Cojaea Run (KO-JAY-uh)

Cojaea Run, though classed as a river, is more of a dead-end inlet approximately halfway down the length of the Tubisqu River on its eastern edge between the split of the Acheche River to its north and Hooth's River to its south, in northeast Unenshuut.   It would be fairly insignificant were it not for its proximity to Gell's Landing and the Inebi Grove, and the village of Tikkiss, which made it a notable landmark during the War of the Six. In particular it was the home of Gild Bitterway until their untimely corruption during the war by the Ba'athorog Frell, which ultimately resulted in the Cojaea Nesting and, later, the Assault on the Nest. This has meant that the inlet was arguably one of the most significant wartime locations for both the Pact and the Accord.
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