'bet Dal

    Out of the fog of the unknown, civilizations across Iave began to rise. They will soon discover that the world is split in two by the The Necrosis Stretch.

  • 526 AoD

    657 AoD

    The Age of Valiant Exploration Begins

    Iaven explorers set out to find out what beyond their continent  This mad dash of exploratoin entered it's decline after the demise of The Nymph's Delight (and other less well-known disasters), explorers avoid anything near the equator, and finish charting the northern hemisphere of T'bet Dal.

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  • 632 AoD

    The Necrosis Stretch is Encountered
    Discovery, Exploration

    A small sailing vessel, The Nymph's Delight, passes through the Necrosis Stretch and is never seen again.

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  • 1211 AoD

    2763 AoD

    Age of Scorn
    Cultural event

    The Age of Scorn was a period of intense persecution of magical practitioners, which caused a severe setback to technological and societal progress. Despite this, clandestine magical communities formed, some of which grew to be powerful enough to rival nations.

    More reading
    Age of Scorn
  • 3395 AoD

    Eruption of Mount Taruk
    Geological / environmental event

    Thw eruption of Mount Taruk destroyed ____, the ancestral home of ____.   The eruption and tsunami it caused decimated their population. Although some escaped the radius of destruction, their civilization remains scattered and has yet to truly recover.   The ash and weather changes caused a mini ice age that resulted in the deaths of nearly a tenth of the population of T'bet Dal across the planet.

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  • 4610 AoD

    Elves land on Iural
    Population Migration / Travel

    Elves from a distant continent land on the northern subcontinent of Iave, which they call Iural.

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  • 4975 AoD

    The nation of Antaer is established

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  • 5157 AoD

    Antaeran Conquest Begins

    Led by Archon Idris Llaw, the elven nation of Antaer begins its conquest across Iave.

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  • 6959 AoD

    The Blackstone Islands are first spotted
    Geological / environmental event

    Initially, sailors thought that the dramatic, firey creation of the Blackstone Islands was a gate to the fire plane opening up in the ocean. In reality, it was volcanic activity that began to form the many islands that dot the ocean.

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  • 7099 AoD

    7121 AoD

    The Antaeran War
    Military: War

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  • 7121 AoD

    The Antaeran War Ends
    Military: War

Post Amity

7122 - PRESENT

Take the preferred PA date and add 7121 to compensate.

  • 1 PA

    Creation of the Amity Calendar
    Era beginning/end

    At the end of the brutal Antaeran War, a treaty was forged. One aspect of which was the Amity Calendar (or Calendar of Amity), starting a new era with the "First Year of Amity."

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  • 9 PA

    The Hrúmaîan Union splits into Uksar, Touhm, and Dusere

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  • 14 PA

    Soric Daiget is Born
    Life, Birth

    Soric Daiget, the "Father of Transmutation" was born in the city of Paraísó.

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  • 273 PA

    The Second Eruption of Mount Taruk
    Geological / environmental event

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  • 274 PA

    275 PA

    The Frozen Harvest
    Geological / environmental event

    The Springless Years

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  • 301 PA

    304 PA

    The First Guild War
    Military: War

    A series of minor conflicts between various economic guilds in the then young Kingdom of Touhm.

    More reading
    The First Guild Wars
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  • 304 PA

    Subjugation of the Guilds

    The end of The First Guild Wars was known as the "Subjugation of the Guilds," in which the ancient royal family of Tousia used diplomacy when possible, and incredible force when necessary to end the clashes before they got out of hand.

    More reading
    The First Guild Wars
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  • 331 PA

    The Republic of Larendar is formed
    Political event

    After an unexpectedly short war with the Dobaldon Crown, the Republic of Larendar rose from the shattered kingdom.

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  • 358 PA

    Discovery of Kythonia
    Discovery, Exploration

    Erynmari scholars discover the underground realm of Kythonia

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  • 465 PA

    Lirien Alexod is Born

    Lirien Alexod

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  • 477 PA

    494 PA

    Trying Times
    Plague / Epidemic

    Initially, the spread of the Whispering Blanch, was tragic but standard for a plague. However, when the virus struck the royal palace of Touhmish nobility, a cascade of disaster followed.

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    Trying Times
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  • 481 PA

    Ascension of Queen Lirien Alexod
    Life, Career

    Lirien Alexod becomes the queen of Touhm after the death of the Noble House of Tousia

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  • 513 PA

    The New Guild Wars Begin
    Military: War

    A series of conflicts, large and small, primarily unfolding across East Treinn. Far greater in scale, these power struggles are far more intense than those in The First Guild Wars They have their roots in The Great Hrúmaîan Realms, particularly the mighty Touhmish economy. Various guilds are vying for power, influence, and resources amidst the politically unstable The Shattered Kingdoms.

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  • 515 PA

    Death of Queen Lirien Alexod
    Life, Death

    One of the greatest rulers Touhm had ever seen, Lirien Alexod, passed away in her sleep at 50 years old after refusing magical healing for an infection.

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  • 537 PA

    Second Arcane Revolution
    Era beginning/end

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  • 542 PA

    1 /1

    Present Day