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Act 2 - Part 1 - Summary

12th Day Julista - 24th Day Julista, 1762 AC

  At this point the party was still working their way through the quest log in Vexlorn . The Path of The Pale Lady had been a successful undertaking, and they now sought to help Dirt with one of his personal ordeals; apprehending a man named Neegan. They had previously crafted an elaborate scheme, which they carried out using the help of some local courtesans. The plan went splendidly, however they soon found out Kerelei had beat them to the punch and taken Neegan to a safehouse. Before heading out they went to pay the courtesans for the their support, but instead meet Vezzeria who hinted at needing their help in the future. It was implied Sandro had no say in the matter. With haste the party headed to the safehouse. There they found Kerelei had already made progress getting info from Neegan. She left him to Dirt, however, not too long after she left, the party was ambushed by unseen enemies. A scuffle broke out that left Neegan and two of the masked assailants dead. Sandro realized they were assassins of the Jade Hand .
  While wandering the streets of Vexlorn somehwat in a daze, they were flagged down by their old friend Isabeau Forrester . She relayed the ArchProvost of the The Academy of Arcanium wished to meet them. There, the ArchProvost divulged an important stronghold had gone dark and he wanted the party to escort an Arcanium Wizard named Deckard Montesoir there to assess what happened. It was a lucrative contract, therefore the party eagerly accepted. And headout the next day using the ship The Doge of Perfume Bay, Diero Marivald had sent for them captained by Janessa Schonsaur . The party arrived to find the stronghold assaulted and ransacked. On the shore they encountered survivors of the assault, who described a massive horde of undead had attacked and taken over the stronghold. The party entered the fortification and fought legions of undead as they ascened. Along the way they found a strange dagger with the name Theo Hardie etched in the hilt. After felling a massive undead monster, the party found the aftermath of the duel between Deckard and leader of the undead army. Deckard said she had got away, but he did learn much. She was Anja Lugerritz a former Arcanium member; and that a piece of Krex Weiberknochen phylactery had been stolen. He advised the party seek out a close friend and confidant; Felix Tanziver in Pruessmount for more details. Before leaving they found a strange magical mirror that housed a scholary man named Martellus Ingercrantz .
  While heading back to Vexlorn their ship is attacked by another carrying a crew of undead pirates. After vanquishing the crew; they spoke with its captured leader who happened to be a former sailor from Balthazar 's ship the; Grey Deck. The man did not fear death, and bore a mark of Myrkul, The Bone God and Patron of Necromancy . From him they learned he and his crew were hired by a young looking man with black eyes; a description they had encountered before. The party sent him to a watery grave and countined their journey back to Vexlorn.
  Back in Vexlorn, Dirt was able to finally enter the Shar, Goddess of Darkness and Loss Sanctum to speak with the Sisters of Shadow . He underwent training where he met an avatar of the goddess who gave him her blessing, and some advice. The party also received a letter from Kerelei. She explained she knew what would happen but was not responsible. While heading to Fortunes Warm to meet Pelmenous Fortune ; they were stopped by a mysterious man. He talked in riddles, but did confidently say this world was ending. Before leaving he showed his black eyes; he was that young looking man. Not too long after that encounter, Norah appeared. She explained the man was her brother, and the leader of the group causing all the issues in Primrose. As a sign of trust she revealed her similarly jet black eyes. From Pel they learned many details related to their personal quarries, and was given their next task. They were to head to the College of Wuhrmount to investigate a ruin.
  At the College they learn that a Alessian Ruin the college had been working on had gone silent. Since there were previous examples of these ruins being taken over by hostile forces, the college decided to hire Acastus members to handle the potentially dangerous situation. Before heading out the ruins, the party had a bit of downtime they used to learn more about the things they had encountered in their journey; specifically Reshilaba , Myrkul, The Bone God and Patron of Necromancy and the Jade Hand . After a night's rest, they headed out the ruins deep within the Glucksmort Mounds.
  While enroute, their carriage encountered a woman stranded on the road. From her they learned bandits had ransacked her caravan, and stolen priceless mementos. She begged the heroes to trackdown the bandits. While the party felt the urgency to get to Glucksmort, Sandro felt compelled to help and therefore set off into the woods on the bandits trail. They tracked them to a cabin, and soon came to blows with the group; who turned out to be incubus's from the The Abyss. Before landing the final killing blow on the leader; Vezzeria appeared and took the incubus into custody. She playfully toyed with Sandro before heading back to the Abyss.
  The party finally arrived at the ruins in the Glucksmort Mounds, and began their descent within. They first encountered a mage and his lackeys posing as the researchers supposedly working in the ruins. However, the party uncovered their ruse, and after a tough battle, struck down the miscreants. Further down they found the imprisoned researchers who explained a group of mercenaries had recently appeared and taken over the ruins. Information in hand, the party pushed to the lowest level to confront the leader of this clandestine scheme. Awaiting them was a mage and the leader of the mercenaries, who after a bit of banter back and forth attempted to end the party's journey. Yet, the heroes prevailed, but were seemingly too late. They found a similar vault to the one they found in Platzburg but this time it was empty and the piece housed there had been moved out long ago. With the contract completed, they headed back to the College.
