The great dust bowl Regional History Timeline

Regional History

Pertinent information about the setting and game lore.

Before the War

... 2052

Though the world struggles for resources, a facade is held to keep the major populations calm and complacent.

  • 2002

    West Tek Founded

    Working under a D.O.D. contract, West Tek begins designing advanced weapon systems and researching biomedical sciences.

  • 2042

    RobCo Industries and Nuka Cola both founded

    Having no idea how influencial they would become, both of these companies would form in the same year. Neither Robert House nor John-Caleb Bradberton are even thirty yet.

The Sino-American War

2052 2077

Tensions escalate between The United States and The People's Republic of China sparking a global war.

  • 2067

    The Vault Crawler designed
    Construction beginning/end

    Starting off as a conceptual design, this mobile platform was made to terraform the ground and fabricate new cities on distant worlds. When it attracts media coverage, Vault Tec takes the publicity and runs with it.

  • 2067

    The Poseidon Oil Rig is secured
    Construction beginning/end

    Named Control Station ENCLAVE, this platform is outfitted to ensure the survival of the U.S. government in the event of nuclear annihilation.

  • 2067

    T45 Power Armor joins the front
    Technological achievement

    The U.S. becomes the first nation to successfully add power armor to their arsenal. The T45 model become synonymous with the American armed forces and is mass produced nation wide.

  • 2071

    West Tek absorbed
    Diplomatic action

    Put under direct control of the U.S. government, all current and future projects now operate under their control.

  • 2072

    Robco and Nuka Cola collaboration
    Financial Event

    Celebrating their five year anniversaries, these two powerhouse companies decide to publicly work on a project together. Automating the manufacturing and delivery of Nuka Cola, one such plant is built beneath Dodge City, Kansas.

  • 2073

    Eden Compound built
    Construction beginning/end

    Wealthy members of the U.S. government that also have strong conservative and religious values pull funds together to build The Eden Compound, styling it as a modern cathedral to avoid having to pay taxes on the construction.

  • 2073

    Pan-Immunity Virion created
    Scientific achievement

    Intended originally to protect Americans from Chinese chemical and biological attacks, the government has other plans for the future of this designer virus.

  • 2075

    Forced Evolutionary Virus born
    Scientific achievement

    A culmination of the research done on the Pan-Immunity Virion, West Tek is successful in creating the first strain of F.E.V. and begins testing on live cells.

  • Three days before the country was destroyed..
    Brotherhood of Steel formed

    Members of the armed forces discover F.E.V. research and desert from the U.S. military. They form the Brotherhood of Steel and vow to protect humanity from itself, by force if necessary.

The Great War

2077 and beyond

Nuclear bombs fall across first world countries in the culmination of resource and territory wars. The force of the blast near Kansas creates a massive radioactive sandstorm that has no end in sight.

  • As the rest of the world was ending..
    Enclave is formed

    Taking on the designation given to the Poseidon Oil Rig, the Enclave is officially formed from pre-war members of the American government. They begin research and development projects underground, starting with advanced power armor prototypes.

  • Just after the bombs fell..
    The Vault Crawler inhabited

    Workers, representatives, and a host of robobrain engineers that did not make it to safety instead gather on the Vault Crawler to take refuge from the elements. Life sustaining operations are restored, but many of the systems are incomplete and require further maintanence and parts.

  • 2079

    Vault 173 fails
    Disaster / Destruction

    More victims of Vault Tec's experiments, the survivors are forced out into one of the most radioactive places in the Great Dust Bowl. Those that retain their minds through the mutations make their way to what was once the Garden State.

    Vault 173
  • 2079

    Los Verdugos formed

    Discovering they are trapped inside the Great Dust Bowl, a group of pre-war Mexican nationalists forms a new community to protect their fellow countrymen. After dominating much of the region, they take on the role of enforcers in the ghoul syndicate to cement their position for the long term.

  • 2085

    Mark II Vertibird first constructed
    Technological achievement

    The original date planned to roll out the U.S. military's improved version of the vertibird. This work is taken over and completed by the Enclave in California, with several successful prototypes constructed and tested towards the end of the year.

  • 2088

    The Rad Farm inhabited

    Hit by one of the 2077 warheads, further radiation was emitted after the meltdown at the Poseidon Nuclear Plant that turned the entire populace into ghouls or corpses respectively. Now a seat of power for the regional warlords, it is used to harvest atomic materials for a wide range of uses throughout their empire.

