House Eburio Organization in Theras | World Anvil

House Eburio

House Eburio is one of the seven major noble houses of Sabersycha. They rule over the lands of Eburiosia, which includes the principality's capital of Miela. Members of the house trace their lineage to Eburio the Wise, the first son of Peadaran, and are widely respected both by the other houses and commoners.


House Eburio is infamous for its uncompromising adherence to tradition, courtesy, and protocol; deviations are never tolerated, lending to house members being sometimes perceived as cold, or even cruel. Personal relations are pushed aside to make way for official roles, and preserving the principality's identity is considered to be paramount.   The house's current leader, Fragan Eburio, has no qualms about interfering with other house's internal affairs: he appealed to prince Búadach in order for him to revoke the nomination of his own sister as the Lady at Arms of House Lugaid*, and vocally opposed the reinstatement of House Colcamin under Dara the Deathless, even at the face of the encroaching Yokun Empire*.

Public Agenda

House Eburio is perceived as a sort of older brother to the other houses, and acts as one of the tradition keeping houses of Sabersycha, the other being House Fedelmid. It is trusted with ensuring the principality adheres to its secular traditions and that the other houses perform their duties. The house's leader, the Bráthair Tiarna of Eburiosia, also serves as the castellan of Miela and as the viceroy of the Prince of Sabersycha.

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