E6 The Riverside Inn Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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E6 The Riverside Inn

A Haven for the Down-and-Out
The Riverside Inn, located in the heart of the cobblestone paths of the Ryemend Quarter, is one of the cheapest inns in town. Despite its worn condition, it offers a place of refuge for those with limited means.

Aging Charm and Basic Comforts

The Riverside Inn shows its age with fallen window shutters and leaky roofs. It offers minimal comforts with 4 private rooms on the top floor and common rooms on the middle floor. The inn provides no room service, running water, or chamber pots, and the blankets are often unclean.
Key Features
  • Accommodations: 4 private rooms, common rooms with small hearths
  • Condition: Worn and aged, with leaky roofs and missing shutters
  • Facilities: No room service, running water, or chamber pots

History: A Longstanding Refuge

The Riverside Inn has served as a refuge for the down-and-out for many years. Its affordable prices and basic accommodations have made it a staple for those in need of shelter.
Historical Highlights
  • Establishment: Known for its affordability and basic services
  • Legacy: Continues to serve the down-and-out, maintaining its reputation as a last resort

Politics of Verbobonc

A Neutral Shelter
The Riverside Inn remains neutral in the political landscape of Verbobonc. It serves as a shelter for the down-and-out, providing a place of refuge regardless of political affiliations.
Political Engagement
  • Local Politics: Maintains neutrality, focusing on providing shelter
  • Regional Ties: Attracts guests from various backgrounds, including those from Furyondy
  • Community Role: Supports the local poor and marginalized


Supporting the Marginalized
The Riverside Inn plays a crucial role in the community by providing affordable shelter for the down-and-out, poor farmers, and drunks. It fosters a sense of belonging for those who have nowhere else to turn.
Key Relationships
  • Local Poor: Regularly serves the down-and-out and poor farmers
  • Travelers: Provides a last resort for those passing through with limited means
  • Community Support: Acts as a crucial support system for the marginalized

Goods and Services

Basic Lodging at Affordable Prices The Riverside Inn offers basic lodging at affordable prices, with a 20% nightly chance of catching a disease in the common rooms and a 30% chance of being pickpocketed by a rogue.
Key Offerings
  • Private Rooms: 4 rooms on the top floor, offering slightly better conditions
  • Common Rooms: Middle floor with shared hearths and minimal comforts
  • Affordability: Cheap lodging at 75% of the standard price
  • Lodging Prices: 75% of standard prices, with a high risk of disease and theft in common rooms
The Riverside Inn stands as a testament to the resilience and resourcefulness of Verbobonc’s marginalized communities, offering a place of refuge for those with nowhere else to go.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
The Riverside Inn by 3orcs
"A roof over your head, no questions asked!"
Notable People
Gwyneth Llewellyn
Tough, resilient, and no-nonsense owner
Gwyneth Llewellyn, the owner of the Riverside Inn, is a resilient and no-nonsense woman of Welsh descent. She runs the inn with a firm hand, ensuring that even the most down-and-out guests have a place to stay.
Character Traits
  • Description: Tough, resilient, and no-nonsense
  • Personality: Firm, practical, and dedicated
  • Motivation: Providing affordable shelter for those in need
Dylan Powel
Gruff, practical, and loyal caretaker
Dylan Powel, the gruff caretaker, is known for his rough exterior but deep sense of loyalty to the inn’s guests. He ensures that the basic needs of the guests are met, despite the inn's limited resources.
Character Traits
  • Description: Gruff, rough around the edges, and loyal
  • Personality: Practical, grumpy, but caring
  • Motivation: Maintaining the inn and caring for its guests
Parent Location
Gwyneth Llewellyn by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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