16. Caravan Campground and Border's Drill field Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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16. Caravan Campground and Border's Drill field

The Caravan Campground and Border's Drill Field is a multifunctional open field located across the merchant road north of Fort Emridy at the eastern end of Cienega Valley. This public field serves as a crucial hub for traveling merchants, military training, and community events, making it an integral part of village life.


Situated strategically across the merchant road from Fort Emridy, this expansive field provides easy access for both the Mounted Borderers and traveling merchant caravans. Its proximity to the fort ensures a secure environment, while its open space makes it ideal for various activities and events.

Character and Personality

The field is a versatile and dynamic area, bustling with activity throughout the year. Its primary function shifts depending on the needs of the community, from serving as a campground for merchants to a drill field for the Mounted Borderers, and a tournament ground for barony events.


Historically, the Caravan Campground and Border's Drill Field has played a vital role in the development and security of Cienega Valley. Established to accommodate the growing number of traveling merchants and provide a training ground for the Mounted Borderers, it has also hosted numerous barony tournaments and festivals, becoming a focal point for both commerce and community life.

Politics of Verbobonc

The field's multifunctional use makes it a significant political and social asset in Cienega Valley and the wider Viscounty of Verbobonc. It serves as a neutral ground for various factions to interact, fostering cooperation and mutual support among the different groups within the community.


The Caravan Campground and Border's Drill Field strengthens relationships between various local entities, promoting unity and collaboration.
  • With Fort Emridy: Commander Olean Rodrigo oversees the military drills and ensures the security of the campground, maintaining order and discipline.
  • With the Merchant Community: The field provides a safe and organized space for merchants to set up camp, fostering commerce and trade within the valley.
  • With the Local Community: The field is a popular venue for barony tournaments and public events, bringing the community together and promoting social cohesion.
  • With House Asbury and House Milinous: The field serves as a neutral ground for interactions between the two houses, helping to mitigate tensions and promote dialogue.


The Caravan Campground and Border's Drill Field is a vital, multifunctional space that serves the diverse needs of Cienega Valley. Its roles in supporting commerce, military training, and community events make it an indispensable asset, fostering unity, security, and prosperity within the valley.
Mounted Borderers Drill Field by 3orcs
"From jousts to markets, this field sees it all."

Multifunctional Uses

Village Campground for Traveling Merchant Caravans
  • The field provides a safe and organized space for traveling merchants to set up camp.
  • Facilities include designated camping areas, fire pits, and water sources.
  • Security is ensured by the proximity of 1. Fort Emridy and regular patrols by the Mounted Borderers.
Mounted Borderers Practice Field
  • The field serves as a training ground for the Mounted Borderers, where they practice maneuvers and drills.
  • Regular training sessions are held to ensure the readiness and proficiency of the Borderers.
  • The field is equipped with targets, obstacles, and other training equipment.
Barony Tournament Field
  • The field hosts various barony tournaments and festivals, attracting participants and spectators from across the Viscounty.
  • Events include jousting, archery, melee combat, and other medieval sports.
  • The tournaments are significant social and economic events, boosting local commerce and community spirit.

Notable Characters

  • Commander Olean Rodrigo: Oversees the military drills and ensures the security of the campground.
  • Mayor Marcus Greensward: Utilizes the field for public events and community gatherings. Hosts Knights tournaments.
  • Gigur Nónason: Supports the field's use for merchant caravans, ensuring it meets the needs of traveling traders.
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: Cienega Valley Banner by 3orcs


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