House Fedelmid Organization in Theras | World Anvil

House Fedelmid

House Fedelmid is one of the seven major noble houses of Sabersycha. They rule over the lands of Teordach, and are known for their nature-aligned philosophy. Members of the house trace their lineage to Fedelmid the Fair, the fifth son of Peadaran.


Members of house Fedelmid are fervent practitioners of Prasri Animism, with most of them being druids, and those of the main branch being more than capable; the house leader is always a powerful druid. Since house members are Grey Elves, they also see themselves as preservers of the Mith-Quessir and are known for their affection and sympathy towards those with tragic life circumstances.   Adoption of orphans is quite common in the house, especially when considering other noble houses; however, these adoptions are only semi-formal, and the new house members go by the last name Teordach rather than Fedelmid.

Public Agenda

House Fedelmid acts as one of the tradition keeping houses of Sabersycha. While House Eburio ensures the principality adheres to its secular traditions, house Fedelmid ensures is adheres to the core aspect of Prasri animism - respect nature and its spirits. House Fedelmid also operates the Teordachian Circle, a highly respected druidic circle which trains druids and studies the natural world, specifically aquatic environments.

The Wilderness is Tamed

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