Greysmere Diamond Hall Building / Landmark in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil

Greysmere Diamond Hall

Three prominent representatives of the dwarven stronghold of Greysmere, many days to the south across the treacherous Mistmarsh, live in this sturdy brick and timber structure. Greysmere imports some of the raw iron ore unearthed by local humans, as it bears a color prized by the most skilled artisans and metalworkers of the dwarven clans. Dulok Blitzhame leads the delegation with straight talk and cunning pragmatism.   Mayor Lanod Neff frequently invites the dwarves for meals and parlor discussions, and Blitzhame in particular shares a strong friendship with Ragnolin Dourstone, from whom he gets most of the ore exported to Greysmere. The other councilors, Galuth Grobadore and Bitris Ruthek spend much of their time representing the interests of Greysmere in neighboring communities. The councilors' busy work requires a cadre of assistants and underlings.
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