Creating an Orc

These steps are provided so that you can create an orc character that is invested in the world and feels like a part of it. It can also help you learn the world.  

Step 1: Determine Nation & State

This doesn't represent actual demographics: it is skewed towards adventurers. This means a PC is more likely to be deserters because they're more likely to be travelers, wanderers, adventurers, and mercenaries.  
Roll (d100) Nation State
1 - 24 Bok Duchy of the Middle Sea
25 - 29 Certek The Others
30 - 34 Dunk Dun's Horde
35 - 38 Gyisk Horde Council
39 Gyisk New Horde
40 - 56 Lokck-Korsik South Duchy
57 Mersk Order of the Dragon
58 Potk Stronghold of Niekernkinn
59 - 63 Prermuk Duchy of Sern
64 Sok Free Clans
65 - 66 Sok Duchy of Nenyo
67 Suldk Stronghold of Bancs
68 - 75 Suldk Freslorf Clans
76 Suldk Ogyso's Horde
77 - 87 Szabolck Duchy of the Highlands
88 - 94 Totsok Duchy of Nenyo
95 - 98 Voltk Jopvi's Horde
99 Vorhut Vorhut Tribes
100 Transplant


A transplant is an orc who's family is from one orcish nation but is currently living in another, for whatever reason. This could be due to being hired on, a turn cloak, laying low, or simply that they align more with the new nation.   Roll twice: the first roll represents your native nation, the second roll is your new nation. If you roll the same or roll "Transplant" again, simply reroll.  


Additionally, if you're not Vorhut, there is a 15% chance of being a Deserter or from a deserter family. This is rolled after you figure what is your native nation.  

Step 2: Determine Hometown

Now it's time to figure out where your hometown is.   If you're a Transplant, you gain a -25 to your roll.  
S.o. Bancs Deserter Dun's H. Free C. Freslorf C. D.o.t. Highlands H. Council Jopvi's H. D.o.t. Middle Sea
Stronghold 1 - 75 1 - 20 - - - 1 - 15 1 - 30 1 - 20 1 - 45
Notable Village - 21 - 25 - - - 16 - 20 31 - 45 21 - 25 46 - 70
Small Village 76 - 90 26 - 30 1 - 10 1 - 50 1 - 35 21 - 50 46 - 80 26 - 40 71 - 90
Isolated Community 91 - 100 31 - 50 11 - 25 51 - 75 36 - 50 51 - 80 81 - 100 41 - 70 91 - 100
Nomadic - 51 - 100 26 - 100 76 - 100 51 - 100 81 - 100 - 71 - 100 -
D.o. Nenyo New H. S.o. Niekernkinn Ogyso's H. O.o.t. Dragon D.o. Sern South D. T. Others Vorhut T.
Stronghold 1 - 30 1 - 5 1 - 100 - 1 - 80 1 - 30 1 - 25 1 - 45 -
Notable Village 31 - 35 6 - 10 - 1 - 75 - 31 - 45 - 46 - 70 -
Small Village 36 - 40 11 - 15 - 76 - 80 81 - 85 46 - 60 - 71 - 90 1 - 45
Isolated Community 41 - 45 16 - 20 - 81 - 85 86 - 90 61 - 65 - 91 - 100 46 - 50
Nomadic 46 - 100 21 - 100 - 86 - 100 91 - 100 66 - 100 26 - 100 - 51 - 100



Strongholds are centers of power. Even if they don't have a city surrounding them, they're usually the seat of the regional, if not baronial, if not duchal, power.   Head to the world map and filter down to the Strongholds and find the area your orcish nation controls (either the "Sovereign States" or the "Vassal States" layer). Once there, select a Stronghold that feels right (although, sometimes you'll only have one choice).  

Notable Village

Notable villages are the large enough villages that most other people in the Middle Realm will know of it (even if they can't exactly point it out on the map). This could be because it's large and influential or because a notable event occurred in/near it). Sometimes both.   Head to the world map and filter down to the Villages and find the area your orcish nation controls (either the "Sovereign States" or the "Vassal States" layer). Once there, you'll probably have 2 or 3 choices. Pick whichever one feels right.  

Small Village

Small villages are villages that don't meet the criteria to be notable.   Head to the world map and find the area your orcish nation controls (either the "Sovereign States" or the "Vassal States" layer). Once there, turn on the "Region Maps" layer.   If you don't see a region map, pick a notable village or Stronghold to be near.   Otherwise, go to the regional map and choose a village that appears on that map but not the world map.  

Isolated Community

Isolated Communities are those communities way out in the sticks. It could be as small as a single family living in a fortified farmstead or even just a homesteader's cabin. Some of these communities are ancient, with their buildings built centuries ago.   Head to the world map and find the area your orcish nation controls (either the "Sovereign States" or the "Vassal States" layer). Once there, turn on the "Region Maps" layer.   If you don't see a region map, pick a notable village to be near.   Otherwise, go to the regional map and choose a village that appears on that map but not the world map to be near.  


