Venelle's Building / Landmark in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil


A redolence of fresh pine suffuses this handsome establishment, a distinctive structure that incorporates intricate carved patterns and upright logs. The proprietor, a curious woman named Venelle, makes finely-made bows and arrows, and also deals in other weapons and armor imported from the Free City in exchange for items of her own design.   The shop is a bit chaotic, with various items piled on tables. Armor sits loosely on too-small dummies. Venelle has a touch of elven blood about her, and is pleased to entertain guests who appreciate arrowcraft and elven culture. She has friends among the Bronzewood Lodge, and greets other characters from that nearby community with smiles and a small discount.   Venelle carries most ranged weapons, but must send away for more expensive items.
Shop, Generic
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