Diamond Lake Boneyard Building / Landmark in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil

Diamond Lake Boneyard

The town's overcrowded cemetery used to be a great source of bodies for medical students in the Free City and unscrupulous necromancers, but the Cult of the Green Lady has put a stop to that. Throughout the day, led by Athania, green-robed acolytes wander the cemetery chanting to Wee Jas while tending graves and clearing vines and mud from stone markers dating back hundreds of years. Governor-Mayor Lanod Neff finds the cultists distasteful, but appreciates their vigilance. With the fanatics watching the boneyard, his boys at the sheriff's department can focus on more important things.   Tales abound that one coffin in the boneyard - no one is sure just one - contains not a dead body, but dozens and dozens of gold bars. Ample evidence supports the rumor, but anyone who tries to test out the theory must first deal with the cultists.
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