Fache Cove

Fache Cove is a small, sheltered bay in the otherwise sheer upper western shore of the central of the Three Ribs in eastern Unenshuut; it is notable for being directly opposite Keismeb and is the nearest eastern ferry landing point.   Historically it was home to the faun Anteg Stead.


During the War of the Six it held particular interest for the Pact of the Blessèd, who sought to re-attempt to siege Keismeb. After successfully bartering occupation for part of their invasion forces in exchange for safe passage for the Anteg vulnerable, the Pact were able to use the cove to launch attacks across the river. However, the Anteg then rebukked the agreement and were slaughtered.   Later, the Pact having retreated from the area following the failed siege of Keismeb, the Accord used it as a supply route prior to the Widow's Siege, especially when Cojaea Run became occupied by the Pact.


Though not tourism per se, despite the tragic slaughter of the Anteg who occupied the cove and its lack of population since, the ferry-point continues to be used -- most move swiftly on once they land, if they do not choose to wait to alight at Cojaea Run or elsewhere.
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