Anvil's Orchestra Item in Theras | World Anvil

Anvil's Orchestra

Within, a magnificent crystal, the size of a dwarf child, lay nestled on a bed of shimmering minerals. As Brinna approached, the crystal erupted in a dazzling display of multicolored light, bathing the chamber in an otherworldly glow. An invigorating energy surged through the dwarf, touching her own core.
  The Anvil's Orchestra is a special crystal, ever changing its color, depends on the 'theme' that it is 'playing'. The Crystal is about the size of a fully grown dwarf and its weight is immeasureable.   With the end of The Gods War, the Morndinsamman, has saw that dark times are ahead of the dwarven people, as evil is rising… no longer protected by Ervenius and Baravor, they had used their vast divine powers that they accumulated (more than any pantheon) and used it to change inherently the Dwarven people, preparing them for the times ahead. Hence, creating the Anvil's Orchesta.   The Anvil's Orchestra location is changed 30 days among the dwarves of the world.  

The Themes

The Spark of Rejuvenation – Berronar Truesilver's Melody
All Dwarves or even half-dwarves that were in the vicinity of the Stone in a range of 1,000 miles, had a surge in dwarven birth rates. Families blessed with twins or triplets became commonplace, a stark contrast to the previous generations' dwindling numbers. In addition, families are united, happy. New Unions within the last two years are blessed with all the themes simultaneously.
The sages of dwarvenfolk say that the Anvil's song effects last for 10 generations, thereby discussing many strategies to bring the Anvil's song and use it to Spark Rejuvenation again in every dwarven community with the aid of the Morndisamman.  
The Thunders of Victory – Angradd's Tune
The Thunders of Victory got its name from the thundering sounds that the Crystal emanates every 10 minutes. If a Thunder is sound, then it is a sure sign that the Morndisamman is here, in all its glory, usually accompanied by outsiders or avatars, destroying all enemies of the dwarves. This effect extends to 100 miles. Usually once it activates, the enemies of dwarvenkin are either retreating or surrendering.          
The Anvil's Song - Moradin's Rythm
The Anvil song, is the blessing of Moradin's to all dwarves made products, whether magical or mundane. The Products are done more quickly and the forges or other workshops. Once it is activated, the workers of the area within 500 miles are blessed and all their work is accomplished much more quicker and better.  
The Gift of Trade - Vergadain's Patronage
This gift helps dwarves to cultivate every profession and increase trade, with every transaction seemingly paying off for any dwarves. Once it is activated all trade and wealth and mining operations are increased for 200 miles.  
The Gift of Veiled Hand – Orosaban's Note
While the work of Orosaban is generally shunned, all acts of espionage, thievery are done and blessed, with the participators successfully finding refuge. Once it is activated all such activities are increased for 150 miles. This is a rare gift and it never is revealed when it is. While It is activated, the Anvil's Orchestra is hidden from all.  
Blessings Under the Mountain - Dumathoin's Humming
  This gift helps dwarves to increase, find hidden veins, ores, gems and is increasing every gemsmiths, miners every profession and the outputs. Once it is activated all such activities are increased for 500 miles. In addition, the dead of all dwarves within this period are sanctified and is very hard to raise such undeads. It also helps put active undeads of all species at rest.      
The Border Gift - Duragg Deephallow's Outro
Like the Gift of the Veiled Hand, the lands of all dwarves within the range are vigiliant, like a gift of foresight to all watchers. Once it is activated all such activities are increased for all lands under the same sovereign and his allies. All Assassination, Espionage, scouting and thievery activities are seldomly successful with the enemies of the dwarves becoming incredibly cursed or sick.   Less known gift, is the ability of the Crystal to control tides and even sea monsters to do biddings of the Fathom Dwarves.  
The Fates Sweet – Haela Brightaxe's Expression
Whenever a vengeful act is done, or a pursuit or debt is sought after, the Fates and luck is on the Dwarves side. The Dwarves seem to know where all roads lead and have a 'hunch' about dangers opportunities as if under the 'Augury' spell (And they are always successful). This effect extends to 150 miles. In addition, while a counter-attack or a vengeful attack is initiated by the dwarves, it is blessed with Thunders of Victory. This effect extends to 50 miles.      
The Invigorating Song – Sharindlar's Form
The Invigorating song is a song that helps all courters to find love and blissful unions. All performance check of all dwarven singers, dancers and performers are spectacularly done.
In addition, any act of Mercy done by dwarves within or outside is blessed and is more likely to succeed. This extends to all healing, as the potency of every natural healing way or magical is enhanced. One unusual blessing is used to remove curses from ancient ones if a merciful act was done.  
The Gift of Intellect and Imagination - Deep Duerra's Chords
While it is rarely used, all Dwarves are capable of minor psionic feats, while psionics, usually those of duergars or other dwarven psions, are able to enhance their every work. This ability is usually used to negate battles at the outer planes against psionic threats or those that are underground. These effects extend to 500 miles.  
The Subjugation's Gift – Laduguer's Pitch
Seldomly used and is used rarely, since it gives power to 'evil' and in contradiction to most of the Morndisamman, this gift is still used to give refuge to all dwarves in the vicinity. Usually done in order to subjugate non-dwarves under their rule. This gift allows the dwarves to exercise their will upon others. Lore masters, both arcane and divine are capable of exerting their mind influencing capabilities on their rivals. This has effect on 300 miles.


This artifact is always protected and it was recorded that two times in the last 100 years, different forces tried to take it, only to be overwhelmed by the Morndisamman's forces from the outer planes and one time, even two avatars came to defeat a demonlord and his forces.   Many dwarves, benign or not, try to win favor from the gods, either by good deeds, prayers or mercy or purpose. Every dwarf community that do in fact live to see those blessings, are considering themselves to be worthy of the gifts and also speculate on the pecuilar gift as to their meaning.
Creation Date
940 AB
Owning Organization


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