E9 Benin’s Mill Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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E9 Benin’s Mill

Benin’s Mill is a central fixture in the Ryemend Quarter, processing grain into flour and cornmeal for the city's bakeries. Known for its quality products and the region's best butter crust pies, the mill is a bustling hub of activity.

A Cornerstone of the Community

Situated amidst cobblestone paths, Benin’s Mill is where most of the surrounding fields bring their crops. Its products are essential to Verbobonc’s bakeries, and the mill itself is a testament to the hard work of its owners and the community.
Key Features
  • Grain Processing: Churns out sacks of flour and cornmeal.
  • Community Hub: Central to the local agricultural economy.
  • Momma’s Pies: Known for the best butter crust pies in the region.

History: From Humble Beginnings to Prominence

The mill has a rich history, having grown from a small family operation to a vital part of Ryemend's economy. The Benin family has run it for generations, contributing to its well-regarded reputation.
Historical Highlights
  • Family Legacy: Operated by the Benin family for generations.
  • Economic Growth: Expanded to become central to the local economy.

A Pillar in the Millers Guild

Papa Benin's role in the Millers Guild places him at the heart of local politics. His influence helps shape policies that affect the agricultural community of Ryemend and beyond.
Political Engagement
  • Millers Guild: A key figure in shaping G7 The Guild of Millers policies.
  • Local Economy: Ensures fair trade practices and quality control.
  • Community Leadership: Advocates for the rights and needs of local farmers.

Community Ties and Influence

The Benin family’s mill is central to the community, fostering strong relationships with local farmers, bakers, and merchants.
Key Relationships
  • Local Farmers: Provide the mill with a steady supply of grain.
  • Bakers: Rely on the mill for quality flour and cornmeal.
  • Merchants: Distribute the mill’s products throughout Verbobonc.

Plot Hooks

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Potential Adventures
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Benin’s Mill, with its bustling activity and community connections, offers numerous opportunities for adventure and intrigue.
Adventure Ideas
  • Mystery of the Missing Grain: Investigate a series of grain thefts disrupting the mill’s operations.
  • Pie Contest Sabotage: Uncover the saboteur trying to ruin Momma Benin’s chances in the annual pie contest.
  • Guild Politics: Navigate the complexities of the Millers Guild with Papa Benin as tensions rise over new trade policies.
Benin’s Mill stands as a testament to the hard work and dedication of the Benin family, offering quality products and a sense of community in the Ryemend Quarter of Verbobonc.
Momma Benin
The Heartwarming Baker
Momma Benin, known for her warmth and generosity, is beloved by the community. She bakes the finest butter crust pies and enjoys sharing stories and recipes with visitors.
Character Traits
  • Description: Warm, generous, and hospitable.
  • Personality: Heartwarming and community-focused.
  • Motivation: Sharing her love of baking with the community.
"Come, try a slice of my famous butter crust pie. It's made with love and the finest ingredients from our fields!"
Papa Benin
The No-Nonsense Miller
Papa Benin, a no-nonsense miller, is a prominent member of the Millers Guild. He ensures the mill runs efficiently and upholds the highest standards of quality.
Character Traits
  • Description: Rugged, practical, and stern.
  • Personality: Efficient, strict, and dedicated.
  • Motivation: Maintaining the mill's reputation and productivity.
"Keep those grindstones turning, and we'll have flour for the whole city by dusk."
Momma and Papa Benin by 3orcs
Parent Location

Goods and Services

Quality Products and Delectable Pies Benin’s Mill is known for its high-quality flour and cornmeal, as well as Momma Benin’s famous pies.
Key Offerings
  • Flour and Cornmeal: Essential supplies for Verbobonc’s bakeries.
  • Butter Crust Pies: A local favorite, baked with love and care.
Custom Fantasy Flavors
  • Honey Apple Pie: 5 sp per slice, 2 gp per whole pie.
  • Spiced Pumpkin Pie: 4 sp per slice, 1.5 gp per whole pie.
  • Berry Medley Pie: 5 sp per slice, 2 gp per whole pie.
  • Nutmeg Pear Tart: 6 sp per slice, 2.5 gp per whole tart.
  • Cinnamon Walnut Crumble: 5 sp per slice, 2 gp per whole pie.
  • Lemon Meringue Pie: 7 sp per slice, 3 gp per whole pie.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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