House Tasgilla Organization in Theras | World Anvil

House Tasgilla

House Tasgilla is one of the seven major noble houses of Sabersycha and the rulers of Thucuain. Also known as the Ceannaithe Tiarnaí, or Merchant Lords, house Tasgilla is the least conservative of all houses and is often criticized for its lax adherence to traditions. House members trace their ancestry to Tasgilla the Elusive, the third son of Peadaran.

Public Agenda

House Tasgilla is one of the two civil houses of the principality, together with House Lugaid. They are tasked with maintaining trade relations with foreign polities; aiding the prince with budgeting of the principality's treasury; maintainance of major roads within the principality, a responsibility they share with house Lugaid; and ensuring that the part of The Ivory Route which passes through the principality accommodates traders and merchants.

A blue within the grey

Political, Family
Leader Title
Parent Organization
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