E7 Kabora’s Jewel of the Velerdyva Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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E7 Kabora’s Jewel of the Velerdyva

Kabora’s Jewel of the Velerdyva is an inn located directly beside the docks in the Ryemend Quarter, catering to sailors and merchants. The walls are adorned with shields, sails, and tunics from various kingdoms along the Velverdyva River.

A Welcoming Sight

The inn’s courtyard, filled with the smell of roast fish and sounds of laughter, creates an inviting atmosphere. Crowds enjoy themselves at tables, raising mugs in salute, while servers bustle around catering to requests.
Key Features
  • Courtyard: Stone paving, dark wooden tables, and well-worn chairs.
  • Atmosphere: Lively with chatter and carousing, enticing odors of fish stew, and savory herbs.
  • Servers: Likely the sons and daughters of the innkeeper, one daughter avidly questions patrons about city happenings.
The smell of roast fish wafts out and the sounds of laughter and a good time can be heard as the party comes into view of the inn. The courtyard has many tables occupied. The crowd seems to be enjoying themselves, with the groups at a few tables raising mugs and saluting someone across the yard.   Stone paving covers the courtyard and extends a couple feet beyond the fence surrounding it, giving a place to stand for those who have merely stopped to experience the scene. Enticing odors of fish stew, savory herbs, and vegetables tantalize the nostrils. The crowding people chatter and carouse amidst their plates and mugs of ale, happily feasting. The few servers are in constant motion as they cater to requests from all sides.   The inn and its courtyard show signs of stability and long service in this location. The stones of the courtyard show a smooth polish from much use. The tables are made of dark wood that has worn well over time. The years of use have produced rounded comfortable spots in the chairs and benches. The servers, who continue to move constantly from one group to the next, appear to be the sons and daughters of the innkeeper. One daughter is obviously distracted from her duty, asking questions of different groups about the goings on outside the city. She can’t seem to get enough of their stories.

Inside Description

Comfort and Privacy
The taproom offers privacy with enchanted curtains in booths. Rooms are adequate, featuring basic furnishings and extra blankets in winter. Service is friendly but preferential to regulars.
Key Features
  • Taproom: Enchanted curtains for privacy.
  • Rooms: Night tables, chairs, and winter blankets.
  • Service: Friendly but biased towards repeat customers.


A Pillar of Stability
The inn has long served the community, with its courtyard stones polished by years of use. The innkeeper, Jessey Vestsmith, once a caravan guard, now runs the establishment with a blend of hospitality and pragmatism.
Historical Highlights
  • Founding: Established to cater to sailors and merchants.
  • Evolution: Adapted to the needs of a diverse clientele, including shady merchants and adventurers.

Goods and Services

Average Prices and Seafood Menu
Prices are average, with a focus on seafood. While the food can be overcooked, the atmosphere and ale make up for it.
Key Offerings
  • Food: Mainly seafood, sometimes overcooked.
  • Drink: Abundant ale to compensate for the food’s lack of taste.
  • Lodging: No stables for mounts, average prices.


A Hub for Diverse Clientele
Kabora’s Jewel of the Velerdyva serves as a base for various groups, including shady merchants, adventuring parties, and spies, thanks to the bribes paid to the city guards.
Key Relationships
  • Sailors and Merchants: Primary clientele due to proximity to docks.
  • Shady Characters: Home base for merchants and spies.
  • Warehouse Quarter: Attracts diverse patrons from nearby merchant ships.

Events and Atmosphere

Lively and Entertaining
The inn’s vibrant atmosphere is complemented by events and gatherings, making it a lively hub in the Ryemend Quarter.
Regular Events
  • Merchant Gatherings: Frequented by merchants and sailors.
  • Storytelling: Patrons share tales of their travels, much to the curiosity of the innkeeper’s daughter.
Kabora’s Jewel of the Velerdyva stands as a vibrant and essential part of Verbobonc, offering a blend of hospitality and intrigue by the docks of the Velverdyva River.

Dungeon Master Notes

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Bellia, Daughter of Jarreth
  • Background: Bellia is the daughter of the innkeeper, Jarreth. Unlike her father, she dreams of becoming an adventurer. Her training focuses on innkeeping rather than surviving in the wild.
  • Personality: Curious and eager, she seeks out adventuring stories from guests and tries to ingratiate herself with adventurers.
  • Father's Concern: Jarreth is very protective and wary of adventurers. He often redirects Bellia's attention if he sees her showing too much interest in adventurers.
Plot Hooks
  • Acquaintance Extension: Bellia will try to extend her interaction with adventurers beyond the inn, using excuses to be around them and bring small helpful items.
  • Following Adventurers: Bellia might follow adventurers on their missions, potentially getting into trouble. Her father will blame the adventurers if she gets hurt or causes issues.
Use these plot hooks to create dynamic interactions between the adventurers and the inn's characters, adding depth and potential complications to their stay at Kabora's Jewel Inn.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type 
"At Kabora’s Jewel, you're always among friends and fortunes."
Jessey Vestsmith: The Innkeeper
Jessey Vestsmith, a former caravan guard, now runs the inn. Known for his pragmatic approach, he maintains a delicate balance between hospitality and shady dealings.
Character Traits
  • Description: Experienced fighter and expert, with a rugged demeanor.
  • Personality: Pragmatic, cautious, and hospitable.
  • Motivation: Profit and maintaining the inn’s reputation.
  • Smugglers and Merchants: Recently approached to help smuggle contraband.
  • Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc: Pays bribes to keep soldiers away, fostering a base for spies and shady merchants.
Bellia, Daughter of Jarreth
  • Background: Bellia is the daughter of the innkeeper, Jarreth. Unlike her father, she dreams of becoming an adventurer. Her training focuses on innkeeping rather than surviving in the wild.
Parent Location
Jessey Vestsmith by 3orcs
"Where sailors' tales are tall, and the ale never runs dry."

Cover image: by 3orcs


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