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Rubicus Chillbrow

Rubicus Chillbrow is a Frost Dwarf, the son of Roxlan Chillbrow, and the brother of Selvie Chillbrow. He was born into slavery in the service of Jorgensturm the Cruel, and he never knew his mother due to the Fire Giant King's tendency to separate families. A lot of his upbringing came at the hands of a fellow slave named Chalechor Oaksteel, who not only taught him to survive, but who taught him how to harness the powers of the Primal Spirits as a Druid.
  Rubicus heard Jorgunsturm speaking with Orcs and a mysterious Human visitor about a war on Aldorath, but this held little meaning for him until the Fire Giant King agreed to head south. He thought that this would net him potential allies to destroy his enemy and free his family and people. He escaped from Jorgunsturm and made his way south, seeking other Dwarves who would help him. He received a suspicious reception at Kurdenheim Overview, but Galdo and the frost dwarves of Jokulhrith were more sympathetic. They pointed the druid towards the Fire Wasps who had so greatly aided them.
  Rubicus found them in Seowyn's Crossing and, along with Naali Chamond's news of a plot to kill Prince Harbryn Thonwyr, quickly convinced them to head south to the aid of the embattled Prince. He joined them, despite his terror of the giants that they would be facing. Although at first, he could not control his fear when fighting giants, he soon saw they could be killed, and he joined their battles with gusto. His powers made him a potent ally, giving the Fire Wasps the ability to travel quickly in circumstances that would otherwise prove difficult for him and using his control over nature to wipe out the orcish naval powers. He had adventures he wouldn't dream of, learning that there were goodly giants as well, such as Queen Agrippina Aelia and her son Prince @Aureon. This all eventually led to him facing Jorgunsturm himself alongside the Fire Wasps at Castle Valkurath, wielding the ancient dwarven hammer Akadurn.
  With the Fire Giant King slain and his family rescued, Rubicus considered his options. He saw the good he could do alongside the Fire Wasps, and he weighed this against the possibility of going home and trying to free more frost dwarves. Ultimately, he told his family he would join them later, but threads were left unfollowed regarding the forces behind the orcish-giant alliance, and he decided to aid the Fire Wasps. Rubicus aided them in their quest to defeat the Tarrasque. His road brought him into possession of the Moondaughter's Staff, and he hoped to use its powers to aid them against their enemies. In the Battle of Worldbreaker's Howe , he unleashed nature's fury against the Orcish Hordes who gave his the name Hakator - the Storm. When he saw Natharios in danger of being devoured by the Tarrasque, he sacrificed himself to attract its attention, being killed in the process. The combined powers of the Shaper, Kidalis Havengard, and Natharios himself brought the druid back, and he helped end the battle in victory.


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