E2 Hamstid’s Horse Stables Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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E2 Hamstid’s Horse Stables

Premier Stables of Ryemend
Hamstid’s Horse Stables, located in the heart of the cobblestone paths of the Ryemend Quarter, offers the finest selection of mounts in Verbobonc. Conveniently near a city gate, the stables are known for their exceptional care and rare, exotic mounts.

A Zoological Marvel

Hamstid’s Horse Stables is renowned for its vast selection of mounts. The stables feature corrals filled with rare and exotic animals, attracting onlookers and children eager to view the strange beasts.
Key Features
  • Location: Conveniently near a city gate in the Ryemend Quarter
  • Selection: Wide array of mounts from donkeys to warhorses, including rare exotic animals
  • Corrals: Serve as a mini-zoo for exotic beasts


From Ranch to City Stables
Harnstid, once a human rancher, established his stables in Verbobonc eight years ago. Since then, his stables have become a cornerstone of the city, known for their excellent treatment of animals.
Historical Highlights
  • Transition: From rancher to city stable owner
  • Reputation: Built a legacy of care and exotic mounts
  • Growth: Expanded selection to include rare and exotic animals

Politics of Verbobonc

Navigating Local and Regional Dynamics
Harnstid’s business thrives in Verbobonc’s complex political landscape, maintaining ties with the Lords of Verbobonc and fostering relationships with traders from Furyondy.
Political Engagement
  • Local Politics: Maintains good relations within Verbobonc
  • Regional Ties: Fosters trade connections with Furyondy
  • Diplomatic Relations: Supports local and regional economic stability
Community and Trade Connections
Hamstid’s stables are a hub for local and visiting traders, adventurers, and residents of the A1 - A12 High Quarter. The stables foster strong community ties and support local commerce.
Key Relationships
  • Local Traders: Collaborates with merchants and trainers
  • High Quarter: Enjoys supportive relationships with the nobility of Verbobonc
  • Adventurers: Serves as a reliable source of quality mounts

Owning and Riding a Griffon

A Griffon's Majesty and Challenge
Owning and riding a griffon requires significant skill, preparation, and understanding of the inherent risks involved. These majestic creatures, with the body of a lion and the wings and head of an eagle, are not for the faint-hearted.
Required Skills
  • Advanced Riding Skills: Mastery in handling powerful and unpredictable flying mounts.
  • Bonding and Training: Establishing trust and a strong bond with the griffon.
  • Aerial Combat Training: Proficiency in combat while in flight.
  • Temperament: Griffons are fierce and can be aggressive if not properly trained.
  • Maintenance: High upkeep with specialized live diet and habitat needs.
  • Flight Risks: Navigating the skies poses dangers from weather and potential aerial predators.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type 
Hamstid’s Horse Stables by 3orcs
"Where exotic meets extraordinary, welcome to Hamstid’s!"
Harnstid: The Dedicated Keeper
Harnstid is a seasoned horseman with a deep love for animals. He is known for his kind demeanor and meticulous attention to the care of his mounts.
Character Traits
  • Description: Seasoned horseman with a kind demeanor
  • Personality: Dedicated, meticulous, and passionate about animal care
  • Motivation: Providing the best care and selection of mounts
Parent Location
Hamstids Griffon by 3orc
Goods and Services
Offerings at Hamstid’s Horse Stables
The stables offer a range of services, from boarding to the sale of both common and exotic mounts. Each animal receives top-tier care, ensuring they are well-groomed, exercised, and fed.
Key Offerings
  • Mount Boarding: Daily grooming, exercise, and high-quality feed
  • Mount Sales: Common and exotic mounts, including donkeys, warhorses, riding pigs, camels, a zebra, and a griffon
  • Riding Gear: Affordable selection of bits, bridles, saddles, etc.
  • Average Animals: 100% of list price
  • Exotic Animals: 125% of list price
  • Well-Bred Animals: 150% of list price
  • Riding Equipment: 75% of list price
  • Boarding: 5cp/day, or 1sp/day for special diet/exercise
Exotic Flying Mounts for Sale at Hamstid’s Horse Stables
Price: 10,000 gold pieces
  • Description: A majestic creature with the body of a lion and the wings and head of an eagle, known for its strength and loyalty.
Price: 8,000 gold pieces
  • Description: Combining features of a horse and an eagle, the hippogriff is a noble and agile flyer, popular among adventurers.
Giant Eagle
Price: 7,000 gold pieces
  • Description: These enormous eagles are intelligent and fiercely loyal, providing swift and reliable aerial transportation.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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