Master Timeline

  • 2512

    18 Vorgeheim

    The First Meeting

    Godabert, Kris, Karl, and Beau meet each other for the first time in a coaching house in Sprinthoff. Gathered together by their employer, Jekel Schroeder, the group makes preparations to journey to Ubersreik to invesigate the disappearance of Lena Bauer.

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    22 Vorgeheim

    Arrival in Ubersreik
    Life, Relocation

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  • 2512

    23 Vorgeheim

    Crew Joins the Ubersreik Watch
    Life, Career

    Hours after being arrested for instigating a deadly riot in Ubersreik's Marktplatz, four travelers are conscripted to serve in the city's undermanned watch.

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  • 2512

    24 Vorgeheim

    Grisly Murder of an Apprentice Carpenter Shocks Teubrucke, Ubersreik
    Criminal Activity

    An apprentice in the Carpenter's Guild, Herr Klauson, was found murdered and dismembered on the docks behind the Crooked Hammer tavern.

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  • 2512

    24 Vorgeheim

    A Little Sit-down at Satrioli's
    Gathering / Conference

    The Crew has a meeting with Mercy Lowhaven, leader of the Lowhaven criminal organization at Satrioli's Sausage Shop in Ubersreik's Artisan District. Crew is asked to work as informants for the gangsters, gathering intelligence on one of the city's most prominent (albeit secretive) citizens, Christophe Engels, the Grey Wizard.

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  • 2512

    26 Vorgeheim

    Sergeant Rudi Klumpenklug Honored
    Life, Publicity

    Sergeant Rudi Klumpenklug of Ubersreik's city watch, is honored in a small ceremony at The Precinct for his outstanding civic duty in recent days: saving citizens from a block fire, calming a brawl between Altdorf soldiers and watchmen at a local tavern, and assisting in the investigation into Klauson's murder.

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  • 2512

    27 Vorgeheim

    Masquerade Ball at the Niederstadt Estate Attracts Nobles and Luminaries from throughout the Vorbergland
    Cultural event

    Despite its current state of political turmoil, Ubersreik attracts dignitaries from throughout the southern Reikland for Lord Erich von Holzenhauer's grand masquerade. The not-so-subtle motivation for the event is for lords and ladies to campaign for the honor of ruling the fortress city subsequent to the removal of the Jungfreud family.

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  • 2512

    28 Vorgeheim

    Massacre at the Masquerade
    Criminal Activity

    An elegant party comes to a violent end, and not on account of your run-of-the-mill aristocratic scandals either (although those, it is rumored, abounded as well). Talk around the Morganseite is that the Holzenhauer masquerade was infiltrated by mutants and if not for the intervention of Captain Pfeiffer's watch patrol and the infamous witch-hunter Mattias Hubkind, many more lives might have been claimed.

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  • 2512

    29 Vorgeheim

    A Meeting with the Wizard
    Gathering / Conference

    The Crew makes formal introductions with "the employer," Christophe Engels. They learn of the plot to protect bright wizard apprentice Lena Bauer as well of the lore behind the lost "Deck of Many Things." Engels enlists the Crew's aid in helping fake Lena's death and preventing Jekel Schroeder and his master(s) from acquiring Sidriane's grimoire.

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  • 2512

    30 Vorgeheim

    Sailing for Grausee

    Barred entry into Ubersreik following some violent criminal activity in the Morgenseite, a group of travelers is offered a job on a construction crew working on a new mill along Lake Grausee. Opportunistic and short on silver, they hop aboard a Strigany barge and sail upriver. Friendships are forged.

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  • 2512

    31 Vorgeheim

    A Bloody Scene at The Hooded Man
    Criminal Activity

    The Hooded Man, a small riverside inn outside Flussberg, southwest of Ubersreik, is home to a grisly scene. Mutant cultists murder most of the proprietors and guests, but are prevented from completing a sinister ritual thanks to the timely arrival of a roadwarden patrol.

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  • 2512


    Blood Rot Outbreak in Ubersreik's Rookery
    Plague / Epidemic

    The Spittlefield tenement in Ubersreik's rookery is quarantined by the local constabulary in an effort to prevent the spread of a virulent plague later determined to be blood rot.

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  • 2512


    The Prisoner and the Warden
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    On the Day of Mystery, Crew assists in the escape of convicted criminal Holger Maurer. They subsequently convince the Road Warden Sergeant that this was the correct course of action, earning favor with the authorities and eternal gratitude from the enigmatic Maurer. Crew terminates their employment with the Ubersreik Watch.

