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Raven Bloodash

Raven Bloodash

Raven Bloodash is a shadar-kai an oathbreaker paladin formerly in service to the Raven Queen, the goddess of the Shadowfell, and currently traveling Northwest Faerun.  


  Raven Bloodash was born in the Shadowfell and was a devoted believer of the Raven Queen and the cycles of life and death, eventually becoming a paladin in the Raven Queen's service. After years of service, Raven was given leave by the Raven Queen to journey into the Prime Material Plane to retrieve memories for the Fortress of Memories. However, Raven's sister, another servant of the Raven Queen in the Material Plane, grew cursed and deathly sick during this time. She was able to contact the Shadowfell to inform her sister of her plight, but despite Raven's pleading, the Raven Queen offered no solace.   When her sister died, Raven chose to forsake her oaths to the Raven Queen, abandoning her faith, and travel to the Material Plane to find and recover her sister's body with the ultimate goal of reuniting her body and soul.   As part of her journey, Raven arrived in Saltmarsh in Elient of 1496 alongside two other travelers: Seraphina Pierce, the half-elf wizard and younger sister to one of the Heroes of Saltmarsh Micah Pierce, and Immortal Valentine, a tiefling ranger.   Unbeknowst to the new arrivals, the town was in the middle of a crisis, as one of its council members, Anders Solmor, was using the recent departure of the Neverwinter Guard garrison to fight in the Battle of the Spire as a call to action for the Marshers to throw the Neverens out of town. Aiding Anders was the shadow monk Bo Latarn, who was attacking Marshers at night to raise tensions and fear. However, Raven and the other new arrivals found and fought Bo Latarn, forcing him to flee to Anders' manor. Valentine was able to track the monk's path, and the group aprehended Bo and Anders, resulting in the former being hanged and the latter arrested.   Raven opted to stay in town for a while with Valentine and Sera, and all three of them rented rooms at the Snapping Lure and spent most evenings drinking on the first story. Shortly after their regular drinking nights, the group was joined by Ardek Oredelver, the younger brother of Mogran Oredelver, one of the Heroes of Saltmarsh, and occasionally by Oceanus, one of the Heroes in his own right. This group decided to informally codify themselves as the B-Team, short for the Beer Team.   On the 1st of Uktar in 1496, Seraphina and Micah came to blows when after the Heroes of Saltmarsh were approached by the renowned thief the Mask to partner in raiding the Twilight Monastery. The Mask had also, years before, stolen Micah and Sera's childhood home, resulting in Micah going on a bull-headed pursuit after them, abandoning his family. Sera was furious that Micah kept this from her, as well as his recently acquired warlock powers, and Raven and Valentine came out to support their new friend, with Raven almost coming to blows with Lyra, especially after the Heroes decided to work with the Mask.   Shortly after the Heroes left, Oceanus, who had stayed behind, tried to cheer up Sera by taking the group on an adventure in the Mere of Dead Men to determine the reason why a few members of the Sunny Shore Tribe had gone missing. The B-Team discovered and defeated a burgeoning cult of Myrkul, but Sera was not cheered up and hated the entire experience.   In Nightal of 1496, the Heroes decided to bring the B-Team up-to-speed about the true goings on in Saltmarsh, explaining the threat posed by the aboleth S'gothgah and the mind-dominating Banesmark. Believing that a powerful ancient dwarven soul trap, called the God Trap, could disrupt the aboleth's plans, Micah, Mogran, and Lyra planned to steal it from the black dragon Voaraghammanthar in the Mere of Dead Men, taking Valentine with them due to his expertise navigating swamps. Meanwhile, Necian Arrzen stayed in town and used magic to disguise Seraphina as Micah, Ardek as Mogran, and Raven as Lyra to fool the aboleth into thinking the Heroes never left.   While the dragon-hunting party was gone, those remaining took it upon themselves to identify each person in town with a Banesmark using magic. However, this resulted in the group uncovering the hidden prison of the vampire Xolec, who they accidentally freed. When the dragon hunters returned, the ten members of the Heroes of Saltmarsh and the B-Team joined together to lure out the vampire, first defeating him and then staking him in his coffin, killing him for good.   Raven and the other members of the B-Team remained in Saltmarsh while the Heroes left for the Styes for their final confrontation with S'gothgah, protecting the town if anything should happen to it while they were gone.   Following the Banesmark Crisis, Raven returned to her quest of locating her sister's body, though she stayed in contact with the other members of the B-Team, with whom she had formed a geniune friendship, and attended Seraphina's wedding in 1509.
Current Status
Questing to find her deceased sister's body
The Raven Queen (former)
Aligned Organization


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