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Sleeping Gods

This probably won't be perfect or anywhere super accurate but it'll be fun to me so

Deorum Expergiscere

The Era when the Gods were awake

  • The Fall Of The Arch-Devils
    The First Godly War
    Religious event

    Asmodeus lead a large group of Celestials to fight against the Gods and their armies. This Revolution was unsuccessful and resulted in the creation of Devils after the fall of the revolutionary army.

  • The Second Godly War and Banishment of Tiamat
    The Second Godly War
    Religious event

    Tiamat began her war against the Gods in an effort to gain vengence against all the Gods for the death of one of her partners. Bahamet sided with the Gods to try and convince her to accept the death and calm down in exchange for punishment only being given to the God of Death. This resulted in Tiamat's banishment to the Abyssal hells.

  • 300 DE
    Religious event

    He Who Plays With Particles sealed the doors between the various planes of existance roughly 3 centuries before The Sleeping. Some myths say this was due to his desire to stop Asmodeus from influencing his younger sibling "He Who Set The Stars In Motion" any further than he already had. It did however, have the added effect of locking out the rest of the planes from interacting causing these planes to have formed far more internal cultures in the last two and a half milennia than they once had before Planelock. Alas, this did not stop "He Who Set The Stars In Motion" later from becoming "He Who Does Not Sleep" so perhaps it was too late.

  • 134 DE
    Terran Ambrios is born
    Life, Birth

    Terran Ambrios is born in the Resurrection Forest

  • 26 DE
    The Birth of Marcá na Dón Coíl
    Life, Birth

    Marcá na Dón Coíl is born in the Town of Two

    The Town of Two
  • 22 DE
    The Birth of Omann
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Omann Bobson nee Ryser in the town of Isvyco.

  • 21 DE
    Birth of Azrail
    Life, Birth

    The Birth of Azrail Bobson in the town of Isvyko.

  • 19 DE
    Ophelia Carbonneau is born
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Ophelia Carbonneau is born in Martissis

  • 0 DE

    1 /1

    The Day The Gods were Put To Sleep
    Era beginning/end

    The Day The One Who Does Not Sleep put the Other Gods to sleep. Little is known about how or why this happened. Simply that it was marked by a Red Sky and is the first records of the God of Fate instead of The God of Time

Deorum Obdormiet

1 DO and beyond

The Gods are Sleeping

  • 1 DO

    The Day The Gods were Put To Sleep
    Era beginning/end

    The Day The One Who Does Not Sleep put the Other Gods to sleep. Little is known about how or why this happened. Simply that it was marked by a Red Sky and is the first record of the God of Fate instead of The God of Time

  • 1 DO


    The First Wretched Oblation is chosen
    Religious event

    Following the Sleeping, Siaisten na Baliu Panta is taken and chosen as the first Wretched Oblation of The Town Of Two.

    The Town of Two
  • 3 DO

    The First Archangel of The Angels of Rebirth
    Religious event

    The Angels of Rebirth have their first official schism from the other worshippers of The One Reborn, declaring the first of many following 'Archangels' as their leader.

  • 506 DO


    Zlefrost's Official Founding
    Cultural event

    The official Founding of Zlefrost.

  • 2304 DO

    9 /8
    2504 DO

    20 /12

    Dalanthan Born
    Life, Birth

    Dalanthan's lifespan

  • 2304 DO

    14 /12

    Orion Laurel born
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Orion Laurel, a Paladin of the Sleepless Forest

  • 2315 DO

    Orion Laurel becomes paladin
    Life, Milestone
  • 2321 DO

    Amelica Lycoris is born
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Amelica Lycoris, Paladin to the Web of Time.

    The Web of Time
  • 2331 DO

    Amelica Lycoris becomes Paladin
    Life, Milestone

    Amelica Lycoris becomes Paladin to the Web Of Time, joining Orion Laurel in making the Fate religion have two Paladins in active service.

    The Web of Time
  • 2333 DO


    Xune Lycoris is born
    Life, Birth

    The birth of Arachnia Lycoris' second child, Xune Lycoris.

    The Web of Time
  • 2347 DO

    Orion Laurel dies
    Life, Death

    Orion Laurel and Dalanthan Moless are found sleeping, Orion Laurel is killed and Dalanthan wakes to the sound of his screams.

  • 2359 DO

    Ashley's Birth
    Life, Birth

    Ashley Shadimoore is born

  • 2395 DO


    Myst and Fyog Born
    Life, Birth

  • 2404 DO


    Silvyr Born
    Life, Birth

    Silvyr's life

  • 2414 DO

    That day 90 years ago where everyone saw a bunch of weird stuff
    Celestial / Cosmic

  • 2473 DO

    Karliah Born
    Life, Birth

    Karliah's birth

  • 2473 DO


    Kolton Born
    Life, Birth

    Kolton was born

  • 2476 DO

    Athexe Birth
    Life, Birth

    Athexe is born

  • 2482 DO


    Maxiel Born
    Life, Birth

    Maxiel's Life

  • 2482 DO

    30 /12

    Cosmos Born
    Life, Birth

    Cosmos was Born

  • 2483 DO

    Dryl Born
    Life, Birth

    Dryl Nyancic is born

  • 2484 DO

    2504 DO

    21 /11

    Pais Born
    Life, Birth

    Pais' Life

  • 2494 DO

    Amelica Lycoris Oathbreaks
    Religious event

    The Paladin of the Web Of Time, Amelica Lycoris, abandons the Fate cult and becomes an Oathbreaker.

  • 2494 DO


    Thistle Born
    Life, Birth

    Thistle's Life

  • 2501 DO

    Pais Escapes The Town Of Two
    Religious event

    Pais escapes The Town of Two and his role as Wretched Oblation, taking his would-be-successor Thistle with him.

    The Town of Two
  • 2503 DO

    The Great Huppleville Fire
    Political event

    The Great Huppleville Fire.

  • 2503 DO

    Myst abandons the Angels of Rebirth
    Life, Relocation

  • 2504 DO


    The Party Meet

    The Original Party of Karliah, Pais, Dalanthan, Ashlii, Myst and Dryl meet in a jail cell in Alern Village.

    Alern Village
  • 2504 DO


    Archangel Daealla Defeated
    Religious event

    The Party Defeat Archangel Daealla at the Resurection Forest

  • 2506 DO

    The End Of Planelock
    Religious event

    An event in Seculas allowed travel between outer planes again. However it is currently isolated to just Seculas.