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  • 2512

    1 Nachgeheim

    Ubersreik Merchants Escape Silverbeard Gang
    Criminal Activity

    A group of merchants, said to have been abducted by dwarven gangsters under the leadership of the notorious Barlin Silverbeard, escape from a prison vault in the Khazilgirt. Community leaders in Ubersreik's dwarven district, the Dawihafen, urge calm.

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  • 2512

    2 Nachgeheim

    Bait & Witch
    Life, Career

    Crew Saves the Hedge Witch Alexander Grun and Captures Rogue Witch-Hunter Hannah Baumann. Godabert becomes a mystic and Beau becomes a bounty hunter.

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  • 2512

    5 Nachgeheim

    The Destruction of The Red Moon Inn
    Disaster / Destruction

    Popular dockside tavern and inn, known for its fish stew and featuring, of late, fresh-baked crusty bread, explodes mysteriously and is subsequently burned to the ground.

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  • 2512

    6 Nachgeheim

    The Chasers Meet the Wizard
    Gathering / Conference

    The newly formed Stormchasers meet Ubersreik's resident wizard, Christophe Engels, at the Guildhouse of the city Merchant's Guild. They are hired by Guildmaster Marta Muller and senior member Sigmar Brauninger to investigate the disappearance of a local coal merchant.

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  • 2512

    7 Nachgeheim

    The Murder of Bruno Franke
    Criminal Activity

    Bruno Franke, judicial champion to the Gravin Maria-Ulrike von Liebwitz of Ambosstein, is found murdered in The Three Feathers inn, a riverside stop along the Teufel between Ubersreik and Stromdorf.

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  • 2512

    8 Nachgeheim

    The Chasers Arrive in Stromdorf
    Life, Relocation

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  • 2512

    10 Nachgeheim 1200:00

    Holtz Farmers Uncovered as Depraved Murderers
    Criminal Activity

    The Stormchasers uncover the insidious secrets of the Holtz family, farmers south of Stromdorf. Aided by Keila Cobblepot, proprietor of the Stewpot Hostelry, the farmers had been sacrificing kidnapped victims, including the missing merchant Florian Wechsler, to a local tribe of beastmen.

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  • 2512

    10 Nachgeheim 1800:00

    Stormchasers Steal the Lightning Stone from Izka Madtooth
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Stormchasers venture deep into the rain-soaked Oberslecht swamp to reach the herdstone of the Madtooth beastmen tribe. Through a combination of guile, bravery, and mettle, the party absconds with the fabled "lightning stone," the symbol of Izka Madtooth's supremacy, thus plunging the unruly tribe into unrest and disarray.

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  • 2512

    4 Erntezeit

    Building of The New Red Moon Inn Commences
    Construction beginning/end

    Crew invests with owner Franz Lohner to assist with the rebuilding of their favorite dockside inn

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    5 Erntezeit

    Crew Departs Ubersreik for Altdorf
    Population Migration / Travel

    Hired by Cannon Ball Express to investigate the disappearance of a coach near Bruckthin, Crew heads north. Their future plans include traveling north of Altdorf, on the behest of Christophe Engels, the Grey Wizard of Ubersreik, to follow up on a lead pertaining to the lost Deck of Many Things

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  • 2512

    16 Erntezeit

    Crew Defeats Gobrat's Goblin Band
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    While investigating the disappearance of a Cannon Ball Express coach, the Crew discovers a small band of ambitious goblin raiders led by Gobrat. In a battle celebrated in a new song by Kris Krowe, the Wrecking Crew beat the odds and vanquish the greenskins, acquiring evidence that incriminated them in the attacks on coaches along the Altdorf-Bogenhafen Road.

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  • 2512

    18 Erntezeit

    Crew's Arrival in Altdorf
    Life, Relocation

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    21 Erntezeit

    The Pandemonium Carnival
    Discovery, Exploration

    Crew discovers a network of caves in The Five Sisters, saves Dr. Hollseher's carnival, and recovers The Piper, a component of the lost Deck of Many Things

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  • 2512

    22 Erntezeit

    The Body of Kastor Lieberung
    Life, Identity

    Crew discovers the body of Kastor Lieberung, an apparent double of Karl Hungus, and a mysterious inheritance letter that leads to Bogenhafen

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  • 2512

    24 Erntezeit

    Crew Departs Altdorf for Bogenhafen
    Population Migration / Travel

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  • 2512

    25 Erntezeit

    Crew Apprehends "Bloody" Miranda in Hartsklein
    Civil action

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  • 2512

    27 Erntezeit

    Weissbruck Dock Fire and Murder of Adolphus Kuftsos
    Criminal Activity

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  • 2512

    29 Erntezeit

    The Funeral of The Baroness Holswig-Schleistein, Gramdorf
    Life, Death

    The well-attended funeral services for the former Baroness Holswig-Schleistein was overshadowed by the chaos ensuing over a competing funeral, that of the late Doktor Ledermann. It is whispered that the celebrated Gramdorf physician was secretly a practicing necromancer and, in league with his surviving apprentice, plotted an unsuccessful raising of the undead in the county's massive Morr's Garden.

