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Tieflings are a Race native to The Old World, notorious for their diabolical cunning and unnatural magnetism. They are a playable Race best-suited to Classes which focus on innate magic and strength of personality, such as Bard, Paladin, Sorcerer, or Warlock (see, and have no known Sub-Races.

Basic Information


Tieflings are of Medium size and average build relative to other Races. They possess two arms, two legs, and no natural armor or weapons.

Biological Traits

Tieflings possess modest sexual dimorphism, with males being somewhat larger and stronger than females and possessing sharper facial features. Both genders have visible genitalia and females additionally have visible breasts.

Genetics and Reproduction

Tieflings are capable of sexual reproduction with both Humans and one another, but can also be born spontaneously from Human parents as a result of bargains struck with the archdevil, Asmodeus. Such an event is considered proof positive of witchcraft and, in Nations which follow the Church of Pholtus, is punishable by burning at the stake. Tieflings have both male and female genders, and give live birth following a gestation period of approximately 9 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Tieflings generally reach sexual maturity by 12 to 14 years of age and are considered adults by 16 to 18 years of age. Both males and females retain a relatively youthful appearance and the ability to reproduce throughout their lives. Average Tiefling life expectancy is between 80 and 100 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Tieflings are best suited for warm climates, but are able to adapt and survive in a wide variety of environments, ranging from forests to tundra.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Tieflings are omnivores and are able to thrive on a wide range of diets. Most Tieflings primarily consume plant products, such as grains, vegetables, and fruit, which they occasionally supplement with cooked meat and animal products. Tieflings have moderate metabolisms and must eat multiple meals daily to remain healthy, but can survive on only water for up to a month if necessary.

Biological Cycle

Tieflings follow a diurnal life cycle. They are generally active during the day and sleep for 6 to 8 hours each night. They do not hibernate and their life cycle has no significant seasonal changes.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Tieflings generally live among Human populations rather than in communities of their own kind, the Nation of Alderac being a notable exception. They share many of the same social customs as Humans but, because of their unsavory ancestry and fiendish appearance, are frequently ostracized and persecuted. When multiple Tieflings live in close proximity, they tend to form strong bonds with one another and frequently intermarry.

Facial characteristics

Tieflings typically have red, brown, black, or violet eyes and may have rounded or pointed ears. Both genders grow hair on their scalps and males frequently have facial hair as well. Most Tieflings possess goat-like horns, which vary in length and may be straight or curved.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Tieflings are present to some degree in most Human populations, but are particularly common on the continents of Drachen and Latia Major.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Tieflings have average sight and hearing and possess Darkvision. They have high proficiency with magic and no innate psionic powers.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Tieflings do not form a majority of the population anywhere in the Old World, but exist among most Human populations. They also form a substantial minority in the Nation of Alderac, which is unusually tolerant of their kind.

Gender Ideals

Tieflings generally conform to the traditional gender roles of the Human cultures in which they reside. In Alderac, male and female Tieflings are held to be equal and individuals of either gender may fill any role in society.

Courtship Ideals

Tieflings generally mate for extended periods, but rarely for life. They naturally gravitate toward other Tieflings but, due to their small numbers in most areas, more often interbreed with Humans. The children of such mixed unions favor their Tiefling parent to such an extent that they are effectively Tieflings themselves. In Alderac, Tiefling families frequently arrange marriages with one another for political and economic reasons.

Average Technological Level

Tieflings are not known for their technological sophistication, but are generally quite clever and have little difficulty utilizing the technologies of the Human societies in which they reside.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Tieflings tend to speak the same Languages as the Humans around them and are often multi-lingual. Those who reside in Alderac speak Alderaque and, frequently, Elvish or Dwarven as well.


Tieflings come from Human stock and have existed since the Age of Invasion, when the Latian Empire repeatedly fell under attack by armies of Orcs, Dragonborn, and fiendish creatures. It is said the latter were led by the archdevil, Asmodeus, who demanded worship from Humans who came under his thrall and transformed them into the first Tieflings. Even in modern times, Tieflings are occasionally born to entirely Human parents who serve the Archdevil, though most are the children of other Tieflings.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Tieflings have poor relations with Humans, among whom they have lived as a persecuted minority for their entire history. Their disposition toward other Races varies greatly, though they are almost always hostile toward Aasimar. Some Tieflings feel a sense of kinship with other outcasts, such as Half-Elves, Orcs, and Half-Orcs, while others share the prejudices of their Human neighbors. They are capable of interbreeding with Humans but, unlike Humans, cannot interbreed with Dwarves, Elves, Orcs, or Aasimar. Tiefling-Human hybrids tend to favor their Tiefling parent to such an extent that they are effectively Tieflings themselves.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens Impius
80-100 years
Average Height
5'0" - 6'2"
Average Weight
115-180 lbs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Ranges from light pink to deep red or purple.


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