Diamond Lake Chapel to Heironeous Building / Landmark in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil

Diamond Lake Chapel to Heironeous

Located in the Garrison building, the Chapel of Heironeous is the second largest congregation in Diamond Lake. A massive wall fresco of a mythic battle between perfect Heironeous and his traitorous half-brother Hextor looms over the chapel's bronzewood altar. The holy image is lit by dozens of guttering torches at night and by several stained-glass windows during the day. Weekly services exhibit a great deal of fraternity and sober, harmonic hymns. They are open to the public, but are dominated by soldiers and guards.   Most of the guards and soldiers serving in the Diamond Lake garrison honor Heironeous as the patron of justice and martial prowess.     The Invincible One's temple is a high-ceilinged chamber within the garrison itself, and boasts the second largest congregation in Diamond Lake, as well as one of the villages most dynamic personalities in the form of its high priest, Valkus Dun.   Led by Valkus Dun, a tall, handsome man with dark brown hair and long sideburns. Valkus took over after Velias Childramun stepped down, Velias has spent his entire life aiding the Diamond Lake Garrison and often mentors youngsters from the community. Melinde is a charming young warrior who hopes one day to run the Diamond Lake Chapel.  

Velias Childramun

  Dun came to Diamond Lake two years ago, after the previous high priest vanished under mysterious circumstances. Local gossip holds that Dun had once great prospects in the Free City's immense Sanctum of Heironeous, but that politics saw him exiled to an assignment in squalid Diamond Lake. Nevertheless, Dun took to his assignment with zeal, and the weekly services have taken on an activist spirit. While the Commander urges his charges to stay out of local affairs, Dun instills in them a duty to the villagers and urges them to make a difference in the community. The resulting tension, between the garrison commander and Valkus Dun, as well as between the Heironean soldiers and the disreputable elements of Diamond Lake (which is to say nearly all of them), is palpable.
Temple / Church
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