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  • 2512

    30 Erntezeit

    The Town of Stust Is Razed
    Disaster / Destruction

    Every villager has been killed, and every building burned, in the small town of Stust in the northern Vorbergland. Rumors abound as to the cause, but definitive answers are lacking. The countryside grows ever more anxious.

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  • 2512

    33 Erntezeit

    The Old Bogenauer Closes Down

    Venerable riverside inn Old Bogenauer is shuttered, after fanatical witch-hunter Malthus Brunner accuses it of harboring mutant-sympathizing cultists and Chaos worshipers.

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  • 2512


    2 Brauzeit

    Autumn Schaffenfest
    Cultural event

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    Crew's Arrival in Bogenhafen
    Life, Relocation

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  • 2512

    1 Brauzeit 1000:00

    Journey's End Journeymen Defeat Wolf's Tail Wardens
    Sporting Event / Competition

    In an epic upset, the shorthanded Journeymen of Journey's End Tavern defeat the heavily favored Wardens of The Wolf's Tail to earn a spot in the Schaffenfest Middenball Tournament championship match.

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  • 2512

    1 Brauzeit 1400:00

    Mutant Goblin Escapes into Bogenhafen Sewers
    Criminal Activity

    The frivolity of the Autumn Schaffenfest is interrupted by news that a filthy, disgusting, three-legged goblin escaped a carnival of curiosities and scurried into the city's sewer tunnels.

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  • 2512

    1 Brauzeit 1900:00

    Corpse of Mutant Goblin Discovered in Riverside Warehouse
    Civil action

    Order is restored when mutant goblin's body is found, crushed beneath crates in a warehouse along the docks.

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  • 2512

    2 Brauzeit 1700:00

    Crew Dines at The Golden Trout
    Gathering / Conference

    Thanks to an introduction by their friend, the minor Ubersreik noble Conrad von Bruner, the Crew is invited to a taste of high society at The Golden Trout. There they dine with none other than Friedrich Magirius, the Merchant's Guildmaster of Bogenhafen.

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  • 2512

    2 Brauzeit 2000:00

    The Kleinwald Social
    Cultural event

    The famous Kleinwald Social is held in the Adel Ring to celebrate the last night of Schaffenfest.

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  • 2512

    3 Brauzeit 1598:00

    Murders Shake Bogenhafen's Elite
    Criminal Activity

    A day after Heinrich Steinhager, the younger son of the Franz, head of the Steinhager merchant family, is found dead in his office (whispered to have been poisoned), the body of guildmaster Friedrich Magirius is found in his home, the victim of a fatal stabbing.

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  • 2512

    3 Brauzeit 2300:00

    The Darkest Hour
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Crew prevents Johannes Teugen and the Ordo Septenarius from opening a Chaos Gate in Bogenhafen, saving the city and, perhaps, all of the Reikland

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  • 2512

    4 Brauzeit

    Crew Departs Bogenhafen for Altdorf
    Population Migration / Travel

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    5 Brauzeit

    Crew Acquires a Boat
    Population Migration / Travel

    Crew salvages The Schnuckiputzi, claiming the river barge and its cargo. The vessel will soon be re-christened The Wrecking Ball.

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  • 2512

    8 Brauzeit

    Local Businesswoman Kidnapped, Weissbruck
    Criminal Activity

    Elvyra Kleinestun, a celebrated herbalist operating from her home in Weissbruck, was attacked and kidnapped by unnamed assailants. Upon her escape, she credited the assistance of some out-of-town adventurers. When Kleinestun's ward, the young orphan Liza Stauber, was questioned, the girl added that these so-called heroes were actually "very mean, nasty men."

