Devil Fruits

Devil Fruits

  Description: Each of these fruits bears bold coloration and trademark swirls upon their outer skins, as well as a slightly suggestive shape that subtly hints at the nature of the fruit. Eating one of these foul-tasting fruits grants the consumer a unique power that is only learned after consuming. Even the most obscure and useless Devil Fruits are highly sought after prizes that run enormous price tags when sold to the right individuals.   Curse of the Sea Devils: When a creature that has consumed a Devil Fruit(henceforth known as "the user" or "the fruit user") starts its turn with more than half of its body submerged in water, that creature or object is instantly paralyzed. Only removing the user from the water can remove this condition.   Unusual Users: A Devil Fruit may be eaten by any creature, however that is not the extent of their application. Through unknown processes a Zoan fruit may also be "fed" to an inanimate object. An object that has been "fed" a fruit in this way becomes a sentient magic item, able to make use of its fruit powers as normal. The item gains the stats of the creature it transforms into, with its own personality and a new soul. An item will neccesarily function differently than a creature in terms of interactions with Devil Fruit powers.   Fruit Categories: Devil fruits generally fall under one of three type classes, Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia, all described below.  
  • Paramecia: The most common category of Devil Fruit, as well as the one with the most variation in granted abilities. Paramecia fruits grant many different powers that fall under one or more of the following sub-categories:
  1. Generation- The user is able to generate and manipulate a substance or kind of object(ex. Wax-Wax Fruit, Slow-Slow Fruit)
  2. Body Manipulation- The user's body either becomes or can transform into a substance/object that the user can manipulate(ex. Arms-Arms Fruit, Bomb-Bomb Fruit), or the user's body takes on properties based around abstract concepts(ex. Munch-Munch Fruit, Clone-Clone Fruit).
  3. Area Manipulation- The user generates an area of effect for their abilities which they control to an extent(ex. Calm-Calm Fruit, Op-Op Fruit).
  • Zoan: Changes the user's body to emulate the physicality of a creature, becoming stronger and in most cases allowing the user to take on one of three forms: their original form, a hybrid of the original and the creature form, and a pure creature form. Creative and more experienced users of their fruit will be able to make use of advanced forms and techniques based on the creature and its natural abilities.
  • -There exist three separate types of Zoan fruits; Basic, Ancient and Mythical. Basic Zoan fruits allow the user to transform into a known creature of the world, usually a beast, while Ancient Zoan fruits give the user the form of an extinct animal. Mythical Zoans work slightly different in that they grant the user a power based on their mythological creature initially, and the user must unlock their full creature transformation by leveling(see below).
  • Logia: Changes the user's entire body into an intangible element, substance, or even abstract concepts like light and darkness. Barring a few noteworthy exceptions(ex. the Dark-Dark fruit or the Ice-Ice fruit), every user of a Logia fruit becomes immune to non magical weapon attacks upon consumption.
  • Special-Type Fruits: Some Devil Fruits take on the aspects of two or more of the above listed categories. These "Special" type fruits are stupendously rare, nonsensically powerful, and valuable to an extreme degree.
  Only as Good as the User: When eaten, a Devil Fruit confers its unique base level abilities to the consumer as described under each fruit's page. As a user becomes more familiar with their new powers, new abilities are unlocked. If a player consumes a Devil Fruit, the DM should take note of that player character's overall level, as the progression of fruit levels are mostly tied to how many levels a user has had their powers(described below). Though each Devil Fruit has specific abilities listed in its own description, a user may attempt to use the powers in a way not written, with the DM's permission. *Work with your DM to set expectations of how you would like to use the powers in abstract ahead of time if possible. Depending on how you plan to use the power, your DM might determine something you wish to do should require extra criteria(skill checks, multiple turns to complete, success with negative consequences, etc.) to complete the action* If a user successfully uses their fruit in ways not described in the fruit's bio, the DM may decide that user can progress their fruit level before they have reached the character level threshold described, indicating their growth and creative mastery of their powers.   -The fruit user does not add any ability score modifers to attack rolls made using their fruit powers(unless explicitly stated in that fruit's text). Instead the user gains modifiers and the ability to add their proficiency modifier to their rolls as they level up their fruit powers.   Level 1: (Base Level Abilities)   Level 2: (1-3 Levels with fruit) Gain extra control over one's element, body transformation, or approach to using their fruit abilities. Users may add proficiency to attack rolls made with their fruit powers.   Level 3: (3-7 Levels with fruit) Gain full control over abilities granted by the fruit, applying abstract ideas to established powers. Users gain a flat +3 bonus to attack rolls made with their fruit powers.   Awakening: Eventually a user can learn all there is to learn about the base functions of their fruit. Even when fully mastered, a fruit user can push their abilities to a greater extent, resulting in an explosion of power known as an Awakening. To achieve Awakening a fruit user must discover the true potential hidden in their Devil Fruit by reaching Level 3 mastery of their fruit. When a user gains this level of control, said user still cannot unlock their Awakening until they have entered combat for the first time since reaching the level threshold. The user must then stand still and spend their action to focus for 3 consecutive turns, or take at least half of their overall hit points in damage, whichever happens first in the combat. The first time these conditions are met, the user enters the Awakened state whether or not they choose to.   -The Awakened state lasts for up to a minute, after which it is automatically deactivated. The fruit user can use an action on its turn to deactivate the Awakening(except for the first time). Whenever the Awakened state is deactivated, the fruit user must make a Constitution saving throw(DC is equal to 12+ the number of rounds of combat the user had the Awakened state active). On a failure the user will fall unconscious for 1d4 hours, and upon waking will take 2 levels of exhaustion. On a success the user does not fall unconscious and takes only 1 level of exhaustion. After meeting the initial criteria for entering the Awakened state, the user can then make use of Awakening up to 3 times per long rest.   Overclocking: While the Awakened state is active, a user might need an extra burst of power, a little more range, or to use the fruit in a way not specifically stated in the Awakening text. With the permission of the DM, a user may attempt to overcome these limitations at the risk of their own life. Your DM may rule an action is simply impossible, or that it requires other conditions to be met for that action to take place. If a user chooses to do this, then upon deactivating the Awakened state that user will instantly fall unconscious for 1d12 hours, and upon waking take 1d4+1 levels of exhaustion.   Death Of A Fruit User: When the user of a Devil Fruit dies, their powers aren't gone from the world. Instead those powers are instantly transferred into a random natural fruit within 100 miles of where that user died. This fruit takes on the shape of the original Devil Fruit and becomes a consumable magic item once again, ready for the next user to take it.

