Aliya Bondari

Lady Aliya Isenbar- Bondari

Aliya is the oldest daughter of Fulton am Bondari of the Barony of Cyell and the wife of the heir to the Isenbar family estates, Amos Isenbar.  She has three children with Amos, and is very active in the political and social life of the High Kingdom.

Physical Description

Body Features

Thin, bony and without curves of any sort.

Facial Features

Aliya is a healthy woman, but not a pretty one.  She has a severe look to her which is compounded by the fact that she smiles so very infrequently.  She has thin, lank hair that she inherited from her mother, but otherwise has seemed to inherited all her otehr feminine charms and features from her father.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aliya is the oldest of the children of Baron Fulton am Bondari and the Princess Adith Maxalli.  She has strong feelings of resentment towards her father for caring more about tournaments than his children and has drifted away from her mother because she feels her own best interests are served by Turl am Nari and his allies, rather than the younger generation of leadership in the Kingdoms.  Her motheer has held a deep and heartfelt distrust of the Duke for many years, blaming him for much of the troubles that have plagued the Kingdoms over the last 25 years.

Morality & Philosophy

Aliya is sincerely focused on improving her financial and social standing at all times.  She sees personal gratification as her just and rightful due for being born into the station she was born into.

Personality Characteristics


Personal gain and gratification are her primary goals, and increased status for her children are just behind.

Vices & Personality flaws

Aliya knows her husband suspects she is having an affair behind his back, and knows he will do nothing about it.  She is, in fact, having several affairs.  The riskiest of these is the affair she has been having with her husband's cousin Odis Isenbar for nearly three years.  She has also lain with the castellan of River Tower, Stanlin Goodman.  Finally, she has had multiple encounters with Torum am Nari, Turl's son, over the last six years.


Family Ties

Aliya is a close cousin to both High King Max III and King Mak II as they are all grandchildren of King Max I.  She counts as close family dozens of the leading nobility of Imesse both north and south of the Caldar, which makes her promiscuous lifestyle all the more dangerous.


Amos Isenbar


Towards Aliya Bondari


Aliya Bondari


Towards Amos Isenbar


Amos Isenbar (Husband)
Aligned Organization