E10 Mirialle's Herbs Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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E10 Mirialle's Herbs

A small cottage squats a few feet away from the road. Dingy, unpainted, and in need of serious repairs, the cottage remains standing by force of will alone. Plants, leaves, and odd objects are suspended in net bags that hang all along the outer edge of the roof. The hanging bags, and the cluster of herbs nailed to the decrepit door, clearly suggest it is a herbalist’s home.
Mirialle’s Herbs is a small, dingy cottage located in the heart of the cobblestone paths of the Ryemend Quarter. Known for its array of herbs, healing kits, and antidotes, this shop also harbors darker secrets.

A Decrepit Cottage with a Purpose

The cottage, in need of serious repairs, is surrounded by hanging plants, leaves, and odd objects in net bags, signaling its herbalist nature. Inside, it is cluttered with glassware, jars, and herbs.
Key Features
  • Exterior: Dingy, unpainted, and surrounded by hanging bags of herbs.
  • Interior: Cluttered with vials, jars, and drying herbs; dirty and disorganized.

History: From Heirloom to Hub

Mirialle inherited the cottage and the herbalist business at age 12 after her mother’s death. Despite the state of disrepair, it remains a vital part of Ryemend.
Historical Highlights
  • Inheritance: Taken over by Mirialle at a young age.
  • Reputation: Known for the best herbs and antidotes in Verbobonc.

Protected by Shadows

Mirialle’s dual role as a healer and poison maker ties her to the local assassins’ guild, providing her with a layer of protection and secrecy.
Political Engagement
  • Local Healers: Known and somewhat respected among healers for her skills.
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The Battirovka Family: Secretly provides poisons and antidotes.

Ties to the Community and Beyond

Mirialle’s relationships are complex, involving local farmers, the assassins' guild, and the general public who seek her remedies.
Key Relationships
  • Local Farmers: Supply her with raw herbs.
  • Public Clients: Seek her out for remedies and antidotes.

Shop Interior

The small cottage is packed full of strange glassware, jars, and glass bottles. Vials, jars, and bottles are lined up in racks along shelves that cover every wall and a variety of herbs lie drying on a large table in the center of the room. A small cot rests against one wall, clearly the only place to sit or sleep and a rusted stove squats in the corner. The wood floor is covered with dirt, dust, and discarded fragments of herbs to a level that it can’t even be seen in some places. Despite the filth and complete disorganization, Mirialle has a reputation for having the best and purest herbs and antidotes in the entire city.

A Chaotic Yet Effective Workspace

The cottage is a chaotic mess, with vials and jars scattered everywhere. Despite the disarray, Mirialle is known for the purity and effectiveness of her products.
Interior Details
  • Glassware and Herbs: Lined up on shelves and a central table.
  • Living Space: Small cot and rusted stove amidst the clutter.
  • Work Area: Filled with drying herbs and unmarked antidotes.

Plot Hooks

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Potential Adventures

Mirialle’s Herbs offers various hooks for adventure and intrigue, involving her secret dealings and herbal expertise.
Adventure Ideas
  • Herb Hunt: Assist Mirialle in gathering rare herbs while uncovering her secrets.
  • Assassin’s Plot: Discover the link between Mirialle and the assassins’ guild.
  • Potion Mishap: Investigate a series of poisoning incidents linked to unmarked vials.

Mirialle's Secrets

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Mirialle is a strange and mysterious character, often the subject of rumors or the catalyst for adventures.

Potential Adventures

New Plants in the Forest
Mirialle has heard about some rare plants growing in a nearby forest and seeks the PCs' help in collecting samples. This request can lead to an exploration adventure, with the possibility of encountering rare herbs, dangerous creatures, or hidden secrets within the forest.
Suspicion of the City Guard
The city guard suspects that Mirialle might be supplying poisons to the assassins’ guild. Unable to investigate openly, they enlist the PCs' assistance to gather evidence discreetly. This mission can involve surveillance, gathering testimonies, and possibly a confrontation with Mirialle or her contacts.
Mirialle's Disappearance
Mirialle suddenly vanishes, causing concern within the assassins' guild that she might be in hiding and revealing information to the city guard. The guild uses a disguised intermediary to show concern for the missing woman and asks the PCs to investigate. This scenario can lead to a search-and-rescue mission, uncovering Mirialle’s whereabouts, and determining her true intentions.

Complex Relationships

Mirialle’s connections to the local assassins’ guild and the city guard create a web of intrigue. Her dual life as a healer and a poison maker makes her a key figure in Verbobonc's underworld.
Personality Quirks
  • Rumors and Gossip: Her strange behavior and mysterious nature make her a frequent subject of local gossip.
  • Trust Issues: Mirialle’s inability to look people in the eye and her twisted smile often make others wary of her true intentions.
"These herbs hold secrets you can't even imagine. Care to find out?"
"Dangerous plants, dangerous times. Are you brave enough to help me?"
Mirialle Lark
The Mysterious Herbalist Mirialle is a slender young woman with light brown hair and blue eyes. She is known for her strange mannerisms and abrupt personality, which often keep people at a distance.
Character Traits
  • Description: Slender, beautiful, with light brown hair and blue eyes.
  • Personality: Abrupt, avoids eye contact, with a high-pitched voice.
  • Motivation: Profit-driven, with no guiding morals.
"Need a cure or a curse? I've got both, but which one do you need today?"
Parent Location

Available Herbs for sale

Common | Forest, Plains, Rivers, Underdark
Uncommon | 1 gp or less
Rare | 10 gp or less


Mirialle’s business revolves around selling fully prepared healing kits and the herbs to stock them along with her more profitable business of selling poisons and antidotes.  
  • Healing kit 50 gp
  • Replacement herbs 25 gp (replaces herbs used up in a healing kit)
  • Spider venom antidote 75 gp
  • Scorpion venom antidote 100 gp
  • Snake venom antidote 60 gp
  • Parlic oil antidote 3,000 gp
  • Schil residue antidote 5,000 gp
  • Toadstool antidote 500 gp

  • Cover image: by 3orcs


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