E4 The Season’s End Inn Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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E4 The Season’s End Inn

A Restful Retreat in Ryemend
The Season’s End Inn, located in the heart of the cobblestone paths of the Ryemend Quarter, is one of the larger inns on the north side of the Velverdyva River. Known for its country charm and comfortable accommodations, it offers travelers a peaceful night's sleep with essential amenities.

A Cozy Country Charm

The inn provides stabling as part of the room cost, and while furnishings are sparse, the entire place exudes a rustic charm. Chambermaids are available to wash guests' clothes, change blankets, and empty chamber pots. However, there is no room service, and hungry guests are directed to the E3 The Molten Spigot Tavern next door.
Key Features
  • Accommodation: 20 private rooms for up to two people each, and 5 small common rooms accommodating 8 people each
  • Amenities: Includes stabling and chambermaid services
  • Food: Guests advised to dine at the Molten Spigot Tavern

History: From Humble Beginnings

The Season’s End Inn has grown from a modest lodging to one of the largest inns in Ryemend. It has maintained its reputation for providing restful accommodations to travelers and locals alike.
Historical Highlights
  • Establishment: Founded as a small lodging house
  • Growth: Expanded to become one of the larger inns in the district
  • Reputation: Known for its country charm and reliable service

Goods and Services

Comfortable and Affordable Accommodation
The Season’s End Inn offers a range of accommodations to suit different needs, with prices that are average for the area. Guests enjoy comfortable rooms and essential services, ensuring a pleasant stay.
Key Offerings
  • Private Rooms: 20 rooms for up to two people each
  • Common Rooms: 5 rooms accommodating 8 people each
  • Amenities: Stabling, chambermaid services, and clean, comfortable accommodations
  • Room Prices: Average for the area, with stabling included
  • Food: Directed to the Molten Spigot Tavern for dining options
The Season’s End Inn stands as a testament to the welcoming and hospitable spirit of the Ryemend Quarter, providing a comfortable and restful retreat for all who enter.
Notable People
  • Gareth Llewellyn: Middle-aged, friendly, and dedicated inn owner
  • Carys Morgan: Young, cheerful, and hardworking chambermaid
Parent Location
Gareth Llewellyn by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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