  Back at the college they bumped into Vergenna Longshaft who had brought with her more info about the coded books they had found prior. In them was a chronicle of Clovista Septimus and her legions expedition into an outer realm. They original had thought it to be the purification god known as Reshilaba however it turned out to be a powerful and hostile entity known as Neohaergur . That night Sandro was visited by his patron Talista, The Nemesis Justicar. She showed him the Plane of the Aggrieved, a place where the souls of those that cling to vengeance are stuck; and asked him to track down a man in hiding in a nearby town and bring retribution upon him. The party is asked to head to Pruessmont and inform the local leader; Princess Monika II of Pruessmount what transpired.
  At the behest of his patron, Sandro and the party search for Rudolfo in the town of Kreiksburg. While investigating they eventually meet a friendly Priest of Illmatar named Ignacio. Ignacio eventually divulges he knows where Rudolfo is, and agrees to convince the man to meet Sandro outside of the town. At the meeting point, Igancio admits he is Rudolfo, and accepts any punishment Sandro see's fit. Without hesitation, Sandro strikes down the man; but decides to help Ignacio's fulfill his final pious vision by supplying the remaining needed funds to complete it. Later on, Sandro was visited by Talista once again who praised his loyalty. She offered a gift; the chance to avenge his fallen brothers.
  Arriving in Pruessmount, the party first seeks out Felix Tanziver to hopefully gain more clarity of context building around them. From him they learn much about Anja Lugerritz , Krex Weiberknochen and The Diablerie . He also advises them on how best to gain an audience with the Princess, which they use successfully. They are vetted by Embry Reusswald who whisks them to meet the princess. The info passed along alarms the Princess, who fears the antagonistic Maravians are involved. She asked the party to stay in the city until a court case can be arranged. Their testimony will be paramount.
  The party uses their down time to follow up on some personal matters of interest. Dirt seeks out a contact that has been investigating Desmond in the city. The contact let him know of a bounty hunter that was pursuing Desmond was in town, and that something violent went down involving Desmond and a Drow woman. From the bounty hunter, Dirt learns of Desmond's involvement with two powerful local guilds. The bounty hunter had set up an ambush to apprehend the fugitive outside the Guildhouse, but a melee inside prevented such. Desmond had not been seen since. Balthazar decided to put his ear to the ground and hopefully sus out more about this Ortag faction that was causing uproar in town. While doing so he was contacted by the The Acastus Consortium commander who offered the party a contract. Sandro headed to the Justice House of Tyr to complete the next phase of his training; which was to offer judgment on a man named Leonard. Finally, the party sought out a scholar who might know more about Theo Hardie. Surprisingly, the dagger they had found opened a box, which contained a hidden diary of Theo. He described the ending events of the The Trail of the Twelve and his encounter with powerful "otherworldly" beings. As well as being drawn to the ruin near Lugencroft .
  The next thing they followed up on was heading to the A to Byssal shop to learn more about the Abyssal artifacts they had found. There they meet Yazdanti an expert in all things Demon and Devil. From her they learned the object was an Abyssal Cypher, and could open portals linking the material world to the Abyss. She said the object could be used to close the portals for good, and convinced the party to let her borrow it. She promised to contact them once she found the gate it was linked to. The party also decided to look into the murder of Klaus Motter. From their contacts they realized there was a connection to the Ortag faction, and it was suggested they speak to the Merrimores at the Temple of Lliira, Goddess of Joy .
  The party then headed out to Rutzburg and complete the contract given to them. A mysterious monster had been terrorizing the town and nearby roads. They were asked to uncover what it was, and end its threat. During the investigation they were presented a ton nonsense, and conflicting info. That was until they were approached by a man named Rudolf. He theorized the "monster" was actually his sister; a Aasimar . However, he believed she was being controlled somehow and asked the party to not harm her, and stop who ever using her. He had suspicions it was a local man named Bertollz. The party followed up on the this lead, which lead them to a ruin deep within the woods near town. Evidence in his home suggested he was using enchantment magic, and had an unhealthy obsession with the celestial. The party confronted the two, and thanks to some quick thinking, struck down Bartollz and ended his control of the sister; Rhialla.
  Back in Pruessmount the party wondered what to do next. At this time, a figure from Balthazar's past appeared. it was Estee Dubois and she came with a “win-win” contract. Falstagg had a fortified compound nearby, and in it was a magical object Estee wanted. Balthazar obviously had some business he wanted to follow up on with Falstagg, and took the contract realizing it benefited both him and Estee. The fortification was hidden within an abandoned fishing village. There, they were greeted by some suspicious individuals. The party decided to not drag things out, which led to a conflict. Their opposition turned out to be some Sea Creatures in disguise. In the basement they found more of these creatures and a shrine to Caerulithia archnemesis of Umberlee, Goddess of the Sea and Trade . With the object in tow, the party headed back to Pruesmount.


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