Able Carter Coaching Inn Building / Landmark in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil

Able Carter Coaching Inn

The Able Carter Coaching Company connects the Free City to its satellite towns via a fleet coaches and an inn positioned at every leg of the journey.   Diamond Lake's hostelry offers 20 rooms for let at a rate of 1 gp per day. Stable services are available for a fee of 5 sp per day.   Four guards keep watch on place throughout the day and night, and can be hired to ride a coach for an additional 5 gp per day.   The following chart shows travel time from Diamond Lake to other locations. Journeys listed as "wild" involve at least one night in the wilderness.  

Destination Days Direction Wild?

Blackstone 1 East No
Blackwall Keep 2 East, South Yes
Elmshire 2 North Yes
Free City 3 East No
Steaming Spring 2 East No
  Currently there are three guests staying for an extended time at the inn. Rontabont Mur is a mine manager from Blackstone in town doing business with Gelch Tilgast. Fester Trollump is a trapper and skinner who stays at the inn whenever he is in town. He mainly traps badgers and other small creatures for their fur, but has been known to trap larger and deadlier game. The last guests are a group of seven hin from Elmshire, the Curlyfoot party, here to take in the sights and cause a bit of trouble.
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