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Seraphina Pierce

Seraphina "Sera" Pierce

Seraphina Pierce is a half-elf wizard, a member of the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors, a member of the former B-Team, and the younger sister of Micah Pierce, one of the Heroes of Saltmarsh.  



Early life

  Seraphina was born in 1477 in Waterdeep to Calisa and Warren Pierce, an elf and human respectively. Sera was the second of five children. Micah was her older brother and born after her were the twin boys Pallu and Reuben and her younger sister Leora. Her father was a tilemaker by trade, and her mother placed great stock in the Pierces having good educations.   Sera was always intellectually gifted, taking quickly to her lessons and then later magic, leading to an early desire to join the Watchful ORder of Magists and Protectors, Waterdeep's magical society and protector. She also was close to her older brother, or who slacked off more than she did.   In 1492, while the attention of the city was focused on the Great Dragon War and the fear of Cult of the Dragon terrorist attacks, the block containing the Pierce's home became the target of a scheme by the shapechanging thief called the Mask, who was hired by an unknown patron to secure the deeds to the entire block. By posing as landlords, tenants, banking executives, and more, the Mask managed to succeed in Eleasis of 1492, but not before Seraphina was able to figure out that one person was behind the deal. Though there wasn't enough proof to prevent the Pierces from losing their home, it did motivate Micah, against the wishes of his family, to pursue the Mask, chasing them across the Sword Coast before eventually losing the trail in Saltmarsh, where Micah settled down.   Sera remained in Waterdeep, upset with her brother for leaving so rashly, and continued her studies until mid-1496, when the Pierces recieved one of Micah's regular letters home, this time containing 200 gold that went unexplained. Worried that Micah was getting up to some sort of trouble, Sera volunteered to travel to Saltmarsh, moving north over the Trade Way with a caravan before breaking off a few days outside of town.  

The B-Team

  Sera arrived in Saltmarsh on the 21st of Elient, 1496 alongside two others, the tiefling ranger Immortal Valentine and the shadar-kai oathbreaker paladin Raven Bloodash, who were visitng Saltmarsh while traveling. Unwittingly, the group entered Saltmarsh while the majority of the town's Mariner militia and most of the Neverwinter Guard garrison were out fighting in the Battle of the Spire. Councilmember Anders Solmor attempted to take advantage of the garrison's absence by inspiring the Marshers to rise up against them, aided by the nighttime attacks by the shadow monk Bo Latarn that kept the town on edge. However, the three new arrivals located Bo Latarn and traced his connection to Anders, arresting both, leading to the latters imprisonment and the former's hanging.   When Micah returned from the Battle of the Spire, newly proclaimed as one of the Heroes of Saltmarsh, Sera confronted him, demanding to know what was going on and why Micah was risking his life. Micah played off his involvement and hid his newly acquired warlock powers from his sister, but Seraphina could tell something more was going on and refused to leave until she figured that out, renting a room at the Snapping Lure when she wasn't sleeping at Micah's.   During the next month, Sera continued to hang out and drink with Raven and Valentine. Their drinking group then expanded to include Ardek Oredelver, the younger brother of Mogran Oredelver, one of Micah's traveling companions, and Oceanus, one of the Heroes of Saltmarsh. This group started calling themselves the B-Team, short for the beer team, since they often hung out while drinking.   On the 30th of Marpenoth, Sera helped throw Micah's birthday party with the other Heroes, which was held at the Empty Net. The next day, the Mask returned to town, offering to join the Heroes in an alliance to raid the Twilight Monastery. Micah initially refused and attacked the mask alongside Lyra, while Mogran held them back. Oceanus, unsure of what to do, brought Sera to the meeting, who arrived just as the Mask left. Sera was furious with Micah, as he didn't tell her that the Mask had returned nor that he had magic powers. The spat grew ugly, and Raven nearly came to blows with the Heroes protecting her new friend. Ultimately, the Heroes choose to take the Mask up on their offer, with the plan of killing them after, and Sera, upset, stayed behind with the rest of the B-Team and Oceanus.   While the Heroes were gone, Oceanus attempted to cheer up Sera by taking the B-Team on a quest into the Mere of Dead Men to assist the lizardfolk of the Sunny Shore Tribe locate their missing members. The group ultimately traced the disappearences to a burgeoning cult of Myrkul and stopped them, but Sera felt no better having hated her trip into the swamp.   Sera remained upset with Micah following the Heroes brief return to Saltmarsh, where Micah sheepishly told her about his unintended stop in Waterdeep. However, Sera's disagreements with Micah would be put aside in Nightal of 1496, when the Heroes of Saltmarsh, brought the members of the B-Team up to speed with their struggles, the Banesmark, and the threat of the aboleth S'gothgah. With everyone in the loop, the group split up. Mogran, Lyra, Micah, and Valentine left to retrieve an item they believed would help stop the aboleth, the God Trap, from the black dragon Voaraghammanthar while the others stayed in Saltmarsh. Necian Arrzen also used magic to make the remaining members of the B-Team appear to be the departed Heroes to fool the aboleth into thinking they never left, and so Sera disguised herself as Micah.   While the dragon hunting team left, the B-Team and Necian spent their time moving around town to determine how many Marshers had a Banesmark. During this investigation, the team unwittingly discovered the seal trapping the vampire Xolec, breaking it and freeing Xolec in the process, leaving him free to begin feeding after a century of imprisonment.   When the Heroes returned, the ten members of the Heroes and the B-Team were able to lure out Xolec by disguising Necian as Sindy Tidepusher, Xolec's romantic obsession, and easily dispatched him. The group then discovered Xolec's coffin near the town standing stones, staking him through the heart and sacrificing his soul to Micah's Patron, which Sera witnessed.   Micah was unable to convince Sera to leave Saltmarsh while the rest of the Heroes departed for the Styes to stop the aboleth once and for all, so instead Sera stayed behind with the rest of the B-Team to defend Saltmarsh should something happen while they were gone. Sera also talked to Micah briefly through a Sending Stone just before the attack on the Neveren Trade Fleet.   Following the attack on the trade fleet, the Heroes returned to Saltmarsh victorious, and Sera supervised Micah's sacrifice of the Sliver of Bane to his patron, not necessarily approving but seeing no other option.  

Life After the Banesmark Crisis

  Sera returned to Waterdeep in 1497 on better terms with Micah and continued her education in magic, becoming a member of the Watchful Order that year, due to connections she gained from the various Blackstaves who visited Saltmarsh after the crisis ended.   In Ches of 1500, Sera helped Micah try to located Sizzabiz after the pseudodragon was kidnapped by the Mask, but wasn't there for Micah's final confrontation with them.   Sera got married in 1509 to another member of the Watchful Order with her entire family and the B-Team in attendance.


Contacts & Relations

Though the B-Team split apart after the Banesmark Crisis (Sera moved to Waterdeep, Raven continued adventuring, Valentine stayed in Saltmarsh, and Ardek returned to Waterdeep), Sera remained close friends with each of them as a result of their short time in Saltmarsh together, and all of them keep in close contact.
Current Location
Date of Birth
Aligned Organization


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