Captain's Blade Building / Landmark in Tales of Greyhawk | World Anvil

Captain's Blade

Tyrol Ebberly, a severe-looking man who claims to have once been a watch captain in the Free City, runs this small shop with efficiency. He's an absolute fanatic about weapons, always showing off his finer items with enthusiasm. He's also an inveterate gossip, and is likely to mention any goings-on in town. He asks endless questions about his clients affairs. If anyone shows off any odd artifacts, he becomes even more excited.   Ebberly has most melee weapons in stock. but must send away for more expensive items, a process that takes days. He specializes in the finely-made melee weapons, and keeps his surprisingly wide selection displayed on the walls. While he sells basic weapons at normal prices, most of his weapons cost between two and five times a basic version and may be etched, or engraved, made with finer materials. He does not offer any ranged weapons, and sends anyone looking for them to Venelle's, across town. "Don't forget your coin purse he sniffs indignantly. "You're sure to need it there."
Shop, Generic
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