Devil Fruit Table:

Roll a d100. The result is the fruit discovered. If the fruit rolled has already been eaten, replace it with another and roll again.   1-2:The Shadow-Shadow Fruit   3-4: The Bird-Bird Fruit: Model Sparrow   5-6: The Kilo-Kilo Fruit   7-8: The Smoke-Smoke Fruit   9-10: The Jacket-Jacket Fruit   11-12: The Swim-Swim Fruit   13-14: The Cage-Cage Fruit   15-16: The Heal-Heal Fruit   17-18: Mythical Human-Human Fruit: Model Angel   19-20:The Door-Door Fruit   21-22: Sick-Sick Fruit   23-24: Mole-Mole Fruit   25-26: Bomb-Bomb Fruit   27-28: The Arbor-Arbor Fruit   29-30: Soap-Soap Fruit   31-32: Cat-Cat Fruit: Model Jaguar   33-34: Ancient Dragon-Dragon Fruit: Model Ankylosaur    35-36: Swamp-Swamp Fruit   37-38: Castle-Castle Fruit   39-40: Wax-Wax Fruit   41-42: Munch-Munch Fruit   43-44: Horse-Horse Fruit: Model Antelope   45-46: Dragon-Dragon Fruit: Model Quetzalcoatlus   47-48: Barrier-Barrier Fruit   49-50: Rumble-Rumble Fruit   51-52: Mythical Dragon-Dragon Fruit: Model Silver   53-54: Mark-Mark Fruit   55-56: Dragon-Dragon Fruit: Model Allosaurus   57-58: Rust-Rust Fruit   59-60: Spring-Spring Fruit   61-62: Gas-Gas Fruit   63-64: Stitch-Stitch Fruit   65-66: Mythical Cat-Cat Fruit: Model Sphinx   67-68: Wheel-Wheel Fruit   69-70: Cow-Cow Fruit: Model Bison   71-72: Hand-Hand Fruit   73-74: Snip-Snip Fruit   75-76: Dog-Dog Fruit: Model Wolf   77-78: Calm-Calm Fruit   79-80: Smooth-Smooth Fruit   81-82: Snow-Snow Fruit   83-84: Arms-Arms Fruit   85-86: Spike-Spike Fruit   87-88: Hollow-Hollow Fruit   89-90: Mythical Dog-Dog Fruit: Model Ameterasu   91-92: Cow-Cow Fruit: Model Elephant   93-94: Slow-Slow Fruit   95-96: Clear-Clear Fruit   97-98: Snake-Snake Fruit: Model Python   99-100: Op-Op Fruit
Item type
Consumable, Magical
A few visual examples of Devil Fruits.

Articles under Devil Fruits