
Written by WorldBuilderNico

Clan: Lasombra   Sire: Luciana Bianchi   Adoptive Sire: Lucien   Childer: None   Generation: 7     Age Born ≈ 1980 Embraced ≈ 2007   Disciplines   Dominate 5 • Compel (1) • Cloud Memory (1) • Mesmerize (R) (2) • The Forgetful Mind (R) (3) • Rationalize (4) Oblivion 5 • Oblivion Sight (1) • Arms of Ahriman (R) (2) • Touch of Oblivion (R) (3) • Umbrous Clutch, Elder's (R) (4) • Tenebrous Avatar, Elder's (R) (5) Potence 3 • Lethal Body (1) • Soaring Leap (1) • Prowess (R) (2) Fortitude 2 • Resilience (1) • Unswayable Mind (1)   Celerity 1 • Rapid Reflexes (1)   Presence 1 • Awe (1)     Equipment & Possessions   Core's Knife, Silver (+2 Damage)       Biography   Preferring to keep things quiet, not many people know details about Core's life prior to his embrace. What is known, however, is that Core had a rather privileged upbringing. His family was fairly wealthy, affording him an excellent education and many experiences at a young age. Core spent much of his youth traveling the world. Typical of Clan Lasombra, his life slowly fell apart by design of his sire in order to test him. How long it's been since his body was filled with life, no one can say. He most likely was embraced in the mid 2000's.  Early on in his unlife, his sire's haven was raided. His sire was killed in the attack and Core was grievously injured, mere hits away from the final death. Core's sire had a friend, Lucien, a Lasombra Elder, who showed up in the aftermath of the attack. He adopted Core, taking him in as his own childer and teaching him the ways of Clan Lasombra and the Camarilla. He was, at the time of leaving, the only male childer of Lucien, albeit adopted.     Appearance Core is a large, well built, muscular, and handsome man appearing to be in his mid/late twenties. Standing at 6'2" tall and weighing in at 205 pounds of almost pure muscle, he is an imposing figure in any room. His hair is black, bringing out the darker shades in his storm grey eyes.   Most often Core can be seen wearing a black silk button down shirt with matching pants and leather belt. He wears a variety of footwear including boots, oxfords, or sneakers, all of which are black. He has also been known on occasion to wear a suit and tie. Other accessories include luxury timepieces, rings, chains, cufflinks, and sunglasses.   Notably, he also has several tattoos that were applied by a Tremere.
by RamsLord13
    In Modern Nights   Core has been largely unaffiliated these past few years preferring to keep to himself and work in silence. Originally a member of the Camarilla, he left due to a falling out with his adoptive sire. Before the start of the chronicle, he had found work for Baron Eric as an enforcer and information gatherer. He has, most recently, joined up with The Coterie.     VTM Chronicle: 0.5   Core was sent as backup to The Coterie for their mission on the industrial docks. They were securing a duffle bag which was, unbeknownst to them, filled with cash. As The Coterie negotiated with the armed security at the docks an armored van pulled up and began firing at Everlast Lacroix and Matio. As the battle raged on, Core showed up on scene and laid in wait. When a new corvette showed up, driven by Baron Keeling accompanied by his partner Katrina, Core began making his way onto the field. While the Toreadors presented a new challenge to The Coterie, almost securing the duffle bag and making off with it, Core stepped in and fought Keeling, forcing him into submission. Katrina turned the bag over to The Coterie and they promptly left. Introducing himself to the two new kindred, Core didn't realize he found his new coterie.   Together they ran several missions for Baron Eric, fought other kindred, ghouls, and mortals, made friends and created enemies.   Core's former ghoul, Fibbs, betrayed him and ran away causing a masquerade breach. Although he couldn't say much due to a blood bond, Fibbs did leak to FIRSTLIGHT the existence of Everlast Lacroix. For this, the group executed Fibbs and Core disappeared for several weeks in order to pay his penance to Baron Eric. As of tonight, Baron Eric holds Core innocent of these breaches and has pardoned him for an unknown reason. Core has since returned to The Coterie and continues along his nightly path.     VTM Chronicle 1.0   Core and The Coterie established themselves in the Upper Island. They have fought Nazis', Camarilla members, Black Hand assassins, Ur-Shulgi's agents, as well as bikers, and other adversaries including those of clan Nosferatu, and clan Gangrel.   The Coterie also expanded to include Nyx during this time, and other allies.       VTM Chronicle 2.0   Core, after being called by Everlast Lacroix, made his way to Delilah's, a stripclub in the Upper Island's Entertainment District. There they met Delilah, a Fledgling Lasombra who has run the club for the past year. Core and Everlast prevented Camarilla agents, including one Tyrique Williamson, from purchasing and harassing Delilah into joining them. Core, along with Everlast, Kai, Sers, Walker, and Fisher, followed these Camarilla agents. Utilizing his shadow-jumping abilities, Core led the group through the abyss into the meeting room where these Camarilla agents were. They jumped out from the shadows and made quick work of them.   Everlast realized something was wrong and checked the phone of one of the Camarilla members, which had recieved a countdown text. Attempting but failing to call off whatever was about to happen, Everlast activated his powers of Celerity and sped off towards Delilah's club. Unbeknownst to him, Core had jumped into his shadow for the ride. When they arrived an assault had already commenced on the club. They worked quickly to eliminate the remaining attackers, seizing one of their armored vans, 3 silenced rifles, and 3 sets of body armor as 'payment'.     Allies?:   Luciana Bianchi Lysandra Isidra Victoria Ash

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