E3 The Molten Spigot Tavern Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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E3 The Molten Spigot Tavern

Located in the heart of the cobblestone paths of the Ryemend Quarter, The Molten Spigot Tavern is a beloved establishment where families and respectable folk gather to drink, eat, and socialize. The tavern’s dimly lit, smoky atmosphere contrasts with the bright and cheerful conversations within.

A Cozy, Rustic Retreat

The Molten Spigot is known for its warm and inviting ambiance, despite the dim lighting and smoky air from its central fireplace. The tavern's charm lies in its simplicity and the camaraderie among its patrons.
Key Features
  • Atmosphere: Dimly lit with a smoky, cozy feel
  • Patrons: Families, local businessmen, farmers, and the occasional merchant
  • Decor: Rustic with a large central fire pit used for roasting meats

History: A Staple of Ryemend

The Molten Spigot has been a cornerstone of the Ryemend Quarter for decades, offering a place for locals to unwind and share news about their crops and weather.
Historical Highlights
  • Establishment: Founded decades ago as a gathering spot for locals
  • Evolution: Maintained its rustic charm and reputation for good food and drink
  • Legacy: Known for its welcoming atmosphere and hearty meals

Goods and Services

Hearty Meals and Fine Brews
The Molten Spigot offers a wonderful selection of local brews and hearty meals that cater to both humans and gnomes. The food is simple but always good, and the beers are never watered down.
Key Offerings
  • Local Brews: Fine selection of beers and ales
  • Hearty Meals: Roasted pig or boar, generous portions of human and gnome dishes
  • Specialties: Roasted meats and piled-high plates that ensure no one leaves hun
  • Affordable Prices: Average costs for food and drinks
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
The Molten Spigot Tavern by 3orcs

Owain Pritchard

The Affable Owner
Owain Pritchard, the owner of The Molten Spigot, is a robust and friendly man of Welsh descent. His warm personality and dedication to his tavern have made it a popular spot in Ryemend.
Character Traits
  • Description: Robust, friendly, and welcoming
  • Personality: Affable, generous, and community-oriented
  • Motivation: Creating a welcoming environment for locals and travelers alike

Elinor Davies

The Cheerful Serving Wench
Elinor Davies, the serving wench, is known for her quick wit and cheerful demeanor. She ensures that every patron feels at home and well-fed.
Character Traits
  • Description: Bright-eyed, quick-witted, and cheerful
  • Personality: Energetic, kind, and attentive
  • Motivation: Providing excellent service and maintaining the tavern’s friendly atmosphere
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Elinor Davies by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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