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How to Become Somebody

General Summary

After recovering from the battle in the summoning chamber, the Party returned to the trading post at Redmund to notify the people. Though lacking in monetary rewards, Constable Harbuck Tuthmar thanked the heroes and gave them a most precious gift: a letter of recommendation to anyone in Mystryl who might read it. After a suspect transaction with the dwarf Helga Thormunder, the party met with Feynola Zumn, the Priestess of Mystra assigned to this temple. She was surprised to hear about demons, though her affect didn't reflect the urgency felt by the Party. However, her acolyte—called "Bilmop" by the Priestess—was visibly distressed by the entire affair.   Upon reaching Mystryl, each hero set about on their own tasks. Axelrod visited the headquarters of the Holy Guard to deliver the message entrusted to him, meant only for the eyes of Captain Arth Evencrusher. Unfortunately, he was rebuffed by Captain Bronwen Mandit and treated as insignificant. Mandit's Lieutenant, Melna Madz, was much kinder to the warrior and pointed him toward a way to prove himself: support and defend Fort Calber from the persistent attacks of monstrous humanoids.   Meanwhile, Bartimus finally reached the great library at the Magic University of Mystryl. He ran into a similar problem, being restricted only to the first floor and the cache of knowledge he knew all too well. Like Axelrod, Barty would need to prove himself worthy enough to access the greater knowledge above him.   Last, Hobart reached out to a contact in the Guild. This immediately proved fruitful, as the party converted much of their loot to gold. Hobart also sent out feelers for information on the Magic University of Mystryl and the whereabouts of his dear friend Lola. Slow to trust as any proper thieves would, they held back until they could confirm Hobart's merit.   (Also last, Emmalyn returned to the Temple of Nine Stars to pursue further training as a Priestess of Mystra.)   As the only volunteers to take on the task of supporting the fort, the Party headed north early the next morning. After (un)successfully stopping a pair of goblins bullying a half-ogre and a tall-grass ambush sprung by other goblins, the heroes found the fort under attack. They immediately charged in to help the soldiers drive off the enemies. The fort's captain, Jervis Kirk, thanked the party and asked that they stay to ward off the imminent nightly response. The Party obliged.   After the smart placement of the light cantrip, all of the fort's defenders were prepared for battle. Then it came: the overwhelming force of the goblinoids. The slightest fear crept into their hearts as goblins, hobgoblins, and even a pair of bugbears assaulted the fort on three fronts. However, thanks to clever spells, strong tactics, and impressive teamwork (and a pair of honest-to-goodness snipers in their midst), the fort was saved with few casualties.   In the morning, Captain Kirk asked the heroes for one more favor: head north, eliminate the goblin boss, and return the fort's battle standard. The Party found the cave and quickly dispatched the previous night's lone survivor and the goblin jailer, freeing two local prisoners. They then handled the goblin boss and his bodyguards with surprising speed and recovered the battle standard.   Have they proven themselves worthy? Will they achieve their original goals? We shall see...
Report Date
08 Aug 2020
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