Diamond Lake Sheriff's Office Building / Landmark in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil

Diamond Lake Sheriff's Office

When a barroom brawl gets out of hand or when visitors threaten to upset the balance of power in Diamond Lake, Governor-Mayor Neff relies upon the discretion and agency of his private police force, assembled from a collection of corrupt watchmen gathered during Neff's youth as a watch captain in the Free City.   Led by boisterous alcoholic named Sheriff Cubbin, the six men who comprise the constabulary see to the general safety of the town and ensure that Neff's schemes go off without a hitch. They take a keen interest in unusual visitors and in the dealings of the town's mine managers, Balabar Smenk and Gelch Tilgast in particular. The watch doesn't care one bit about crimes committed against the mine managers' agents, but decorum insists that they persecute overt crimes committed against the managers themselves to the full extent of the law.   The Sheriff's Office, not far from the Vein's central square, contains living quarters for all six constables and a twelve-cell jail filled with a motley assembly of drunks and maniacs. Two deputies guard the cells at all times, and can raise an alarm bell that summons two more within minutes.
Guard post / house
Parent Location


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