  • 2094

    The Vault Crawler becomes operational

    Enough big brains are recruited to get the Crawler truly mobile and capable of excavation. A Vault Tec manual for restarting civilization is used to amend pre-war laws and create a new government lead by an elected council of First Citizens. A digital currency is now used in the form of 'credits', building a new economy that favors the Crawler in terms of outside trade.

  • 2110

    Institute founded

    Students and faculty that took refuge in the basement of the Commonwealth Institute of Technology pass on their knowledge to the next generation. They create an underground complex that rapidly expands with their advanced technologies and problem solving skills, naming it after the college above.

  • 2113

    Vault 200 fails
    Population Migration / Travel

    A Vault designed to hold political rivals from the pre-war administration. Experiments on removing human empathy quickly got out of control, leading to a violent revolt that killed the Overseer and left those loyal to her barricaded in the deepest levels. With resources cut off from the survivors, they had little choice but to brave the wastes for a new home, being exposed to intense radiation in the process.

    Vault 200
  • 2115

    Corvega City founded

    The displaced dwellers of Vault 200 discover the Chryslus showroom and fabrication plant, naming it after the former company's crowning achievement. Although finally sheltered from the harsh environment, many have become ghouls or mutated in similar ways from wandering the Great Dust Bowl for two years. With food and medicine scarce, these survivors turn to raiding and cannibalism before becoming the infamous Corvega City Slavers operation later that same year.

    Corvega City
  • 2119

    First broadcast from Crawler Radio
    Cultural event

    Containing a treasure trove of rare pre-war recordings set up by Vault Tec during one of their publicity stunts, it was intended to show off the culture they meant to spread across the cosmos. Doubling as a beacon for those working outside the Crawler in the poor visibility, they could now use a pip boy or modified radio receiver of any kind to find their way home. Announcements could also be made for those that had trouble with the public terminals, and a new highly desirable job could be leveraged or raffled off to boost morale.

  • 2133

    Vault 200 discovered by the Crawler
    Cultural event

    Found with a small population of dwellers completely indoctrinated to Vault Tec, it took little to no convincing to get them to become citizens once they heard Crawler Radio. Their Vault was salvaged for parts, adding functionality and more living space. When news reaches the Corvega City Slavers they put out a bounty for any slaves taken wearing Vault suits out of fury.

    Vault 200
  • 2137

    The Master unveils his super mutants
    Military action

    Unleashing terror across California, the rest of the country would soon feel the affects of releasing the F.E.V. virus in such a large scale operation. California is hardest hit, with entire Vaults and villages being subjected to the exposure. Only those with pure enough genes can survive the transformation, with the entire process having about a one in six success rate.

  • 2139

    The Eden Compound disappears in the perpetual storm
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Great Dust Bowl envelopes the surface of the Eden Compound, making ground operations impossible. They remain in limited contact through their satellite uplink with the rest of the Enclave when the storm above permits. Using this as an opportunity, research begins on counters for F.E.V. and harvesting geothermal energies directly from the Earth. Non-essential personnel begin to disappear quietly to fuel these experiments.

  • 2162

    3 /4

    The Master is defeated

    Defeated by a dweller from Vault 13, the abomination once known as Richard Moreau is killed and his army scattered to the wastes. Although the vats that created the crisis are destroyed, it is clear this is not an isolated incident. Copycats and splinter factions begin this epidemic nationwide.

  • 2162

    4 /4

    Master's Bastards form

    One splinter force from the Master ended up under the leadership of a super mutant experimented on with crude cybernetics that were used to enhance his intellect. Swearing to correct the flaws in the F.E.V. and lead his brethren into a new golden era, he founded the Master's Bastards and left east under Brotherhood pursuit. Not prepared for his cunning, he was able to slip his army into the Great Dust Bowl and avoid annihilation like many more of his kind.

    More reading
    The Master's Bastards
  • 2167

    Vault 162 discovered

    Stumbling across the clues to this Vault, the Crawler wasted no time taking advantage of the pre-war security defenses and having a look inside for themselves. What they found was a stockpile of resources and armaments, the most notable of which being a small army of robotic enforcers and the equipment to manufacture more. Reprogrammed to serve the First Citizens Council, they were dubbed ‘The Unstoppables’ after a popular radio show from before the war that was preserved aboard the platform through their extensive holotape collection.

