E1 The Laughing Rogue Hostel and Chapel Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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E1 The Laughing Rogue Hostel and Chapel

A Hub of Merriment in Ryemend
The Laughing Rogue Hostel and Chapel, dedicated to Olidammara, is a lively, cross-shaped structure set away from the road in the heart of Ryemend Quarter. Known for its vibrant atmosphere, it offers cheap accommodations, free entertainment, and fine wines.

A Place of Revels and Worship

The Hostel is centered around a large chapel and a squat compound, with a weather-beaten wooden sign hanging above the door. Entering through the thick wooden door reveals a large, open square courtyard surrounded by a covered walkway, filled with singing, dancing, and performances.
Key Features
  • Chapel and Compound: Large chapel with adjoining squat compound
  • Courtyard: Open to the sky, surrounded by a covered walkway
  • Entertainment: Continuous performances on a central stage


Founding and Legacy
The Laughing Rogue was established by a devout priest of Olidammara, serving both as a hostel and a place of worship. Over the years, it has become a favored spot for adventurers, bandits, and those seeking refuge or entertainment.
Historical Highlights
  • Founding: Established by a priest of Olidammara
  • Legacy: Known for its vibrant atmosphere and free performances
  • Reputation: Favored by adventurers and disreputable characters
Fenthwick Merryfoot
The Jolly Host
Fenthwick Merryfoot, the owner and a priest of Olidammara, is known for his jovial nature and love of revelry. His mission is to spread joy and maintain the hostel as a haven for merriment.

Politics of Verbobonc

Navigating Complex Ties
The Laughing Rogue balances relationships with the merchants of the Ryemend Quarter, the Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc, and the neighboring Kingdom of Furyondy. It supports local autonomy and fosters diplomatic ties.


Community and Beyond
The hostel enjoys strong ties with local adventurers, the Ryemend Quarter, and travelers, serving as a nexus for news, tales, and celebrations.

Goods and Services

Offerings at The Laughing Rogue
The courtyard is lively with free performances. Food is limited to bread and fruit, but the wine is exceptional and affordable. Accommodations include four private rooms and six large common rooms.
Key Offerings
  • Entertainment: Free performances, filled with comedy and revelry
  • Accommodations: Four private rooms and six large common rooms
  • Food and Drink: Bread plates, fruit, and excellent wine
All offerings are cheap, catering to a diverse clientele. The hostel provides a sanctuary of merriment and a meeting point for adventurers and revelers alike.
  • Affordability: All offerings are cheap, catering to a diverse clientele
The Laughing Rogue Hostel and Chapel stands as a testament to the joyous and mischievous spirit of Olidammara, providing a sanctuary of merriment and a meeting point for adventurers and revelers alike.
Notable Events at The Laughing Rogue Hostel and Chapel
1. Brewfest Revelry
The hostel hosts an extravagant week-long celebration during Brewfest, featuring abundant wine, lively music, and joyous dancing. This event attracts revelers from across Verbobonc.
2. The Great Escape Play
A comedic reenactment of Olidammara's legendary escape from the archmage Zagig. The performance involves clever pranks, engaging the audience in laughter and fun.
3. New Moon Follies
On nights of the new moon, the hostel stages a three-act comedy filled with humorous antics and improvisational skits, celebrating the spirit of Olidammara.
4. Taste of a Hundred Years
An annual event where a century-old cask of wine is opened and shared among the patrons, symbolizing the hostel's commitment to tradition and joy.
5. Masquerade Ball
An enchanting evening where guests don elaborate masks and costumes, participating in dances, games, and pranks in honor of Olidammara's playful nature.
6. Bardic Competition
A lively competition where bards from near and far perform songs, tales, and tricks, vying for the title of "Laughing Bard of the Year."
7. Feast of the Doubling Dare
A post-New Year celebration involving daring challenges and feats, encouraging guests to partake in bold and entertaining activities.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
"Life is a grand jest, so let's laugh and drink to the fullest!"
The Priests and Priestesses of Olidammara
Priests of Olidammara
Three priests are always on duty, celebrating life’s joys, listening for news, and performing. They are known for their jovial spirit and clever minds.
Fenthwick Merryfoot
Owner and High Priest of Olidammara: Fenthwick is a short, round Oeridian Oerid mix of Flannae Flan man with a perpetual smile. He is known for his jolly and mischievous personality, motivated by spreading joy and maintaining a lively haven.
Fenthwick Merryfoot by 3orcs
Description and Traits
  • Appearance: Short, round, perpetually smiling
  • Personality: Jolly, mischievous, welcoming
  • Motivation: Spreading joy and maintaining a haven for merriment
Waitress Priestesses
  • Lyra Joysong: A vivacious redhead with an enchanting voice.
  • Marina Quickfoot: Nimble and witty, she entertains guests with pranks.
  • Tessa Brightspark: Cheerful and kind-hearted, she loves bringing smiles to patrons.
Priests’ Traits
  • Celebrations: Always ready to celebrate
  • Listening: Keen ears for news and new music
  • Performances: Frequently seen performing or drinking
Parent Location
Olidammara holysymbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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