Your family called no single land home. They might be traveling along or with a larger caravan. They might be traveling with the army - after all, there are still wars going on. Depending on when the family become nomadic, they could have a seasonal rotation or be true nomads (True nomads: 25% chance).  

Step 3: Determine Social Class

Now you need to determine where you fall in the social order.  
Roll (d20) Social Class Abbreviation
<=1 Lower Lower Class LLC
2 - 3 Middle Lower Class MLC
4 - 7 Upper Lower Class ULC
8 - 12 Lower Middle Class LMC
13 - 17 Middle Middle Class MMC
18 - 19 Upper Middle Class UMC
>=20 Lower Upper Class LUC
Hometown Modifiers
Stronghold +1
Notable Village +0
Small Village +0
Isolated Community -3
Nomadic -5


If you're a Transplant, gain an additional +3.

Lower Lower Class (LLC)

Slaves, drifters, leppers, outlaws

Middle Lower Class (MLC)

Tinkers, beggars, petty thieves, actors

Upper Lower Class (ULC)

Laborers, mercenaries, soldiers

Lower Middle Class (LMC)

Parish priests, craftsmen, petty merchants

Middle Middle Class (MMC)

Guild merchants, artisans

Upper Middle Class (UMC)

Guild officers, priests, doctors

Lower Upper Class (LUC)

Non-landed nobles, knights, bishops, lawyers

Middle Upper Class (MUC)

Heads of guilds, abbots, counts

Upper Upper Class (UUC)

Dukes, barons, powerful cardinals

Step 4: Determine Childhood Religion

Now it is time to determine the religion you were raised in as a child. This might not be the religion you associate with now but it is the one you're most knowledgable about. Accepting and/or rejecting it would form a part of your character's beliefs.   Find your homeland's column and roll a d100 on each row. If you roll under the percentage, that faith was part of your culture growing up
  • If a favored sect is noted in parentheses next to the percentage
  • Rolling under half the percentage results in you being apart of that sect,
  • Otherwise, you're just part of a local or familial sect.
  • If there are two or more noted, they'll have percentages, roll for those chances as well
  • If you get two or more, that means that you're apart of syncretic religion that blends the beliefs of all of them
  • This includes rolling for sects
  • If you don't roll any, default to your nation's favored religion
  • Transplant

    If you're a Transplant, roll on your native nation first, then your new nation, then use your native nation's favored religion.


    If you're a deserter, use your original nation's column and favored religion.

    Other Modifiers

    Other things might play a part in your family's religion:
  • If from the Stronghold of Bancs & >=UMC, +25 towards Keys of Gulyas
  • If from the Freslorf Clans & <=ULC, +50 towards Covenant of the Old Gods
  • If from South Duchy & <=MMC, +25 towards Covenant of the Old Gods

    S.o. Bancs Dun's H. Free C. Freslorf C. D.o.t. Highlands H. Council Jopvi's H. D.o.t. Middle Sea
    Ancestor Cult 0% 5% 20% 10% 80% 0% 5% 5%
    Brotherhood 60% 10% 0% 30% 5% 5% 10% 30%
    Covenant of the Old Gods 15% 35% 75% 15% 5% 5% 70% 30%
    Cult of the Bird 0% 0% 0% 0%. 0% 0% 0% 0%
    Cult of the Father 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 90% 0% 0%
    Fire Worship 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
    Keys of Gulyas 10% 10% 10% 15% 5% 0% 5% 10%
    D.o. Nenyo New H. S.o. Niekernkinn Ogyso's H. O.o.t. Dragon D.o. Sern South D. T. Others Vorhut T.
    Ancestor Cult 10% 0% 15% 15% 0% 5% 15% 5% 20%
    Brotherhood 0% 75% 5% 50% 30% 0% 0% 10% 0%
    Covenant of the Old Gods 45% 25% 35% 35% 45% 60% 25% 35% 0%
    Cult of the Bird 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 60% 0% 0%
    Cult of the Father 0% 25% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
    Fire Worship 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 5% 5% 0% 100%
    Keys of Gulyas 10% 15% 10% 10% 0% 15% 15% 35% 0%

    Step 5: Name

    Now is the final step of getting to know your character, which is their given name. These are based on Hungarian names.   You can generate Hungarian names here:
    I don't care

    Human Monikers

    Monikers, for humans, are very common in the Middle Realm but they're very rare among orcs. Even rarer are orcs who actively use monikers given to them, except in the case of the Szabolck, who are making an effort to integrate into human society.  


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