    Vault 162
  • 2177

    Vault 191 opens on schedule
    Population Migration / Travel

    Filled with doctors and chemists, this Vault was designed to leak enough radiation to prove harmful to long term health without killing anyone directly. To add insult to injury they were also denied a G.E.C.K., under the idea that this would provide better motivation for scientific breakthroughs. Instead a brutal cartel formed, developing addictive chems to mask the effects of exposure and keep occupants docile enough to prevent a mutiny. After the doors unsealed, they wasted no time joining the Corvega City Slavers who saw them as an opportunity to increase their influence.

  • 2186

    The New California Republic founded

    Formed from the dwellers of Vault 15, this new government would quickly spread throughout the settlements of the west. This causes conflicts with the Brotherhood of Steel but it remains civil for the sake of peace.

  • 2188

    Vault 188 mysteriously opens
    Discovery, Exploration

    Detecting a Vault Tec distress beacon, the Crawler investigated a mysteriously abandoned Vault that had just recently opened. What they found were more questions than answers, leading them to bury their findings and salvage the resources before anyone could poke around too much.

    Vault 188
  • 2220

    Mark II Power Armor refined
    Technological achievement

    Developed by the Enclave on the Poseidon Oil Rig after the embarrassing failures with the prototypes, these models are superior to the pre-war suits used by the U.S. government in many ways. Lighter, more durable ceramic composites protect the wearer better while an improved energy management system works to keep them in the fight longer. The schematics are transferred to the Eden Compound in exchange for their work on fine tuning the 'Tesla' variants.

    More reading
    The Eden Compound
  • 2233

    Vault 191 is discovered by the Crawler
    Military action

    When its true nature is revealed to the First Citizens Council, ( a chem manufacturing operation designed to addict wasterlanders and make them easier to take as slaves), a vote is quickly cast to take the Vault by force. Contacting resistance inside, the doors are opened and The Unstoppables are deployed to make short work of the security. When word reaches the main population of dwellers now cooking their chems out of Corvega City, mercenaries are hired to actively harry the Crawler from this point on and a war begins. The bounty on slaves taken in Vault suits increases to the point that even regular people struggling to get by have trouble keeping their mouths shut.

  • 2241

    Eden Compound completes F.E.V. research
    Scientific achievement

    The Eden Compound finishes their own twisted work on the F.E.V. and sends the data to Ravenrock. They have proudly created a genocidal pathogen that targets anyone exposed to enough radiation to cause mutation. This not only meant the ghouls and super mutants they promised, but also the majority of wastelanders living in the post nuclear world.

  • 2242

    The Shi open Chinatown to outsiders

    Discovering architecture and styles that reminded the stranded foreigners of home, the Shi established their new empire in Chinatown. Welcoming likeminded outsiders, they begin working towards solutions for the wasteland's problems.

  • 2242

    Poseidon Oil Rig destroyed
    Military action

    Although the rest of the Enclave never learn the cause of the explosion, the man hailed as the current president of the United States is killed in a thermonuclear detonation over the world's last known supply of oil. A new president soon contacts the surviving outposts, ordering remaining forces to the Capital Wasteland. Unable to comply, the Eden Compound remains in communication and bides their time for fairer weather.

  • 2243

    Brotherhood of Steel rapidly expand

    Using captured vertibird plans, the Brotherhood occupy much of California and begin to push east. Quick mobilization allows them to make their numbers seem much larger than reality, and they use this advantage to set up outposts anywhere they find desirable real estate.

  • 2245

    Paladin Haverson stranded

    While probing the edges of the Great Dust Bowl a company of vertibirds is lost in the storm under the command of Paladin Haverson. Opting to cut off their distress beacons to save further lives and resources, they resign themselves to find a solution internally. Luck seemed to place them in the path of the Crawler, the First Citizens Council voting to make a deal with the Brotherhood. In exchange for help rehabilitating the crippled vertibirds, they would serve as an aerial deterrence for slaver and super mutant threats. Nicknamed the 'Thunderbirds', they now consider themselves their own chapter with Paladin Haverson as their elder until such a time when they can return home.

    More reading
  • 2248

    The Red Devils founded

    Working in cooperation with the Thunderbirds, a small group begins putting their book learning and simulation training to the test flying biplanes for simple missions that the Brotherhood can't be bothered with.

  • 2250

    The Robco Liberation Army founded

    Finding a cache of pre-war machines, a group of terrorists take advantage of their situation and form the RLA.