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  • 2512

    11 Brauzeit

    Crew's Arrival in Altdorf
    Life, Relocation

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  • 2512

    14 Brauzeit

    Bloody Flux Epidemic Peaks in Altdorf
    Plague / Epidemic

    A particularly virulent strain of the bloody flux rages through Altdorf's Dockland and East End. A startling third of the population incarcerated at Pauper's Keep contracts the disease before the week's end.

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  • 2512

    22 Brauzeit

    Meeting The Knights of Teclis
    Gathering / Conference

    The Crew is introduced to the secret society The Knights of Teclis, meeting with former allies Christophe Engels and Gustav Weil, and being introduced to Hieronymus Blitzen. Armed with new information and heroic purpose, the Crew makes plans to journey to Kemperbad and Grissenwald.

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  • 2512

    23 Brauzeit

    Crew Departs Altdorf for Kemperbad
    Population Migration / Travel

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  • 2512

    28 Brauzeit

    The Crew Arrives in Kemperbad
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Wrecking Crew arrives in Kemperbad during a time of much civic disruption. Weeks after a group of violent cultists calling themselves The Sanguine Brotherhood had been seemingly purged from the city watch, Kemperbad is now abuzz with an imminent trial. The Gravin Maria-Ulrike von Liebwitz of Ambosstein has been accused of murdering the Baron Otto von Dammenblatz of Wissenburg. After months of wrangling, the freistadt of Kemperbad has been chosen as a neutral site for what will be a trial by combat, pitting the Gravin's champion against that of her accuser, Otto's son the Baron Eberhardt von Dammenblatz.

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  • 2512

    29 Brauzeit 900:00

    Beau Baphett Announced as Judicial Champion of the Gravin Maria-Ulrike von Liebwitz of Ambosstein
    Civil action

    In the certification for the trial by combat, in which the Gravin Maria-Ulrike von Liebwitz of Ambosstein defends herself against acts of witchcraft and murder, one Beau Baphett is entered into the record as judicial champion for the defense. The trial will be held in Kemperbad, outside the courthouse, on the 30th of Brautzeit. Herr Baphett will oppose the Baron Eberhardt von Dammenblatz's champion, the Kislevite champion Ivan Drago, in a combat of two-handed zweihander blades. The city is abuzz with anticipation.

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  • 2512

    29 Brauzeit 1200:00

    Infamous Witch-Hunter Matthias Hubkind Returns to Kemperbad
    Political event

    Matthias Hubkind, mere months after overseeing the trial and burning of accused cultist Samrich Weizen, returns to Kemperbad to attend the trial of the Gravin Maria-Ulrike of Ambosstein. The presence of the infamous witch-hunter inflames an already tense populace who have dealt with a number of high-profile trials and executions in recent months, including the purging of cult members within the city's watch.

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  • 2512

    30 Brauzeit 1200:00

    Renowned Judicial Champion Ivan Drago Felled in Brutal Trial
    Sporting Event / Competition

    In a shocking outcome, after unexpected delays that included a prison break in the adjoining courthouse and the vengeful attack of a revenant spirit on celebrated witchhunter Mattias Hubkind, renowned champion Ivan Drago was defeated by first-time judicial combatant Beau Baphett. The combat, barring the aforementioned disruptions, was brutally swift, owing largely to the choice of weapons, massive zweihander blades of the type typically favored by the Kislevite stalwart. Drago suffered a fatal headwound at approximately 1:00 PM in the afternoon. An official announcement from the court and its Verenan representative is forthcoming.

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  • 2512

    30 Brauzeit 1400:00

    Demonic Incursion Interrupts Exciting Trial by Combat
    Disaster / Destruction

    The climactic blows in the trial by combat between the champions for Baron von Dammenblatz, the plaintiff, and Gravin Maria-Ulrike von Liebwitz, the defendant, are interrupted by the appearance of eight summoned demons, purportedly followers of the blood god Khorne. Dozens of onlookers present at the courthouse arena are killed or injured before the timely intervention of Kemperbad's Morrite priest, Oswald Loewe, succeeds in banishing the creatures. Rumors immediately circulate that agents of the Gravin, concerned about the imminent outcome of the combat, are responsible for summoning the demons as either a distraction, or for more sinister intentions.

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  • 2512

    31 Brauzeit

    Kemperbad Courthouse Closes for Repairs
    Civil action

    On the day following a disastrous trial by combat, the Kemperbad judicial magistrates order the courthouse closed. Repair crews are brought in to rebuild the north portion that was damaged in an explosion. Clean-up crews mop blood off the cobbles in front of the building. And Herr Hannes Richter requests additional security support from the city watch after reporting the theft of undisclosed items from the premises.

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