Monty am Lomanni

Monty am Lomanni

Monty am Lomanni was the son of Ansel am Lomanni and the brother of Alain am Lomanni and Lomain am Lomanni.  He died fighting in Cobal during the Cobal-Imesse War.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Monty was the second youngest of the five sons of Ansel am Lomanni.  At the age of 20, when the call for fresh troops to invade the Kingdom of Cobal by Duke Turl am Nari was made in Lesser Imesse, Monty was one of the first in line.  During the march to Terrick, Monty became fast friends with a young noble named Landan am Ahmi from Len Doa.  Landan did not immediately indicate that he was the son and heir of the Duke of Len Doa but by the time the news was out, Monty was as close to Landan as if they had grown up together.   During the retreat to Minsloth while the Imessian army was crossing the Elimar River, several Regiments of Rangers and Dragoons attacked.  While the bulk of the army was still crossing the river, Landan led 20 mounted knights in a defense of the crossing.  Monty was still several hundred yards away when he noticed Landan's destrier get shot dead by an arrow through its eye.  Landan was trapped under a dead horse with 80 Dragoons charging down on him from the cover of some woods.  Monty pushed his charger as fast as it could go, placing himself between the Dragoons and his friend.  Monty dismounted, helped Landan out from under his horse and onto his own charger.  Just as he was about to mount the horse behind Landan, another arrow pierced Monty's thigh above the knee.  Without hesitating, Monty slapped the charger into a gallop with the flat of his sword, and turned to face the still charging Dragoons.   Landan made it to the river, and crossed with the last of the Imessian forces.  He never saw Monty again.  Six years later, Monty's youngest brother, Lomain, was given permission to return to Elimar to find his brother's body and return it to Imesse.
23 at his death
192 AF 215 AF 23 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died defending Landan am Ahmi
Place of Death
Current Residence
Buried at Elimar, Cobal
Aligned Organization