  • 2255

    The NCR and Brotherhood become hostile
    Military action

    Fighting breaks out between the NCR and the Brotherhood, with skirmishes commonplace across California. This begins a shift in power between the two factions, with the numbers of the NCR deciding more battles than not. The Brotherhood loses too much territory and is forced underground or further east in the ensuing conflict.

  • 2258

    The Eden Compound re-enters the habitable zone
    Geological / environmental event

    Uncovered for the first time in over a hundred years, the Enclave wastes no time resuming surface operations.

  • 2259

    Vault 169 opens
    Disaster / Destruction

    With several internal problems, the denizens of Vault 169 manage to trick their door into unsealing a few decades early. Hoping to gain an edge on rival Vaults in the area, they are amazed to see the state of the wasteland and how far their neighbors have already progressed. Instead of expanding, they remain in their home and begin luring others to come to them..

  • 2260

    Nuka City founded

    Recently uncovered by a shift in the storm, scavengers were shocked to find several vending machines buried in the rubble that appeared to be freshly stocked. Further examination revealed a connection to a sealed production plant somewhere underground, however the entrance has yet to be discovered. Now a trading hub and sanctuary for undesirables that cannot join another faction or settlement, outsiders will pay a hefty markup to sample their hospitality and wares.

    Nuka City
  • 2262

    Hostel Crossing founded

    Taking advantage of a common rest stop, a group of traders set up Hostel Crossing to cater to the regional ghoul syndicate leaders. Humans are allowed to do business but should not expect any form of protection should they offend anyone. Some still disappear after following the rules, but it is considered an acceptable loss to most that want access to the rare salvaged wares.

    Hostel Crossing
  • 2262

    Vault 177 fails
    Disaster / Destruction

    After experimenting with the genes of their dwellers the future generations become increasingly more violent until it reaches a tipping point, and the Vault fails. The survivors now live on borrowed time, robbing or just plain attacking anyone that enters the territory surrounding their ancestral home.

    The Squats
  • 2264

    Vault 203 discretely opens
    Discovery, Exploration

    Robotic servitors make their way outside Vault 203 to scout a location for their precious cargo. They fail to detect any acceptable habitats and reseal the the doors only a few months after they opened, though not without a few escapes..

  • 2266

    NCR 2nd Ranger Infantry Company stranded in The Great Dust Bowl
    Disaster / Destruction

    After some calamitous events several platoons from an NCR company are stranded inside the swirling sands. Unable to find a way back ,they establish an outpost to run their operations out of.

  • 2267

    Dog Town founded

    After a canine mysteriously shows up in perfect pre-war condition and gives birth to several litters, a small settlement is given new purpose. They form a protectorate force around the future generations and even make their original guest the mayor.

    Dog Town
  • 2270

    10 /3

    The Shuguang Disaster
    Disaster / Destruction

    Launched from Chinatown to push the bounds of the Empire’s reach, the Shuguang experienced a complication and crash landed back towards Earth before escaping the atmosphere. Landing in the Great Dust Bowl, many vital flight systems were damaged beyond repair. Although this stranded the men and women aboard, the internal workings of the ship were largely intact.

  • 2276

    Something discovered beneath the sands

    Locating something under the border of pre-war Kansas and Colorado, the Dunwich Society has deployed an iron curtain over the area to begin excavations.

    More reading
    The Dunwich Conspiracy
  • 2277

    1 /3

    Vault 113 is attacked
    Military action

    Targeted with pre-war records, it takes the Eden Compound many years to actually locate Vault 113 under the sand and debris. Once uncovered, they immediately prep a strike team to establish control over the residents and resources. Although no initial resisitance is given, the treatment of the dwellers is so bad that a revolution begins within the first week of their official occupation, leading to the discovery of the missing G.E.C.K. and a full on conflict between the Enlcave on site and the survivors.

    Vault 113
    More reading
    Culling the Storm
  • 2277

    27 /10

    Vault 212 opens

    A lost Vault that has finally opened on schedule two hunder years after the bombs fell. Exposed to FEV experimentation during their time underground, the current population has learned to live with their diverse mutations after overthrowing the current Overseer and installing new leadership. Luckily for the displaced dwellers, they have surfaced during a time that the entrance to their home is located inside the habitable zone. Not so lucky is that thier home is located on a patch of road dubbed the Bastards Highway by a militarized group of west-coast super mutants. Smarter and more capable then their cousins from the east, they would be very interested in getting their hands on the research and pre-war tech stored within.

    Vault 212
    More reading
    Culling the Storm