E5 Lester’s House of Cards Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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E5 Lester’s House of Cards

Lester’s House of Cards, located in the heart of the cobblestone paths of the Ryemend Quarter, is a bustling gambling den always crowded with patrons. The air is thick with smoke from the numerous tables offering cards, dice, and other games of chance.

A Hub of High-Stakes Gaming

Lester’s House of Cards is renowned for its vibrant and rowdy atmosphere. Weapons are not allowed and are checked at the main desk. The den is known for its strict rules against rowdy behavior, ensuring a somewhat controlled environment.
Key Features
  • Atmosphere: Smoke-filled, crowded, and lively
  • Games: Various card games, dice tables, and other games of chance
  • Security: Weapons checked at the entrance; rowdy patrons removed

History: Origins and Evolution

Founded by Lester Davies, a former adventurer turned gambler, the House of Cards quickly became a popular spot in Ryemend. Over the years, it has grown in fame and notoriety, especially for its beast fighting events.
Historical Highlights
  • Founding: Established by Lester Davies, a former adventurer
  • Growth: Evolved into a well-known gambling den
  • Notoriety: Famous for its beast fighting nights

Goods and Services

High-Stakes Games and Beast Fighting
Lester’s House of Cards offers a variety of gambling activities, from card games to dice, and hosts beast fighting events every third night. The den ensures a thrilling and engaging experience for all patrons.
Key Offerings
  • Gambling: Cards, dice, and other games of chance
  • Beast Fighting: Every third night, a fighting pit for non-magical beasts
  • Drinks: Wide selection of drinks served by efficient staff
  • Games: Varies depending on the stakes
  • Beast Fighting: Entry fees for participation and betting
Lester’s House of Cards remains a cornerstone of Ryemend’s vibrant nightlife, providing excitement and high-stakes entertainment for all who enter.

The Relationship with the Thieves Guild

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A Web of Intrigue and Deceit

Lester Davies maintains a secretive yet lucrative relationship with The Battirovka Family , the local thieves guild. This alliance allows him to orchestrate fixed games and gather valuable information from rich merchants and nobles who frequent his establishment.

Fixed Games and Scores

Rigged for Profit
Lester’s House of Cards offers a variety of rigged games, ensuring a steady flow of income and valuable intel.
Key Activities
  • Card Games: Subtle manipulations and marked decks ensure Lester’s advantage.
  • Dice Tables: Weighted dice and sleight of hand techniques are employed.
  • Cock Fights: Predetermined outcomes favoring Lester’s chosen participants.

Information Gathering

A Treasure Trove of Secrets
The gambling den serves as a hub for gathering intelligence on Verbobonc’s elite. Conversations and transactions are closely monitored, providing the Family with a wealth of information.
Key Relationships
  • Merchants and Nobles: Regular participants in the fixed games
  • The Family: Collaborates with Lester for mutual benefit
  • Verbobonc’s Elite: Targets for both monetary and informational gain
Lester’s House of Cards is not just a gambling den but a strategic node in the web of Verbobonc’s underworld, where fortunes are made, and secrets are unearthed.
Notable People
Lester Davies and Megan Powel
  • Lester Davies: Charismatic, shrewd, and authoritative owner
  • Megan Powell: Quick-witted, efficient, and friendly serving wench
Parent Location
Lester Davies and Megan Powell by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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