Piers Older

Briar Piers Older

Piers Older is the current Briar of High Bridge and Lord of Crossings Castle.  He is a 44-year-old Human from the City of Grenwich.  A life-long friend of Duke Dogar am Lanni, Piers has a long history of campaigning with his Duke.   Piers was born the third child and only son of Percy Older, a knight errant from the City of Ben Doa that settled in Grenwich, and an Arian noble woman named Patrice Sharpe originally from the City of Malamor.  Piers has family connections in both Ben Doa and Malamor.  Piers made a name for himself (and a sizable fortune) adventuring around the world for twenty years before being appointed Briar of High Bridge by his old friend, the Duke.



Briar since 220 AF

Family Ties

While his father's family were never wealthy or titled, they were very numerous and can still be found in great numbers in and around the City of Ben Doa.  His mother's family, on the other hand, is enormously wealthy and very influential in the Kingdom of Aria.  The Noble House of Sharpe counts nearly a dozen members in positions of power and authority all over the Kingdom and its capital at City of Malamor.  One very influential member of the family is Piers' maternal uncle, His Holiness, Grand Marshal of the Swords of Heaven, Riccard Sharpe.

Wealth & Financial state

A veteran adventurer that has made a sizable fortune over twenty years, Piers is a wealthy man.  He has a chest of gold worth at least 3,000 guilders in addtition to the money he has made as Briar of High Bridge.
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